
'git status' shows changes to be commited, but 'git push origin master' says 'Everything up-to-date'

I had some conflicts between my local repo and the remote repo. So, I did: git stash git pull origin master git stash apply // here i had merge conflicts, so i edited the files and did git add file1 git add file2 git commit Now when I do git status it shows a bunch of modified files, etc. But git push origin master says Everything...

Is it possible to use the Sql MERGE syntax to UPDATE / INSERT data from another variable TABLE?

Hi folks, I wish to Insert or Update a row in a table - so I wish to try and use the MERGE syntax. My problem is that my data (to insert/update) exists in a variable table. I'm not sure how to write the correct syntax for the insert/update part. Here's my pseduo code :- -- Here's the Variable Table ... and not it has not PK. DECLARE @...

merge k lists with o(nlogk)

Is the running time of the Merge algorithm O(n log k)? k is the number of lists. n is the total number of elements in all of the lists (n = n1 + n2 + ... + nk). algorithm MakingAHalf(List_Of_Lists) if List_Of_Lists.size() = 1 return the only list in List_Of_Lists else split List_Of_Lists into two halfs (Firs...

git all the file marked as conflict

Hello, I am new to GIT (from SVN). When I make a merge, all the file is set as conflicted (not only the lines where there is really a conflict). This should come from a "end of line" problem between me (Windows) and my partner (Mac) but how to solve that? Thanks in advance for your help! Farf ...

Merging SVN branches into the trunk

When I merge a branch back into the trunk using SVN I am advised to merge from the root of the repository. Why is this? (revision numbering?) ...

Ugly Git merge problem

I was doing some work at home over the weekend and used git to merge code changes back to my office computer (connected via a vpn) and found some very ugly merge problems. First of all the merge should have been very clean as everything was committed at the office on Friday and I only made changes to my home computer on Saturday and Sun...

Is there a guarantee that svn automatically merges concurrent "add line" and "delete line" to the same file?

I have a distributed system which uses XML files in an SVN repository as a means of communication (as you may guess from that, communication normally is slow). Some processing nodes add or delete some data to a repository, another processing node takes this as an input event and reacts accordingly. At the moment, everything's fine, but ...

What's the best way to add a column to an existing dataset?

Okay, my description is a little long-winded but bear with me. I have two extremely long queries that I am running on multiple tables, using an INNER JOIN. The only difference between these two queries is that they take different input values for one of the WHERE clauses, which they get from two separate DropDownLists. The results of th...

In Mercurial, how do I pick specific files from a named branch to merge back with default?

I have a big named branch with a lot of changes. Some of these changes are non-destructive so I want to pick these specific files out first, and merge them with default as soon as possible. (Then later, the destructive changes are merged as well.) In Git I would create another branch and squash all changesets outside of the index, then ...

Why does git pull --rebase fail when replaying existing commits?

I don't get this: when I 'git pull --rebase remote branch' it reverts my HEAD back to their shared root and then starts replaying all of the remote commits that have happened in the meantime. Why do these commits sometimes fail? They are clean commits on a clean workspace? Isn't that almost the point of rebasing? ...

Merging xml documents using linq to xml and xdocument

I have the following xml: <DOCUMENT> <ARTICLE> <META name="bbb" value="7086" score="0.58" key="6007"/> <META name="ccc" value="7089" score="0.58" key="6008"/> <META name="ddd" value="7087" score="0.58" key="6009"/> </ARTICLE> </DOCUMENT> I need to use linq to xml and an xdocument to allow users in an page to edit ...

DataTable collapses data during Merge

Hi, I got mad about this DataTable and merging behavior. Today I experienced this: I have a datatable with 4 keys and 3 additional data columns. Now I need to merge a second table with again 4 keys (same as first datatable – name and type identical) but 6 data columns not hold to the first datatable. The result after merge should contain...

Reintegrate feature branch into trunk & saving revisions

I'm new to svn and I'm a bit confused with reintegrate function. When I started to develop new feature I created branch of my project. Then I committed some revisions and now I want to reintegrate it back to trunk. When I do this it appears like single commit in trunk branch. But I want to see all history of revisions of feature branch ...

How to lock SVN trunk except for merges from branch?

I'd like to prevent developers working directly on the trunk. I'm aiming to enforce all developers off the trunk and to work on there own branches until CI tests are cleared. They then have to merge from the trunk to their branch (to pick up latest changes), run and pass tests before they merge back to the trunk. Is there any rules fo...

Compare two data.frames to find the rows in data.frame 1 that are not present in data.frame 2

Hi all, I have the following 2 data.frames: a1 <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b=letters[1:5]) a2 <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b=letters[1:3]) I want to find the row a1 has that a2 doesn't. Is there a built in function for this type of operation? (p.s: I did write a solution for it, I am simply curious if someone already made a more crafted code)...

What do I do with my svn branch after I merge it into trunk?

I needed to do some feature development on a branch, so I created one and now I've merged it back into trunk. The question is, what do I do with that branch? What's the wise thing to do? Do I remove it from the repos? It feels untidy and unnecessary to just leave it there. ...

Merging dlls from dlls working under licensing

Hello Folks, I will appreciate your help in this. I have spent many time in looking for a procedure or tool that can let me create a single DLL from other private dlls (I named private because these dlls are working under licensing). I already bought the lic but I dont like to see the vendors name in my apps (I'd prefer to see the dlls ...

MYSQL moving the position of an index.

So a search on google didn't turn up anything and neither did StackOverflow so far. Essentially my problem is this: I have a merge table and another normal table I wish to merge into it. Unfortunately one index in this new table is out of position so the merge doesn't work. Existing merge table indexes: KEY `Row ID` (`Row ID`), KEY `C...

Is there a way to get CVS to not produce merge conflicts on keyword substitutions like $Id: $

We use CVS currently and develop new features on a branch before merging to trunk. Occasionally we get merge conflicts caused by the CVS keyword substitution. So when reviewing the conflict file we see something like this <<<<<<< collect_logs.conf # CVS $Id: collect_logs.conf,v 1.6 2010/02/03 16:43:11 peterw Exp $ ======= # CVS $Id: col...

mergesort array of int using pointers

Hello everyone! For school I have to program a merge sort using only pointers. I've tried almost everything, but I can not get it working. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define num_elementi(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) void selsort(int arr[],int n); void swap(int * a, int * b); void print(int a...