
Transact-SQL / Check if a name already exists

Simple question here. Context: A Transact-SQL table with an int primary key, and a name that also must be unqiue (even though it's not a primary key). Let's say: TableID INT, TableName NVARCHAR(50) I'm adding a new rows to this able through a stored procedure (and, thus, specifying TableName with a parameter). Question: What's the b...

Merge two/more image in Android(widget)

Trying to create a widget with custom fonts, but read that widget doesn't support custom font. I thought that I could create 10 png's for every number(0-10, not going to use abc ect). By using that method I need to create several imageviews... that seems a waste of views. So if I want to have the number 1337 I need 4 ImageViews. Isn'...

Is it possible to change the merge engine in TFS 2008?

Where I'm working now we use TFS2008, and people are generally unhappy with the auto-merging capabilities. I was wondering, is it possible to change the merge engine? I know you can change the merge tool used by VS, but I'm not clear if this gets used when you do a local automatic merge, or what the deal is for merging branches. (Befo...

How to enable branching in VSS

I am running Visual Source Safe 8.0. I am trying to create 2 branches for my project, but I find that the branch option is dialed in the versions menu. Can anyone tell me how to enable it. ...

Resolving conflicts in git version control

I've got a big problem but I bet it's easy to solve. I'm developing a website together with a friend using GiT for versioning control. We've just modified different parts of the same CSS file and then commited, then he pushed his commit. We're both using master branches in local and remote repository for we don't know how to deal with it...

Merge Command in R

Hello, I have been playing around with the merge command in R and am trying to figure out how to use the SUFFIX parameter. The online documentation does not do a very good job at explaining it. What I'd like to do is import some csv files: data1<-read.csv("fileA", header=T) data2<-read.csv("fileB", header=T) And then use the merge c...

In a git merge, how do you just replace your version with the version git says there is a conflict with?

I have two files: A and B. If I have been working on A and a partner is working on B, I want to merge files A and B. B is already committed. Let's say my partner already made the changes I was working on, so I just want to replace my A file with their B file - no merge needed. How do I resolve the conflict with git? Thanks! ...

How would you plan for merging multiple branches?

I've recently joined a team with a code base which hasn't been under version control. The code has been forked several times by different people in the organisation working on different projects. Now we're going to start using version control and we want to merge the valuable contributions from the different projects. The projects share ...

Error committing Trunk after merging Branch back in. How to resolve?

I'm getting the following subversion error: Subversion does not allow to commit this combination of files and directories at once. Directory deletes must be recursive and this would commit other files: Deleted directory: D:\\Trunk\MyApp.Web\App_Themes\Factsheet_print\Images\Risk Directory to commit: D:\\Trun...

How to merge branch back to trunk in SVN with all commit history?

How to merge branch back to trunk in SVN with all commit history? I know in Git I can use merge -squash. Is there any equivalent command in SVN? I am using SVN 1.6. ...

Git pull with rebase causing excessive conflicts. How can I fix our workflow?

We have a base system that is customized for each client. The base lives in its own repository, and each client lives in its own repository (originally cloned from base). The goal is to have the ability to add bug fixes/features to base, which can be propagated to clients, on demand. So far the workflow has been as follows: Make comm...

What if a feature being tested in your QA Environment is delayed for release?

Our SCM is Subversion. And I don't know how to handle this scenario. Let's say the I have these branches: DEVELOPMENT (trunk) QA PRODUCTION In the trunk we have the following features (F): F1 F2 F3 F1 and F2 are ready to be tested on the QA environment so the changes corresponding to those features get merged into the QA branch....

merging changes from a maven relase branch yields conflicts due to changed versions in poms

Hi, following standard practice, I have an svn trunk for feature development, and a forked-off branch for building releases. The branch has been created using the maven release plugin, which is also used for creating releases. As it happens, the occasional bug will be fixed on the branch, and those changes need to be merged back into the...

A simple solution to a PHP array problem is needed?

Hello, I actually am quite embarrassed to ask such a question but it is one of those days that you spend 10 thousand hours on the simplest of functions and the more you try to solve them the more complicated a solution you get.... I don't want to waste more time so here is the problem. I have one array: $items=array( 0=> array('...

merge sort in python

basically I have a bunch of files containing domains. I've sorted each individual file based on its TLD using .sort(key=func_that_returns_tld) now that I've done that I want to merge all the files and end up wtih one massive sorted file. I assume I need something like this: open all files read one line from each file into a list sort l...

SVN: merge local changes into other working copy

I have two working copies of the same project, each switched to a different branch. Is it possible to merge local changes in one project to the other working copy? ...

SVN Merge error, merging trunk to branch and link has been replaced with directory

I may have found a Subversion bug, and I would like to make sure it is so before I report it. Consider the following sequence of actions: Create a new SVN repository with /trunk and /branches in it: ~$ svnadmin create testrepo ~$ svn co file:///home/user/testrepo testwd Checked out revision 0. ~$ cd testwd/ testwd$ svn mkdir trunk b...

TFS 2010 wants to branch / merge every file

We just upgraded to TFS 2010. We created a development branch for each project. If changes are made in Branch1 and then Branch1 is merged back into the baseline, it merges every file instead of just the changed files. Subsequent changes to files in Branch1 and then merging to the baseline result in only those changes being merged (which...

Git reverse merge of subtree

I found some other questions that talk about a reverse merge in Git, but those questions are asking how to reverse merge an ENTIRE commmit. I want to reverse merge one directory in my tree. Is this possible in Git? In subversion, you can do this: $ cd /workingcopy/some/subtree $ svn merge -r802:801 . And this calculates the reverse d...

MERGE Command in SQL Server

Hi folks, I have been using the statement insert into target select * from source where [set of conditions] for a while. Recently found this MERGE command that will be more effective to use for my purpose so that I can change the above statement to MERGE target USING source ON [my condtion] WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN IN...