
Can I update a branch from the trunk without performing a merge?

I probably just haven't thought this through, or perhaps I'm simply unaware of an already existing option in Subversion (I'm certainly no expert). I'm just wondering, if I've created a branch to start working on some new feature, if there's an easier way to keep the branch up to date with the trunk's most recent revisions without having...

Merge cells using javascript

I have googled merge+cell+javascript but did not find any suitable code to implement merge cells in a table. Is there any guideline by which I can make a feature like MS-WORD Table Cell Merge using javascript. Looking for your advice. Thanks. ...

Subversion - Ingnore files/folders on merge

Hi there! I'm currently using SVN for versioning my software projects. On an ongoing project, I have the trunk, for client common features and specifications and branches, for client specific ones. Is there any way to mark some files / folders that shouldn't be merge into branches each time I perform such operation? Thanks in advance...

JQuery image overlay (and get rid of imagecopymerge)

Hi friends, In my project site I am merging a base image (a map) with markers (the same marker always but repeated) according to a table in MySQL using the php function imagecopymerge. I want to migrate this to jQuery since the refreshing of the image flicks, which is very ugly. Could you please guide me to the best solution? Thanks...

Merge 2 views in Drupal - using filters?

Hi there, I have a view for news items and one for events. I want to create a list that lists both of them together. However, I want to filter the news items on a custom date expires field (that events doesn't have) and I want to filter the events on a custom event date field (that news doesn't have). Can I do this? Ben ...

git: undo a merge?

Within my master branch, I did a git merge some-other-branch locally, but never pushed the changes to origin master. I didn't mean to merge, so I'd like to undo it. When doing a git status after my merge, I was getting this message: # On branch master # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 4 commits. Based upon the instructions ...

What is the behavior of ruby Hash#merge when used with a block

It does not seem to be documented very much: hsh.merge(other_hash){|key, oldval, newval| block} → a_hash ...

svn create trunk and branches

Hi, I used Visual SVN Manager to create a repository, but I didn't create /trunk /branches and /tags at first. Now, I NEED to add these since the project has grown up ==> branching and merging is essential! What is the best way to do so ? ...

To have an Integer pointing to 3 ordered lists in Java

Which datastructure would you use in the place of X to have efficient merges, sorts and additions as described below? #1 Possible solution: one HashMap to X -datastructure Having a HashMap pointing from fileID to some datastructure linking word, wordCount and wordID may be a good solution. However, I have not found a way to implement i...

Svn merging trunk and branches

Hi All, I have a huge project. I need to make a branch - this will be version 2 of the project, but I also need to keep the trunk and change it in parallel with the branch 1 as bug fix to the version 1. I need to merge bug fixes from the trunk to the branch 1 while adding new features to the branch. At the end I need to merge all cha...

Multiple branch merges, stick with Subversion or move to Mercurial or Git?

Given a situation where there are three branches, A, B and C, where A is merged to both B and C on a regular basis. From time to time B is merged to C. With Subversion, B apparently must be removed and recreated after every merge to C. This raises groans from colleagues, but would any alternative do any better? It would seem to me th...

Mercurial: How to merge with manual control over changes & files?

Note: The scenario I describe here is not answered in Stack Overflow: Completely manual Mercurial merge. I will explain my query with an example. Assume I start off a Mercurial repository to design a car: C:\Car$ dir Car.cpp Car.h I work on the design of Car for quite a while and the repository looks like: r0-r1-...-r100-(default) ...

How can I modify the schema for an Access DB in C#

Hey all. I have a project here the goal is to merge multiple Access DB's into one SQL Server db. Some of the records in the Access DB are autonumber, and will not be unique across all the DB's. We are currently working on modifying those autonumber fields programmaticaly to being number fields. The adjusting and allowing access to casc...

How to merge two csv files in php ?

I have two csv file. First File has date offerid clicks orders Second File has date offerid shown How can I merge this two csv file programmatically in php ? ...

In git, what is the difference between merge --squash and rebase?

I'm new to git and I'm trying to understand the difference between a squash and a rebase. As I understand it you perform a squash when doing a rebase. ...

How to rebase one Git repository onto another one?

Hi there! I had one Git repository (A) which contains the development of a project until a certain point. Then I lost the USB stick this repo A was on. Luckily I had a backup of the latest commit, so I could create a new repository (B) later where I imported the latest project's state and continue development. Now I recovered that lost ...

How do i merge an audio netstream and a video netstream into one republished netstream using flex3?

Hi, I have two netstreams: audio published in red5 video also published in red5 Now I'm a flex3 application and I need a way to be able to attach the audio of stream 1, and the video of stream 2 to a new netstream and just publish it. How do I do that? NetStream will only allow me to attach Camera or Microphone... ...

Merging datasets based on 2 variables in SAS.

Hye Guys, my question is the following, i'm working with different databases, all contain information about 1000+ companies, a company is defined by its ticker code (the short version of the name( Ford as F) usually seen on stock quotation boards). Aside from the ticker code to merge on I also have to merge on the time, I used month as ...

Merging datasets with 2 different time variables in SAS

Hye Guys, for those regularly browsing this site sorry for already another question (however I did solve my last question myself!) I have another problem with merging datasets, it seems that accounting for time in datasets is a real pain in the ass. I succesfully managed to merge on months in my previous datasets, however it seems I ha...

Will TFS 2010 support non-contiguous merging?

I know that merging non-contiguous changesets at once may not be a good idea. However there is at least one situation in which merging non-contiguous changesets is (probably) not going to break anything: when there are no intervening changes on the affected individual files. (At least, it wouldn't break any worse than would a series of c...