
Merge variables

We have $id and $title variables, which everytime change. For each $id we should create a new variable $temp_title_%id%, and give to it $title's value. Like: $id = 10; $title = 'Hello people!'; $temp_title_10 = 'Hello people!'; Tryed this (doesn't work): $temp_title_ . $id = $title; Thanks. ...

How does a wiki handle multiple simultaneous edits?

This has always lingered in the back of my mind, so I figure I might as well go ahead and ask. How does a wiki handle multiple edits on the same content? Here's a simplistic example of what I'm asking. Let's say that a page has the following content: I'm a page! And now let's say that two go to edit that page. Each person adds a ...

Version Control with XML diff and merge

Hi, I'm looking for an open source version control tool which can diff and merge XML files. The difficulty I have to find such a tool is, that I need a correct merge of a XML file comparing the nodes and not the lines. Any idea? Thanks! ...

Full-Text Indexing/Searching for Paging

Greetings Overflowers, I'm currently not using full-text indexing/searching capabilities of any relational database engine. This is because they do not satisfy my application complex query requirements: searching by Arabic root/template/stem/diacritics... etc ("/" stands for and/or) using logical operators between them (in 1) such as ...

merge 2 NSFetchedResultsControllers to 1 NSMutableArray (Objective - C)

Hi Could anybody tell me how can i merge 2 NSFetchedResultsControllers (filled from Core Data entities by context ) to one single NSMutableArray ? thanks ...

Keeping only distinct values in tables using Hibernate

I am storing a relatively complex immutable object in a database. There are many many-to-one associations - the object has properties that have properties and so on. I would like to have each object stored only once, based on a business key that is in this case every single property of the object. The workflow is like this: user cre...

Diff tool which can ignore comments/exclude revisions?

I'm looking for an SVN diff tool which can ignore comments as changes, as well as exclude specific revision diffs for easier file comparison. For example, see below. Version 1. This is a sentence Here is an address What's going on here Version 2. 1 This is a sentence 2 Here is an address 3 What's going on here Version 3. //added ...

SVN: How to undo a reverse-merge?

I merged my checkout of the HEAD revision back to revision 1000: $ svn merge -rHEAD:1000 . --- Reverse-merging r2000 through r1001 into '.': U dir/foo.txt After that, I'd like to undo that and merge back to HEAD revision. My checkout should be at revision 1000 now, so I need to merge everything from 1000 to HEAD. But svn doesn't do...

xsl merge elements and sort by date.

I have the following xml <Values> <New> <value>110</value> <date>2009-10-15</date> </New> <Previous> <value>100</value> <date>2010-10-15</date> </Previous> <Previous> <value>130</value> <date>2008-10-15</date> </Previous> </Values> I am using the following xsl <xsl:variable name="mergedData"> ...

How can I preserve Subversion commit messages across merges?

Hi All, Is there any Subversion that can create a commit message containing a list of all the commit messages used in a merge? Our problem is that we tend to lose all the good history information for changes performed on branches once they are merged. Usually instead of a detailed list of fixes performed on the branch we're left with ...

Postgres UPSERT (INSERT or UPDATE) only if value is different

I'm updating a Postgres 8.4 database (from C# code) and the basic task is simple enough: either UPDATE an existing row or INSERT a new one if one doesn't exist yet. Normally I would do this: UPDATE my_table SET value1 = :newvalue1, ..., updated_time = now(), updated_username = 'evgeny' WHERE criteria1 = :criteria1 AND criteria2 = :crite...

Conflicts with `git rebase`

So, yesterday I posted a question regarding some weird conflicts when I tried to rebase an upstream branch into my local topic branch. In the end I used git rebase --merge upstream and solved a lot of conflicts in files I haven't touched since the previous rebase. My understanding of rebase in such a case is that it detaches my commits...

How to pull a series of commits in git one at a time?

I have a series of commits in a fork that I want to apply or reject one at a time to my fork. Should I use git cherry-pick for this? ...

Git Merge - Incomplete, Missing files and Folders

I was trying to merge a dev branch into master. git checkout master git pull . dev Everything seemed to go well, although there were conflicts I fixed these and commited. But when I checked this newly merged working tree is missing a lot of folders and files from dev. git status // Shows conflicts & doesn't list some files/folde...

Git Merge Recursive Ours - Command Syntax Example

What is the right format for a git merge with a strategy of recursive ours? (not to be confused with the git merge ours strategy) I tried a bunch of ways and it doesn't seem to work. git merge foo -s recursive-ours // doesn't work git merge foo -s recursive ours // doesn...

Best practice to merge config files and deploy them

On a regular base, we do some changes (modify or add) on our web application config file. Every time someone adds a new config line, he has to tell the team that he was adding a new config part to the global config. We have a scaffolding config under version control. Is there a smart way to merge the new config template with your existin...

Merging XML files

Hello! How do I merge multiple XML files, without having redundant data? I have a project using OpenStreetMap, and the data dumps are in XML format. But becuase I plan to divide my target area in the map, then some nodes(points in the map) will be repeated in the XML files. I want to merge all that XML files, and prevent redundant data i...

Error when inserting data in non-unique index

I have a batch job that synchronizes data between two identical databases using the MERGE statement. Sometimes, I get the following error: cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.MatchPlayerStatistics' with unique index 'IX_MatchPlayerStatistics_Player'. That does not make sense because IX_MatchPlayerStatistics_Player is not a uni...

Create a git branch from selected commits on another branch

I created a "feature" branch off master and worked for a long while. I then fetched the latest master branch commits and rebased my "feature" branch commits on top of it. Then I merged "feature" into master. However, I forgot about the merge and continued committing into the "feature" branch. I want those commits in a new branch now,...

What are the asterisks for in the output of tf merge

tf merge /recursive /candidate $/foo/ExUI $/bar/ExUI Changeset Author Date --------- -------------------------------- ---------- 23438 Fred_Bloggs 04/05/2010 23609 Jimmy_jones 11/05/2010 23943* John_doe 25/05/2010 Can anyone explain w...