
How can I match a partial data set with a full one in a spreadsheet?

I have a spreadsheet (in Google Docs, but can be any spreadsheet) with a list of users (one per row), including a username (and other columns). Lets say there are 'n' rows. I have another spreadsheet with less than 'n' rows. One column has a username, another column has some other piece of data (lets say car rego number). I want to move...

JPA merge fails due to duplicate key

I have a simple entity, Code, that I need to persist to a MySQL database. public class Code implements Serializable { @Id private String key; private String description; ...getters and setters... } The user supplies a file full of key, description pairs which I read, convert to Code objects and then insert in a singl...

MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once

Getting following error with my merge statement Msg 8672, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause t...

How can I merge 2 branches in my local repository

Hi, I have 2 branches in my hg repository: 1. default 2. new-feature I tried following this:, I switch back to default by 'hg update -c default' but how can I merge my commits in 'new-feature' to 'default'. I did "hg pull new-feature", it said "repository new-feature not found"! Thank ...

Is there a way to make Git mark a file as conflicted?

It's possible to commit files that contains conflict data. Is there a way to mark these files as conflicted again, so that running git mergetool will generate the necessary files and run the merge tool? ...

Best way to fork SVN project with Git

I have forked an SVN project using Git because I needed to add features that they didn't want. But at the same time, I wanted to be able to continue pulling in features or fixes that they added to the upstream version down into my fork (where they don't conflict). So, I have my Git project with the following branches: master - the br...

Is there a way to easily merge all files in all projects in a visual studio solution between branches in TFS?

The way I have setup TFS for our team is to have branches per environment. Contained within this project is multiple applications and libraries that logically group together. $/TfsProjectA/Development/Source/WebApps/WebApplicationA $/TfsProjectA/Development/Source/WebApps/WebApplicationB $/TfsProjectA/Development/Source/Libraries...

How can I merge two Doctrine records without null values overwriting existing values?

I have an array of default values that I'd like to merge with a Doctrine record. I tried using Doctrine's merge method but it's overwriting existing values with the merge array, even if the merge array contains null values. I'd like to merge in a way that only null or empty values are replaced with existing default values. ...

Subversion has --record-only for merges, how do I do the same in Git ?

I have a repo where 'master' is going in a certain direction, and a second branch 'foo' is going to be divergent for a couple of commits, then track all subsequent changes to 'master' after that. This is all by choice of course. In Subversion you could do a --record-only merge to mark things as "merge has happened" even though no actua...

add multiple po files into one, the default.po

hi there I'm trying to add a i18n support for a CakePHP plugin. I have multiple *.pot files which I've edited/translated with poedit. The thing is that I'll like to merge all the files into one default.po file. Does anyone know how can I do that in the most easy/smart way? ...

Why don't eclipse run configurations survive a merge?

I had some nice eclipse run configurations I had created while working on a branch in SVN. I then merged these changes back into the trunk, and now my eclipse run configurations are gone. Why? My eclipse configuration directory is totally separate from my svn directory. ...

How do I determine if svn:mergeinfo is corrupt and how would I fix it?

I suspect I have corrupt mergeinfo but I'm not sure. Does anyone know how I'd make a determination and what resources are out there to help fix problems? Here’s the issue. My team recently moved to agile and uses feature branches (story branches really) where different teams work on the same sources concurrently. As the story achie...

SVN mergeinfo property and branches

Here we go again with svn:mergeinfo. I have read all the Q/A regarding it but I have come across a case that does not seem to be covered in the existing posts here. My trunk is clean of svn:mergeinfo, i.e. this: svn propget svn:mergeinfo --depth=infinity returns only merge info in the root of trunk, which is fine. The I create a branc...

Merging in git: via git-svn, says Already Up-to-date, but git-diff says there are differences

I'm using git-svn to work with a codebase and I need to merge changes in trunk to my branch. I have both branches fetched in git, and when I run git diff trunk while in my branch, I can see all the changes. When I run git merge heads/trunk, however, I get a message "Already up-to-date". It's clearly not up to date. What am I doing wr...

Show Visual Studio's Source Control Merge Wizard programmatically

Hi, I'm developing a Work item Custom Control and I need to use the standard VS's Merge Wizard for items in source control from my code to allow to user choose the target branch, resolve conflicts etc. I'm pretty sure it's possible in some way (even through the reflection), but I just can't find the proper class in any of VS client assem...

Is there any way to get the combine two xml into one xml in Linux.

XML one is something like that: <dict> <key>2</key> <array> <string>A</string> <string>B</string> </array> <key>3</key> <array> <string>C</string> <string>D</string> <string>E</string> </array> </dict> XML Two is something like that: <dict> <key>A</key> <ar...

SVN problems after migration with CVS2SVN

We´ve migrated from CVS on AIX to SVN on Linux via CVS2SVN. The migration seems to have went well but when working in SVN we get a lot of Tree Conflicts that doesn´t seem to be conflicts at all? Looking at the revision graphs, one can see that the graph for e.g. trunk and a branch isn´t the same, i.e. they contain different sets of revi...

Merge Function In Entity FrameWork?

when i use NHibernate i can find Merg function in session which do that : * if there is a persistent instance with the same identifier currently associated with the session, copy the state of the given object onto the persistent instance * if there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, try to load it from the ...

Accept all merge conflicts in git

I'm trying to do a merge and there's a bunch of conflicts. It's all generated files so what I want to do is basically say "ignore all merge conflicts, and check everything in from my own repo". I've tried git checkout . --ours git add -A git com -a It gives me an error though because there are still files in the "unmerged paths" buc...

Vertically Merge Multiple Tables in MySQL by Joint Primary Key

Hello, I'll attempt to make my question as clear as possible. I'm fairly unexperienced with SQL, only know the really basic queries. In order to have a better idea I'd been reading the MySQL manual for the past few days, but I couldn't really find a concrete solution and my needs are quite specific. I've got 3 MySQL MyISAM tables: table...