
Crashing Strings.... :( objective-c

I have in the .h file : NSString *dataHML; NSString *dataHML2; NSString *dataHML3; NSString *dataHML4; NSString *dataHML5; NSString *dataHML6; NSString *dataHMLtotal; in the .m file i merge them with : NSString *dataHtmlTotal = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@%@", dataHtml, dataHtml2, dataHtml3, dataHtml4,dataHtml5,dataHtml6]...

SVN Working Copy to Different Branch Merge Without Commit to Working Copy Branch

If a working copy (local copy) was created from a branch, lets call it A. Coding was done in branch A, but branch A was "Closed" to commits, and branch b was opened. How do I merge my working copy changes into Branch B and commit to branch B, without commiting my changes to branch A first. Trunk -> branch A. I checked out branch A...

PHP - Patterns within Arrays

I am trying to create a function which maps a recurring pattern of integers using an array. As an example if I have a starting array of (0,1,3) and I know that I want to stop the pattern when I hit 15. The pattern gets incremented by a fixed integer each time (lets say 4) so my final pattern should be.. 0 1 3 4 (0 + 4) 5 (1 + 4) 7 (2 ...

Any diff/merge tool that provides a report (metrics) of conflicts?

CONTEXT: I am preparing a big C# merge using visual studio 2008 and TFS. I need to create a report with the files and the number of collisions (total changes and conflicts) for each file (and in total of course) PROBLEM: I cannot do it for two reasons (first one is solved): 1- Using TFS merge I can have access to the file comparison bu...

php - replace array elements with another array's elements?

Not sure how to go about this... But, I have two arrays, one with updated information, another with outdated information... There are a lot more elements in the second array, but I'm looking to "update" the outdated one with the updated information. Here's what the arrays look like: //Outdated Array ( [0] => Array ( ...

Using a regex pattern to find revision numbers from a svn merge

svn diff -rXX:HEAD Will give me a format like this, if there has been a merge between those revisions: Merged /<branch>:rXXX,XXX-XXX or Merged /<branch>:rXXX I'm not very familiar with regex and am trying to put together a pattern which will match all the numbers (merged revision numbers) AFTER matching the "Merged /branch:r" part. ...

TortoiseSvn Merge followed by Create Patch does not include new files

I am doing a Merge in TortoiseSvn, which modifies some files, deletes some, and adds some. Next I am doing a Create Patch to create a patch file with these changes. The problem is that the resulting patch file includes only the modifications and deletions, not the adds. I have discovered a workaround. If I revert the adds and then do...

Can I use an external diff/merge tool within the Eclipse "Team Synchronization" perspective?

In the Synchronize tab of the Eclipse Team Synchronization perspective, double-clicking a file shows the built-in 2-way diff/merge editor. If I install an external merge utility, this is not used in the Team Synchronization perspective--it can only be accessed from the Edit Conflicts... menu item. It would be much nicer to have a 3-way m...

Mercurial: applying changes one by one to resolve merging issues

I recently tried to merge a series of changeset and encountered a huge number of merging issues. Hence I'd like to to try to apply each changeset, in order, one by one, in order to make the merging issues easier to manage. I'll give an example with 4 problematic changesets (514,515,516 and 517) [in my real case, I've got a bit more than...

Tell git not to merge binary files but to choose

When the binary files, swfs, jars and flvs are changed locally, and I try to pull in changes, git tries to merge them and reports conflict. And then, I branch to a temporary branch, and commit the local changed binary files, and merge them back after the pull with recursive theirs strategy. -- Too much work. Is there a way to tell git,...

visual tool to resolve conflicts merged into a single file

I did a git merge and ended up with a file like that looks like this: class member extends item{ /********CONSTANTS**********/ const is_flaggable = true; const is_commentable = false; const is_ratable = false; const table = 'member'; <<<<<<< HEAD const table_about = 'mem_about' ; const table_to_about = 'm...

How do I do batch upserts in SQL Server?

I'm using the MERGE statement to upsert rows in an sql server 2008 database. However, my sproc is a single-row operation, whereas in fact I'd prefer to batch these. Is this even possible and, if so, how do I do it? ...

In mercurial, how do I get a preview of the number of files with true conflicts?

I'd like a quick way to know how many conflicts I will need to merge manually. Is this built-in? Or is there an existing tool to use as the merger to just count this? ...

Dealing with MySQL Temp Table algorithm for views

It would be nice if the Temp Table algorithm would be renamed to Unscalable algorithm. Perhaps then it would provide more of a warning to developers when seeing this in a view definition - similarly when it says using temp table in the explain results. Just a tongue-in-cheek request for the most part but really it can be disastrous to t...

git: import changes form non git repository

Scenario: Local git repo, default master branch FTP server with content of the repo (non git), synchronized daily with the local repo, master branch Workflow: user1 is working on local git repo (git add, working directory clean) user2 (non git user) changed files directly on the FTP server How can I import all files changed on FT...

built in function to combine overlapping string sequences in php?

Is there a built in function in PHP that would combine 2 strings into 1? Example: $string1 = 'abcde'; $string2 = 'cdefg'; Combine to get: abcdefg. If the exact overlapping sequence and the position are known, then it is possible to write a code to merge them. TIA ...

Determining SQL MERGE statement result

Is there a way to determine whether a record was matched or not (whether the record was inserted or updated) after calling MERGE? Ideally I'd like to output it to a parameter. Edit: I've got the merge statement outputting what happened in my management studio using the following statement: Say I had the following merge statement: MERG...

Using git-svn (or similar) just to help out with svn merge?

Some complex subversion merges are coming up in my project: big branches that have been apart for a long time. Svn gives too many conflicts - and some of them seem spurious. Given that git is praised for a superiour merge experience, Would it be any good to use git-svn just for the benefit of making the merge more manageable? Can y...

Memory Efficient file append

i have several files whose content need to be merged into a single file. i have the following code that does this ... but it seems rather inefficient in terms of memory usage ... would you suggest a better way to do it ? the Util.MoveFile function simply accounts for moving files across volumes private void Compose(string[] files)...

Determining an Oracle SQL MERGE statement result

Follow up to this question This (similar version from old link) works in SQL Server 2008, however, Oracle is giving me trouble: MERGE INTO wdm_test USING ( select '10000000000000000000000000000000' Guid from DUAL ) val ON ( wdm_test.Guid = val.Guid ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET test_column = null WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Guid, ...