
How to I merge two databases with same schema that are on Heroku?

I created two applications that were essentially identical on heroku. They started off different because I was testing uploading to heroku and having some challenges making the adjustments. But now things seem to be working, but both have data that I would like to consolidate. Since they run off the same git repository, the code is th...

Easy merging in svn using git-svn

At work we are using a lot of branches in SVN and there are problems in merging. I heard that a good idea is to use git better merging with git-svn. I try to play with it using msysgit, however its not as easy as it seems. I know I can checkout the whole project using git svn clone -s, however it does not see branches(as normal git bran...

Possible to simulate the mySQL functionality ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE with SQL Server

I am using SQL Server 2008, and would like to be able to take advantage of something like mySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause for INSERT statements Current legacy code does a delete and subsequent insert that is running into concurrency issues with duplicate key inserts from separate threads: Here is the error I see in my production...

svn: is there a graphical tool to assist in merges?

(Before you say this is a duplicate of or, please read....) I need a graphical tool to assist in merging in svn. I don't mean per-file merging; I have Beyond Compare and it works ...

SQL Server Merge and Indexing Speed

I have a merge statement that needs to compare on many columns. The source table has 26,000 rows. The destination table has several million rows. The desintation table only has a typical Primary Key index on an int-type column. I did some selects with group by to count the number of unique values in the source. The test part of the Mer...

Merge a Branch in VSS: You cannot perform a merge on a binary file, or a file that stores latest version

Maybe I'm dumb, or just stupid. But I'm stuck on-site in an enterprise where VSS is the 'option'. So i had to branch my code, which was reasonbly easy. However when it came time to merge back into the main line in VSS, things got screwy. First, i couldn't merge by project, or even by folder but only file-by-file. Then I tried the r...

merge Audio files on iPhone

Hi, I wanna merge a .caf file and a .mp3 file to a .mp3 file on iPhone,or I can convert them to .aac and then merge them.How can I do this ? (Just Like Kala OK,I wanna merge my voice and the music together) ...

ImportRow vs Merge Speed Question

For my own edification, I decided to test the comparative speeds of DataTable.ImportRow vs DataTable.Merge. I found that DataTable.ImportRow was largely slower than DataTable.Merge. On rare occasion, the two functions had an equal processing time. On even rarer occasions, ImportRow was faster than Merge. Below are my testing results an...

How do I rebase in mercurial without merging?

When I try to hg rebase -s 1775 --collapse, I am asked to merge all the files I touched since rev 1774. How can I avoid that? Details I am just learning how to rebase. I successfully tried the example given here, and a few minor variations. However, in my own repository, when I try the same steps, I am asked to merge a boat-load of ...

TortoiseHG: cannot partially commit a merge

I tried to merge two heads in Mercurial. After merging, I didn't commit and did some more changes. Then I tried to commit and got the following message: abort: cannot partially commit a merge (do not specify files or patterns) I'm using TortoiseHG as visual shell, and Beyond Compare for comparing and merging. And I'm relatively new to ...

PHP merge variables

How to merge these (make this code shorter)? $match_1 = false; $match_2 = false; $match_3 = false; $match_4 = false; $match_5 = false; And how to shorter this code: if($match_1 == false) { ... } // if(!$match) must work? ...

What is the VCS that favor more merging or what are the best pratices to minimize merge problems?

Hello, here where we work, we have a bunch of merging problems. We use SVN and I know that is not a problem with the tool, but with the policy. But, what are the best merging pratices/policies to minimize this. Or is there a VCS that makes merging more easier than SVN? ...

SVN Merge with tree conflict problem

I have seen other posts on this site with answers, but I think I have a slightly different scenario. My situation is as follows: trunk and branch b1 at a certain point, b1 was 'copied' to trunk as trunk was redundant and branch had all relevant functionality dev continued on b1, and trunk but part of trunks dev involved moving some fil...

What is the safest way to merge 2 table rows in SQL Server?

I have a table called [Sectors], which stores industry sectors. [SectorId] is defined as an INT and is the primary key of this table. These sectors are referenced throughout the database using the primary key, but there are no foreign key constraints for this primary key in the other tables. Now there are 2 sectors in this table that no...

Android: Sorting a merged cursor

Hi, I'm wondering if there's any way to merge two cursors together and then resort them. I can easily merge two cursors together by using a MergedCursor, but that doesn't sort them. I have two sets of contacts in two separate cursors (with totally different schemas) and I want to merge them and sort them by name (the name column is di...

working on history changesets

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to aggregate some changesets into one. Let's say, i have a repository looking like that: default tip stable 1.2 added new project file added new project sources added new project data ... I'd like it to be: default tip stable 1.2 added new project ... Basically i'd like changeset "added new...

Git merge different file names

Here's my scenario: I'm working on fixing bugs in file1 in a local branch. My coworker is in his own local branch, merging file1 into file2 in a refactor. He finishes his work and merges back into master and pushes. Now file1 no longer exists in the HEAD. When I do a pull and try to merge my file1 changes back into master, what will ha...

Merging 2 branches together in GIT

Hay, I've only just started to use GIT and think its wonderful. However I'm a little confused over what the 'merge' does. Say we have a working project in the brach called A I got home and make changes to this brach and save it as B and another programmer makes changes to A and saves it as C Is there any way to merge the two branches ...

How do I merge text in visual studio 2010?

Howdy, To preface this I am an Emacs refugee on Visual Studio 2010's shores and am certain that I am working against the tool. Please could someone point me in the right direction. My problem is the MyProject.csproj file is kept under version control using TFS and my coworkers have made a number of changes that no longer get along wit...

ruby on rails: export and merge databases

I am currently working on a ruby on rails project with a MySQL-Database. Is there a way to export the database and merge it with another one? ...