
Looking for merge tool with very good in-line-comparison support

I have seen this topic discussed several times, but emphasis is on "very good in-line-comparison" here, which was not really covered by those threads. E.g. I would like the tool to recognize and highlight that the resource "colorpicker_newstring" has been added when comparing the following two blocks. WinMerge and Kdiff both fail... Doe...

Remote merge conflict resolution with local GUI tools

I would like to use a GUI app on my Mac (Changes to resolve merge conflicts when using Mercurial via SSH on my server. What is the most straightforward way to achieve this without cloning the repository locally? ...

How to use T-SQL MERGE in this case?

I'm new to T-SQL command MERGE so I found a place in my SQL logic where I can use it and want to test it but can't figure out how exatcly should I use it: IF (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM commissions_history WHERE request = @requestID)) UPDATE commissions_history SET amount = @amount WHERE request = @requestID ELSE INSERT INTO ...

Excel - Combine multiple columns into one column

Hey everyone. I'm new to excel and VBA and I'm stuck at this problem. I have multiple lists that are in separate columns in excel. What I need to do is combine these columns of data into one big column. I do not care if there are duplicate entries, however I want it to skip row 1 of each column. ROW1| 1 2 3 ROW2| A D G ROW3|...

How can I mark a single file as unresolved after a failed merge in git?

Hi, at the moment I'm merging a very large project and unfortunately I have lots of conflicts. After merging some files I realized that I made merge errors in a specific file and now it is marked as resolved. How can I unresolve it in git in order to merge it again. I tried git reset --hard -- myFile.txt but it doesn't work. Regards,...

How to merge code on svn

I'm using subeclipse plugin for eclipse for SVN. My project looks like this : ProjectName\ - branches - special_ - tags - trunk I have currently checked out project from special_ and I've modified and added one class, how can I merge the code which I updated/added to trunk ? I'll take anything into consideration ...

Develop multiple very similar projects at once

I am developing a semi-complicated site that is available in several countries at once. Much effort has been put in to make the code bases as similar as possible to one another and ultimately only the config file and some representational data will differ between them. Each project has its own SVN repository which maps directly to a liv...

Why do I get conflicts when Merging a branch to the Trunk and then merging it back to the branch?

Lets say I have a feature branch named "branches/BigFeature". I want to push those changes to the Trunk, make some changes to Trunk and merge back it all back into the "BigFeature" branch so development can continue. My steps were to: Merge the latest changes in Trunk to branches/BigFeature. (Tortoise SVN -> Merge a range of revisio...

git: correct way to merge/rebase with respect to svn dcommit

I have the following situation (mostly because I didn't really thought it through in the beginning -- or more exactly, I thought it shouldn't be a problem the way I did this but now I am stumbled): ... --- A --- B1 --- ... --- Bn ... --- git-svn Whereby A and git-svn are at the same state (exactly the same files and file content) but...

Word mail-merge called from Access 2007

Hi, I am working with a french version of Access and I absolutely need characters with accents (, etc.) I am calling Word from Access to do a mail-merge. I used to output the result of a query in a RTF file and merge with a .dot file. With 2003, the whole process went OK. With 2007, the accentuated characters go wrong. I tried UTF-8 enc...

TFS merging for users that are used to VSS

I just migrated a team of 7 developers from VSS to TFS. I migrated all of their code into a DEV folder which I then branched into a QA folder (which I branched into a PROD folder). The developers usually don't work on the same files, but there are some shared utility classes. All of the code is for a large ASP.NET web site. When the dev...

I have two eclipse projects on a SVN repository. How should I combine them into one?

I have two eclipse projects on an SVN repository that I feel should be merged into one. The easiest way that I can think of doing this is to copy the contents of both projects into a new local project, commit it, and nuke the old ones. Is there a better, SVN-ish way of doing things? I'm using the Eclipse Subversive plugin, for what it...

How to "interleave" two DataTables.

Take these two lists: List 1 Red Green Blue List 2 Brown Red Blue Purple Orange I'm looking for a way to combine these lists together to produce: List 3 Brown Red Green Blue Purple Orange I think the basic rules are these: 1) Insert on top the list any row falling before the first common row (e.g., Brown comes before the first...

Sequence and merge jpeg images using Python?

hi, im doing a project as part of academic programme.Im doing this in linux i wanted to create a application which retrieve some information from some pdf files .for eg i have pdfs of subject2,subject1,in both the whole pdf is divided in to 4 modules and i want to get the data of module 1 from pdf..for this purpose my tuto...

Rails and Git workflow advice.

Hi Everyone, I need some advice with my desired setup with git and Rails. Basically for my first Rails application I used a base application template from GitHub, I then made a ton of changes and now have a full application which is fairly customised. I have now extracted all of the changes I made to the files within the base applica...

how to use git rebase to clean up a convoluted history

After working for several weeks with a half dozen different branches and merges, on both my laptop and work and my desktop at home, my history has gotten a bit convoluted. For example, I just did a fetch, then merged master with origin/master. Now, when I do git show-branches, the output looks like this: ! [login] Changed domain name...

SVN moving duplicate directory structures onto one another

I have duplicate directory structures in two locations that I need to merge together in an svn repository. By "merge" I mean I want all files and folder that are unique to structure b to be moved into structure a. When I try to do this using svn move I get the error svn: Path 'com' already exists The folders look like: src -> com ...

Manual merge on GIT

Hi there, I am new to GIT and I have a question that probably wont like. Still, I may. I develop in a proprietary script language with very resumed code in which most configurations are contained inside the code itself. The obvious problem would be the differences in the code itself between test and production environments and that's ...

Merging .net object graph

Hi guys, has anyone come across any scenario wherein you needed to merge one object with another object of same type, merging the complete object graph. for e.g. If i have a person object and one person object is having first name and other the last name, some way to merge both the objects into a single object. public class Person { p...

iPhone: Core Data: Updating a pre-filled database in future app versions.

I am creating an app with a database of information that needs to be pre-filled. This data will change in future versions. In the same database, I also need to store user editable information since that user edited data directly relates to the pre-filled data. My question is, if I'm pre-filling the database by creating a duplicate data ...