
How to recover after a merge failure in TFS 2008?

We recently attempted a large, "cherry picked" merge. First we did a full merge from one child development branch into the parent Main branch, then did a full merge of the Main branch into another child development branch, then we attempted to do a cherry pick merge from the second Development branch back into merge. There were many chec...

Nullable Date column merge problem

I am using JPA with openjpa implementation beneath, on a Geronimo application server. I am also using MySQL database. I have a problem with updating object with nullable Date property. When I'm trying to merge entity with Date property set to null, no sql update script is generated (or when other fields are modified, sql update script is...

Visual Studio 2008: how to avoid project file merge hell?

When you're working on a VS C# project with multiple developers which all add new projects and files to the same solution the last one to try and check in his changes gets conflicts on the project solution file which aren't easy to merge. The easiest solution to this problem I've found is to dismiss my own changes and accept the server'...

SQL query help - merge a value to all rows in a column

I'm trying to migrate a site from a joomla system to a drupal. The problem is that drupal needs filename and sourcepath in the same row, but joomla only has filename. I'm looking for a way to add sourcepath before the filename in all the rows in that column. I'm figuring it's the UPDATE statement that I should use, but I can't figure out...

Work with Remote TFS server and local svn server

We have distributed team with client and contractor term in different location. The client has sufficient license for TFS system and they use it for development. We do not have sufficient license to use the TFs so we use the local Subversion and it works fine. The problem is merging the two source is always painful. Any tips shall be a...

Problem reintegrating a branch into the trunk in Subversion 1.5

I'm trying to reintegrate a development branch into the trunk in my Subversion 1.5 repository. I merged all the changes from the trunk to the development branch prior to this operation. Now when I try to reintegrate the changes from the branch I get the following error message: Command: Reintegrate merge https://dev/svn/branches/devel i...

When should I use git pull --rebase?

I know of some people who use git pull --rebase by default and others who insist never to use it. I believe I understand the difference between merging and rebasing, but I'm trying to put this in the context of git pull. Is it just about not wanting to see lots of merge commit messages? Or are there other issues? ...

Merging: hg/git vs. svn

I often read that Hg (and Git and...) are better at merging than SVN but I have never seen practical examples of where Hg/Git can merge something where SVN fails (or where SVN needs manual intervention). Could you post a few step-by-step lists of branch/modify/commit/...-operations that show where SVN would fail while Hg/Git happily move...

Removing associated entity JPA (or delete orphan equivalent in EclipseLink)

Hi I have a question regarding JPA persistence in Glassfish. Situation: I have a Supplier class that has a 1:n bidirectional relation to SupplierAddress. I would like to have the following behaviour: If I remove the SupplierAddress object from the List in the Supplier object and update it via the merge(supplierobject), the SupplierAdd...

How to merge VB.NET WEB Project with C#.NET MVC project

Hi All, I've got an existing project written in need to merge into C# ASP.NET MVC 1.0 application. I couldn't find a good article on this. I have successfully created a sample project and merge it. It works successfully. But when merge it into my real project it does not work. I've used C#.csproj project file and deleted ...

syntax for single row MERGE / upsert in SQL Server

I'm trying to do a single row insert/update on a table but all the examples out there are for sets. Can anyone fix my syntax please: MERGE member_topic ON mt_member = 0 AND mt_topic = 110 WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET mt_notes = 'test' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes) VALUES (0, 110, 'test') Resolution per ...

How can I merge two lists and sort them working in 'linear' time?

I have this, and it works: # E. Given two lists sorted in increasing order, create and return a merged # list of all the elements in sorted order. You may modify the passed in lists. # Ideally, the solution should work in "linear" time, making a single # pass of both lists. def linear_merge(list1, list2): finalList = [] for item in ...

How to merge an improperly created "branch" that isn't really a branch (wasn't created by an svn copy) into the trunk?

I'm working on a team with lots of people who are pretty unfamiliar with the concepts of version control systems, and are just kind of doing whatever seems to work, by trial and error. Someone created a "branch" from the trunk that is not ancestrally related to the trunk. My guess is it went something like this: They created a folder i...

Can I make fast forwarding be off by default in git?

I can't really ever think of a time when I would use git merge rather than git rebase and not want to have a commit show up. Is there any way to configure git to have fast forwarding off by default? The fact that there's an --ff option would seem to imply that there's a way, but I can't seem to find it in the documentation. ...

Combining data sets without losing observations in SAS

Hye guys, I know, another post another problem :D :(. I took a screenshot to easily explain my problem. As you can see I want to merge two tables (again), the Base & Analyst table. What I want to achieve is displayed in the right bottom corner table. I’m calculating the number of total analysts and f...

[R] Merge multiple data frames - Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : names do not match previous names

Hi all- I'm getting some really bizarre stuff while trying to merge multiple data frames. Help! I need to merge a bunch of data frames by the columns 'RID' and 'VISCODE'. Here is an example of what it looks like: d1 = data.frame(ID = sample(9, 1:100), RID = c(2, 5, 7, 9, 12), VISCODE = rep('bl', 5), value1 = re...

merge / convert multiple pdf files into one pdf

How could I merge / convert multiple pdf files into one large pdf file? I tried the following, but the content of the target file was not as expected: convert file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf I need a very simple/basic cli solution. Best would be if I could pipe the output of the merge / convert straight into pdf2ps ( as originally att...

how to merge 200 csv files in Python

Guys, I here have 200 separate csv files named from SH (1) to SH (200). I want to merge them into a single csv file. How can I do it? ...

How to automatically split git commits to separate changes to a single file

I'm prettyd comfortable with Git, an I've been using it for over a year now. Better yet, I've finally convinced a client to switch to it! However, I'm just plain stuck as to how to accomplish what I'm about to describe, or if it's even possible. Even it it can be done, I wonder if it could be setting us up for a messed-up, unmanageable r...

What are the benefits of Mercurial or git over svn for branching/merging?

I've heard for instance that merging branches with git or mercurial is easier than with svn. Reading last Joel on software blog entry, I didn't get it exactly why. Could you provide a concrete example where merging with git/mercurial lead to less merge conflicts compared to svn please? ...