
svn: merging branches

I'm a bit unclear about merging branches in SVN and was wondering if someone could explain... project1 trunk foo.c bar.c baz.c branches tags project2 trunk foo.c quux.c boing.c branches project1-offshoot foo.c bar.c baz.c boing.c tags Suppo...

Git pulls without normal merge conflicts

Hi I'm fairly new to Git, and have been working with it for only 3 months. We previously migrated our repositories from SVN. I'd like to be able to merge changes from the master into my dev branch without getting "normal merge" conflicts that require "git mergetool", just so I can inspect a change that could have been merged without s...

Subversion Repository Architecture for Separate Dev/Test/Prod Environments

Hi everyone, I've been tasked to build up a subversion system for dev/test/prod environments, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with a similar environment or suggestions. We build and configure a number of systems that are a combination of scripts and complex configuration files for 3rd party products. Due to this, it is im...

TSQL Merge statement hanging

I currently run the following statement and the query never completes. I am unsure why as I use the same query with other source tables and it completes very quickly, this source table is not bigger. merge into dbo.Tickets_Amends as target using dbo.Tickets_Healthchecks_parentlesstickets as source on (target.fault_ID = source.fa...

With git how can i merge a repository that has already been merged?

I have a repository that i pulled the changes for, so now it is up to date with the remote repository. Except that now i realized that i needed to pull all of that repositories changes and keep none of mine. I want to go back in history so that i won't get an "Already up-to-date" when i pull. Also part two, how can i pull and get all of ...

Merging a renamed folder from a SVN branch back into the trunk, keeping original named folder in trunk

A little background, because this might be kind of confusing: the project I'm working on is one where most of the code is the same, but there are some files that change based on the platform we're deploying to. For this, the root folder has all of the "core" files that don't change, and then there is a directory for each platform with t...

Merging complex dictionaries in C# .net by writing a generic recursive function

Hello all I have two complex dictionaries in the form Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>>> So as you see i've inner dictionaries. I want to write a generic recursive function which can merge two complex dictionaries of this form (or any other complex form of dictionaries), by calling itself passing...

Merge algorithm in C: how does this work?

This C snippet is part of a merge algorithm implementation: out[i++] = (in1[i1] < in2[i2]) ? in1[i1++] : in2[i2++]; Can someone please explain how it works? ...

Merging CSS files with an import

I have about 40 'themes' that have each been copied and pasted from a 'default' theme and been modified uniquely. As time has gone on each of these themes has taken a shape of its own, some more, some less. I need to be able to do an @import url(default.css); so that when I make changes to the default I do not need to cascade it down to...

Merge function in Lua

Hey, I'm trying to implement the merge function from merge sort in Lua. I know the algorithm pretty well, but I'm new to Lua. I keep getting a "bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil)" I believe the error is pointing at my recursive call. I can't figure it out and I have a feeling it's something pretty trivial. I just n...

Sql Server - Merging large tables without locking the data

I have a very large set of data (~3 million records) which needs to be merged with updates and new records on a daily schedule. I have a sproc that actually breaks up the recordset into 1000 record chunks and uses the MERGE command with temp tables in an attempt to avoid locking the live table while the data is updating. The problem is...

What is the most efficient way to merge items with the same type in a generic list in C#?

Example, I have the following interface and classes: public interface IRole { DateTime Since {get;} DateTime Until {get;} } public class Manager : IRole { public DateTime Since {get; private set;} public DateTime Until {get; private set;} } public class Employee : IRole { public DateTime Since {get; private set;} ...

integrate Beyond Compare with ClearCase

Hi, I would like to integrate Beyond Compare with ClearCase so that I can use it for diffing and merging files, instead of the awful tools provided by ClearCase. Does anyone have instructions for performing this integration? Thanks, Don ...

OpenXml: Copy OpenXmlElement between documents

Hi, I have two Word documents (WordprocessingDocument), and I want to replace the contents of an element in the first with the contents in the body of the second one. This is what I'm doing right now: var docA = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docAPath, true); var docB = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docBPath, true); var containerElement =...

Subversion Branch Reintegration in v1.6

Per this old thread, using svn 1.5, reintegrating a branch multiple times is problematic, and should be avoided. There has been some rumbling to the effect that, "This is a known issue, and should be fixed in svn 1.6." Does anyone know whether that was the case? Is it fixed? Can I reintegrate multiple times? ...

Re-do a batch of changes

I performed the following actions in TFS: Accidentally made some changes to a bunch of files in the trunk Realized it. merged the changes to the intended branch rolled back the changes in the trunk (using tfpt rollback) later, during the regularly scheduled forward integration from the trunk, I undid the changes in the branch. How c...

WordPress: How to merge custom post type array?

Hello, i try to setup a yearly (grouped by month) archive for custom post types in WordPress. But my code did not work as aspected. Maybe it is obiviously for someone who is more familar with WordPress and PHP but i can't get it work. The code below is grouping by month but each post type by itself. Maybe i need to merge booth. But how...

How do I merge two objects?

I have an object, $foo, which has some methods and properties already defined and another object, $bar, which is just a set of properties. I want to merge the entirety of $bar into $foo such that all the properties of $bar become properties of $foo. So if beforehand I had, $bar->foobar, afterwards I should be able to use $foo->foobar. ...

Recovering from commits that won't revert from trunk

Every windows svn client I've tried crashes at the end of reverting three bad branch merges. I'd like to get them away from the head of our trunk, ideally erae them forever as the merge should have been a re-integration- not a range of revisons. I can't work out why the clients are crashing at the end of the and, of course everyone is ...

Tracking branches for Mercurial

As a Git user, I find it inconvenient to set up multiple directories for multiple Mercurial remote repositories, as I want to quickly switch between them, especially when working in an IDE. I'm trying to somehow replicate the remote branches system from git, where I can simply switch between branches and push to the one I choose. How c...