
Do MERGE using Linq to SQL

SQL Server 2008 Ent ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Linq-to-SQL I am building a gaming site, that tracks when a particular player (toon) had downed a particular monster (boss). Table looks something like: int ToonId int BossId datetime LastKillTime I use a 3d party service that gives me back latest information (toon,boss,time). Now I want to update ...

check if record exists "update" if not "insert" stored procedure

hey guys I got this. I want to check table PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER if any records exists for strClientID update timeValid for +30 if no records for strClientID insert to premium_service_user table.. what am I doing wrong? It increases timeValid for +30 days but inserts another row too.. thank you.. Select @pre_var = count(*) From PREMIUM_...

how to use merge() to update a table in R

I'm trying to figure out how to use merge() to update a database. Here is an example. Take for example the data frame foo foo <- data.frame(index=c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), value=c(100, 101, NA, NA)) Which has the following values index value 1 a 100 2 b 101 3 c NA 4 d NA And the data frame bar bar <- data....

Missing files after git pull?

I have a remote that is the same, or similar, to the rails project in my current directory. To sync the two, I do git init git remote add origin blah@blah git pull The problem is that some of the files I had in my working copy were added (ie not in the remote), so when I do git status it should show a bunch of untracked files. Ins...

Can gitk show the diff of merges by default?

Currently for merges without conflicts gitk shows no diffs. Is it possible to have the diffs resulting from a merge (which are indeed there, e.g. git diff HEAD~1 after the merge shows these diffs) shown by defautl, e.g. using a command line switch? Or why does gitk by default not show them? ...

How to merge lines in an SQL query?

MY table looks like this id | string | foreign_id --------------------------- 1 | house | 5 2 | garden | 6 3 | window | 5 ... I have an array of strings and i want to get all foreign ids which match all elements in the array. So i have an array like this [house, window] then i want to get 5. The array of strings can have up to 10 ...

Git unmerged path issue...

I merged branch dog into animal. When I go to commit, I get the following: Unmerged paths: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution both deleted: ../public/images/originals/ added by them: ../public/images/original_files/ To make a long story short, I had different...

java merge two xml strings in java

What is the best way for me to merge two xml strings in java? ...

SVN Merge Problem

I have a SVN repository for a piece of software developed by a third party. My repository has the following three directories: trunk oldVersion newVersion I'm trying to use the following svn command to upgrade from version 1 to 2: svn merge oldVersion@HEAD newVersion@HEAD . --ignore-ancestry where the working directory contains a c...

DevelopmentServerPort merge conflict

I have a team of people working on a Visual Studio (C#) project, and we keep running into this problem where there is a merge conflict in the project file on the DevelopmentServerPort. Apparently the DevelopmentServerPort is saved in the project file, rather than in user settings. Is there any way to solve this, other than forcing it...

jpa merge not working

I have a problem with merging of objects using JPA. My code goes like this. EntityTransaction entr = em.getTransaction(); entr.begin(); Query q = em .createQuery("SELECT filterName FROM IbFilterName filterName where" + " filterName.filterId = 42352 "); List<IbFilterName> filterNameList = q.getResultList(); for(IbFilterName fil...

Merging (watermark) a jpg with png while resizing the png in PHP GD

Hi everyone, I am sure I could somehow figure this out but it's just taking me way too long since I am not a PHP guy. Hopefully someone can set up the script for me in minutes... So here's what I need to do: I transmit 2 pictures from a smartphone to a webserver. These 2 images need to be merged (watermarked). They differ a little: p...

Interleaving sparse sorted arrays

I've got a set of lists of events. The events always happen in a given order, but not every event always happens. Here's an example input: [[ do, re, fa, ti ], [ do, re, mi ], [ do, la, ti, za ], [ mi, fa ], [ re, so, za ]] The input values don't have any inherent order. They're actually messages like "creating symlinks" and "r...

Reverting a git merge -s ours

Hi, I want to revert a merge because instead of using git merge -s recursive -X ours, I've used git merge -s ours. I've read this blog post about reverting merges, but it doesn't seem to work for my case. So, I have the master branch, and then the topic branch. At some point I merged master into topic, and then merged topic into maste...

How to merge N SQLite database files into one if db has the primary field?

I have a bunch of SQLite db files, and I need to merge them into one big db files. How can I do that? Added Based on this, I guess those three commands should merge two db into one. attach './abc2.db' as toMerge; insert into test select * from toMerge.test detach database toMerge The problem is the db has PRIMARY KEY field, and ...

What is a merge friendly format for entering text tokens

I have an excel list (excel 2003) where user enter translations for tokens. It has 3 columns (key, value, language). It can be something like key: Login.Header, value: "Please login to the website" language: en. This works quite well. I use this file to generate language specific images in a website that uses lots of graphics for texts....

Unable to merge branch back into trunk after repository re-arrange

Hi, I'm facing an issue with merging a branch back into a tree on SVN, this is my situation My branch was created some time ago Since then, we have re-arranged our SVN repository, and this project has moved under a different heirarchy. Now, I would like to merge that branch back into its trunk I seem to be getting a lot of tree con...

Bizarre Install Dialog Showing Up After Running WiX Installation

I have created a WiX installation package for a large program. The install package includes the merge modules for the Visual C++ 9.0 files. I need to include the merge modules for a COM DLL. The installation runs just fine. The first time I run the program, though, something odd happens. The first time the COM DLL is called, the Win...

Merging Multiple KML Files

I cannot find a script to easily merge kml files; any ideas? Ideally I'd like something along the lines of kmlmerge $file $file, as I'm already working on a shell script for managing multiple kismet drone nodes. ...

VC++ merge multiple COM DLLs into one

Let's say we have multiple libraries (DLLs) whose features one wants to use in an application, and wants to use them as a single DLL. Is it possible to merge the DLLs into a single one, with all the features packed into it? I am not looking at the option to write a wrapper. EDIT: I've revisited the problem. Now all I want to do is bri...