
Replace into equivalent for postgresql and then autoincrementing an int

Okay no seriously, if a postgresql guru can help out I'm just getting started. Basically what I want is a simple table like such: CREATE TABLE schema.searches ( search_id serial NOT NULL, search_query character varying(255), search_count integer DEFAULT 1, CONSTRAINT pkey_search_id PRIMARY KEY (search_id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ...

Searching within svn logs and merging several revisions at once

I want to be able to search within the commit logs of svn. I know you can do that on tortoise. We are moving to a two-tiered repository approach, so that the stable branch will only get fully completed and tested stories. To achieve that, I would need a way to search within the commit messages for the story code (eg:#s1322) and get a lis...

How do I search within svn logs

I want to be able to search within the commit logs of svn. I know you can do that on tortoise, but couldn't find a way using the command line. We are moving to a two-tiered repository approach, so that the stable branch will only get stories fully completed and tested. To achieve that, we would need a way to search within the commit me...

What's the simplest way to git a list of conflicted files?

I just need a plain list of conflicted files. Is there anything simpler than: git ls-files -u | cut -f 2 | sort -u or git ls-files -u | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq ? I guess I could set up a handy alias for that, just was wondering how pros do it. I'd use it to write shell loops e.g. to auto-resolve conflict etc.. Maybe replac...

Graphical patch utility

I have a kernel patch for a slightly different kernel version then the one I'm trying to patch. Needless to say, the patch partially fails. I can certainly fix it manually, but I was wondering maybe there is a graphical patch utility that can be used to resolve the conflicts. ...

Evil merges in git - where do they come from?

I've read this question and the answers, but what isn't clear to me is WHO creates the "changes that do not appear in any parent". Is it the git merge algorithm screwing up? Or is it because the user has to manually adjust the conflicts to get the thing to build, introducing new code which wasn't in either parent? ...

How to display two ObservableCollections as a single list in WPF?

I have two ObservableCollections, say ObservableCollection<Cat> and ObservableCollections<Dog>. Cat and Dog both derive from class Pet. I want to display a list of all Pets. How do I do this? I prefer not want create a new ObservableCollection<Pet> by adding items from the two source lists because this list will become stale as more Cats...

How can I merge this data in MATLAB?

In the sample text file below, if column 3 contains a 1 then the corresponding data of column 2 should be merged with the data of the previous row in column 2. For example, the 40 in row 2 should be added to the 10 in row 1, then row 2 should be set to 0 (as shown in the modified sample text file). The problem with my code below is that ...

git workflow: throwaway merges and git-rerere - what's the point?

Like most people new to Git, I've had my share of confusion trying to decipher the use cases applicable to git merge and git rebase. I think I've finally decided that, as far as the resulting working copy state, they give you the same thing. Also, they both result in the same conflicts. If this is incorrect, please provide an example ...

nhibernate - problem with merging collections

I have parent/child relationship, and child have composite id Parent <id name="Id" type="Int32"> <generator class="identity" /> </id> <set name="Children" table="CTable" cascade="all-delete-orphan" inverse="true" lazy="false" > <key column="ParentId"/> <one-to-many class="ChildrenClass"/> </set> Child <composite...

Subversion/Tortoise/.NET: merge not copying in newly added file

Hi all I've created a branch to handle some new developments I don't want impacting on the trunk until they're complete. Initially I simply created a copy of the trunk. I then created working copies of both the trunk and the branch. In the working copy of the trunk, I modified a couple of files and added a new one. I then committed my...

Subversion: Multiple conflicts when merging the differences between two branches into an unmodified working copy

I have a Subversion repository full of WordPress sites. The repository structure looks something like this: /WordPress/tags/2.9.2 / / ... When I want to create a new site, I simply copy /WordPress/tags/<latest-tag> to /<new-site>/trunk. It's been great! - except that now, for th...

Need GIT workflow suggestion

Hi there, I have been studding GIT for the last couple of weeks in an attempt to get my team's code under control. Unfortunately the code we work with is a proprietary language with some peculiarities which is keeping me from finding a practical enough workflow to be implemented. Still, I'm probably not aware of all GIT's capabilities s...

How to distinguish ordinary commit and merge in Subversion?

I'm working on SVN repository hooks. Here is the typical structure of repository: trunk/ branches/ branch1/ branch2/ In pre-commit hook I need to detect if merge (between branches, from branch to trunk or vice-versa) has been performed and check if user is authorized to perform merge. I discovered that merge changes 'svn:merg...

Git merge driver problem.

Hi, I'm trying to get git to allow me very manual merges due the way my code is (long story, it is explained here). I almost got it the way I wanted, just something missing in a specific situation. Shouldn't be too hard: I've got the custom driver to use WinMerge with something likec:/wm/winmerge.exe $1 $2 $3 (into c:/wm/, git c...

TFS baseless merge

I am merging two branches which do not have a parent child relationship. I have started with a single file to test if the merge is working properly before the actual merge. I am using tfs baseless merge in order to do this.The following is the command: Tf merge /baseless C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Test\CreateDescription.aspx.cs C:\Inetpub\wwwro...

Mercurial - When to use update

When do I use update vs merge? If I do a pull from a remote repository, I'm reading that I have to do update to get those changes into my working directory. But others times I'm reading that I have to do merge. Do I maybe want to always do an update after a pull, and then do a merge only if there are conflicts? What am I not understa...

How to merge two arrays in a plist?

I have a plist with two string arrays. I want to merge these two arrays. I tried selecting all the strings in one array and copying to the other, but I cant select multiple items. I don't want to do this programmatically. I'm on a Mac using xcode. Any thoughts? ...

Is git's merge conflict resolution more efficient than other SCMs and merge tools?

Is git's merge conflict resolution inherently more efficient than other SCMs (CVS,Subversion,etc.), and also standalone merge tools? If so, why? Clarification: here I'm more interested in the algorithm itself - is it any different from a plain diff3 method? Some tools claim to be smarter in that(e.g. Guiffy), is it worth plugging one in...

Git: how to merge modified files only

Hi, I have the following problem: We have a large product which is in master branch. Also we have other branches that have only few files, the files that are specific to this branch only. Each of those branches represent a plugin to the main product. So for example when you get the main product, you receive lots of files, install them, e...