
Two branch merge

Hi folks: Suppose I got a file amended in two revisions, says 100, 110, in a branch. If I solely merge 110 to trunk, would the modification in 100 be brought over to trunk also? ...

Merge trunk into branch with SVN: "Secure Connection Truncated"

Hi, after trying to merge changes to an svn trunk back to the branch with the following command: ../branches/myBranch$ svn merge -r 94:171 https://.../trunk --dry-run I get the following error from SVN: svn: REPORT of '/svnroot/simspark/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated (https://simspark...

How to use TortoiseMerge with Visual SourceSafe 2005?

I tried by setting up a custom editor for "File Difference" in Tools->Options->Custom Editors with the command line: "tortoiseproc /command:diff /path:%1 /path2:%2". TortoiseMerge launches but it can't find the files to compare. The files to compare should be in a temp folder but they aren't there. SourceSafe isn't making the files avail...

Merging changes from master into all branches using Git?

I use git to maintain multiple working copies of my code. The idea is that I can check out any branch, build and run it to see how the branch's feature x fits in with the current state of the code. Git's master branch is the Trunk and the other git branches are features or things I would like to try out. Therefore, my typical usage is ...

SVN: "tree conflict already exists", but there were none before I tried merging

I get this error message from SVN: svn: Attempt to add tree conflict that already exists Now, this has already been asked on this site and the given explanation is that a tree conflict has not been resolved after a previous merge, and now SVN is trying to add the same tree conflict again. So I called "svn status" and marked all tr...

Oracle MERGE does not INSERT

I have this simple example I can't seems to get working : MERGE INTO mytable mt USING dual ON ( = 'AAA' ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET = 'updated' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( , ) VALUES ('AAA', 'Gooood' ); If a 'AAA' record exists in the table, it is updated successfully. But if does no...

on GIT, pushing merges with merges

I have 3 branches: A, B, C Usualy when i am to update my Origin I go to Master, merge the branch I've finished, and push. Now, I had branch A, work, done. Went to branch B, merged A, work, done. Went to branch C, merged B, work, done. If i go to master and merge C and push to origin, can I delete already A, B and C ? ...

Git Merge subdirectory to branch to root directory of master

I have a branch that has the content of the master branch as a subdirectory. Now I made some changes to this subdirectory. Ideally I want to be able to merge these changes back into the master branch. Branch layout: index.html subdirectory > a.txt > b.txt Master layout a.txt b.txt How would I go about doing this? Is it even a ...

GIT: move back to an old commit and merge that with master

Given a project with 2 files: fileA and fileB. Both were once added to a git-repository. Then I added fileA to .gitignore (and flushed the git-cache), so that in the current master only fileB is present. I would like to clone this repository to another machine now, but fileA is missing. The next thing I did was to create a branch from t...

Merging feature branches to release branch instead of trunk

I have a question about two source control scenarios, both with feature branches and release branches: In scenario 1 feature branches are merged to the trunk. In scenario 2 feature branches are merged to the latest release branch. What are the consequences of scenario 2 compared to scenario 1? What are the possible advantages and di...

Combining 2 columns into 1 column many times in a very large dataset in R

Combining 2 columns into 1 column many times in a very large dataset in R The clumsy solutions I am working on are not going to be very fast if I can get them to work and the true dataset is ~1500 X 45000 so they need to be fast. I definitely at a loss for 1) at this point although have some code for 2) and 3). Here is a toy example o...

git: merge two branches: what direction?

Hi, We have the following situation: A --- B --- C --- ... --- iphone / ... --- last-working --- ... --- master Between last-working and iPhone, 32 commits were made. Between last-working and master, a lot of commits were made. What I want now is a new branch where I have iphone and current master merged to...

git: share the work of merging two branches

Hi, I want to merge to very diverged Git branches together. That will be a lot of work because they have several hundreds conflicts. What would be the best way, so that maybe also others can help me and also work on this merge? Normally, I am doing just the 'git merge ...' and then going through all conflicts, resolving them, then do ...

Merge and Alias of two MySQL tables

i've got two tables: members and members_data. They both share the same unique auto increment id key and unique username fields. I would like to merge the two tables into one members table, BUT I have ~50 scripts using members & members_data references. I also need some sort of alias setup to make my members_data queries point toward t...

How to merge two data.frames together in R, referencing a lookup table.

I am trying to merge two data.frames together, based on a common column name in each of them called "series_id". Here is my merge statement: merge(test_growth_series_LUT, test_growth_series, by = intersect(series_id, series_id)) The error I'm getting is "Error in as.vector(y) : object 'series_id' not found" The help gives this de...

TortoiseSVN: How to merge branch back to trunk without switching working copy to trunk?

We are using TortoiseSVN in a team environment. When working on a bigger feature, I create a feature branch, work for a week there, merge changes from trunk to my branch every other day and when the feature is complete, I merge it back to trunk. When merging, I always do the following: commit everything to the branch switch the whole ...

sql server 2008 database merging with another database

I have 2 sql server databases on two different remote servers. On day one, they were both exaclty the same. But over time, there are changes in both (different, tables, stored procs, views, etc..). How do I merge them together, so I have one again - the same Database in both places? ...

what is the best way to merge pdfs in java

Hello i need to merge many (1000-5000 a4 ) pdfs in java what is the best way to do it in java ? ...

Merging two XPathDocuments using XmlCompiledTransform

I can't possibly be the first person to do this, it seems like it would be such a common practice to merge two documents using XSLT. However, I can't seem to find a single example on the ol' interweb. I have two XML documents that are being retrieved as strings of XML from SQL Server. I want to use XslCompiledTransform to merge the tw...

merging Python dictionaries

Hi everyone, I am trying to merge the following python dictionaries as follow: dict1= {'paul':100, 'john':80, 'ted':34, 'herve':10} dict2 = {'paul':'a', 'john':'b', 'ted':'c', 'peter':'d'} output = {'paul':[100,'a'], 'john':[80, 'b'], 'ted':[34,'c'], 'peter':[None, 'd'], 'herve':[10, None]} Any tip about an efficient way to do this?...