
Merge Cell in Excel

How to merge cells using Cell and not Range in I'll try this code but it doesn't work excelSheet.Cells(1, 10).Merge() Can anyone help me.. ...

Advantages of three-way automatic merging vs. two-way

I'm interested in understanding two-way and three-way merging of source code files. Based on what I've read, two-way merging has some "crippling weaknesses" compared to three-way merging. What I'd really like to see are one or two simple, concrete examples of cases where three-way merging is able to automatically merge something from a b...

git-svn: reset tracking for master

I'm using git-svn to work with an SVN repository. My working copies have been created using git svn clone -s so that my working copy follows the default directory scheme for SVN (trunk, tags, branches). Recently I've been working on a branch which was created using git-svn branch myremotebranch and checked-out u...

How are deleted and renamed/moved files handled when merging a feature branch with trunk and reintegrating it back to the trunk in Subversion?

I've got a big-ish project that needs a lot of work on a new feature, so I planned on using a branch to do this work. I haven't had to do this before, and I just wanted to get assurance from an experienced Subversion user that things "should" work smoothly. What I'm especially concerned with is how well Subversion handles deleted, renam...

SQL with Regular Expressions vs Indexes with Logical Merging Functions

Hello All, I am trying to develop a complex textual search engine. I have thousands of textual pages from many books. I need to search pages that contain specified complex logical criterias. These criterias can contain virtually any compination of the following: A: Full words. B: Word roots (semilar to stems; i.e. all words with certa...

Why uses git fast-forward merging per default?

Coming from mercurial, I'm using branches to organize features. Naturally I want to see this work-flow in my history as well. But I started my new project with git and finished a feature. After merging I realized that git used fast-forward and forgot about my branch. So to think into the future: I'm the only one working on this project....

Guidelines for using Merge task in SSIS

I have a table with three fields, one an identity field, and I need to add some new records from a source that has the other two fields. I'm using SSIS, and I think I should use the merge tool, because one of the sources is not in the local database. But, I'm confused by the merge tool and the proper process. I have my one source (an ...

How to replace master branch in git, entirely, from another branch?

Hi, I have two branch in my git repo: master seotweaks (created originally from master) I created "seotweaks" with the intention of quickly merging it back into master, however that was 3 months ago and the code in this branch is 13 versions ahead of "master", it has effectively become our working master branch as all the code in "m...

Is there a PHP function to combine the results of 2 arrays based off of keys?

Hey Everyone, If I have the following arrays arry1 = array( 101 => array( 'title1' => 'data', 'title2' => 'data', 'title3' => 'data' ), 102 => array( 'title1' => 'data', 'title2' => 'data', 'title3' => 'data' ), . . . ); arry2 = array( 101 => array( ...

Ruby: merge two hash as one and with value connected

Hi guys: 2 hash: h1 = { "s1" => "2009-7-27", "s2" => "2010-3-6", "s3" => "2009-7-27" } h2 = { "s1" => "12:29:15", "s2" => "10:00:17", "s3" => "12:25:52" } I want to merge the two hash as one like this: h = { "s1" => "2009-7-27 12:29:15", "s2" => "2010-3-6 10:00:17", "s3" => "2009-7-27 2:25:52" } what is the best ...

Merging pdf-s with iText for double sided printing

Hi, I have multipaged pdf file (let's call it file1) And I am generating another pdf (file2) that consists of 1 table that may be also multipaged. How can I merge the existing pdf into the one I am generating so that the pages of these two files would be one after another (file1page1, file2page1, file1page2, etc...) I know how to merg...

What does it mean when git pull causes a conflict but git pull --rebase doesn't?

I'm pulling from a repository that only I have access to. As far as I know, I've only pushed to it from one repository. A couple of times, I've tried pushing to it and gotten this: To [email protected]:tsched_dev.git ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:ts...

SQL Server 2008 - Database Merger and Aliasing?

Suppose I have two SQL Server 2008 databases, A and B. They initially were created with the intention to be separate, but over time have grown to both have constant references (in sprocs, views, etc) to each other. It's gotten to the point that they're effectively just two halves of the same database. So, we're considering merging them....

OutOfMemoryError during the pdf merge

the below code merges the pdf files and returns the combined pdf data. while this code runs, i try to combine the 100 files with each file approximately around 500kb, i get outofmemory error in the line document.close();. this code runs in the web environment, is the memory available to webspehere server is the problem? i read in an arti...

Does git know which branch is which after a merge?

Sorry if this is a stupid question with just a yes/no answer, but if I understand correctly, in git a branch is just a pointer to a commit. Doesn't this imply that once you've merged two branches, git doesn't know which one pointed to which set of commits? Before A---B---C---D---E <- X \ 1----2----3----4 <- Y ...

Order records from multiple models by attribute

Given the three models “message”, “profile” and “comment” i want to merge them into one list, ordered by their common attribute “created_at”. I want to accomplish something like the project overview in Basecamp - see 3) here: ...

Merging two arrays in PHP

Hi everyone, I am trying to create a new array from two current arrays. Tried array_merge, but it will not give me what I want. $array1 is a list of keys that I pass to a function. $array2 holds the results from that function, but doesn't contain any non-available resuls for keys. So, I want to make sure that all requested keys comes ou...

Interactive GUI-like command line merging tool (like BeyondCompare or WinMerge) for Linux

May be something that uses reverse-video to show the differences. ...

After running merge in mercurial how do I list files that required a merge?

TortoiseHg adds a "ms" (merge status?) column after doing a merge which indicates 'R' or 'U'. What is the equivalent command line command? ...

Strings wont combine - Objective C

Ik have the following strings in the .H file, and i want them to merge into one string at the end of the app when the have collected their data. It wont work, why not and how must i do it correct so the data collected in these strings will be merged into one string ?? NSString *dataHML; NSString *dataHML2; NSString *dataHML3; NSString...