
List/Source for SMS Stock/template messages

I am developing an application that communicates via SMS. I want the user to be able to choose from a set of "Stock Messages" for example. "I will be with you this morning" "I can do this job next" "I have arrived on site" Is anyone aware of a list of this kind of template / stock message/ canned messages for use in a business cont...

Using classes to hold strings related to software messages

Hello guys, What do you think about the use of public static classes to hold on errorMessages and Ui button names, etc? Example: public static class UiMessages { public const string ConfirmationDialogTitle = "Atenção"; public const string ConfirmationLandOwnerDelete = "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar os prop...


Is there a way to automatically clean/show unused properties in a file, that file is huge atm, but the system have changed a lot and some of them are not being used, doing it by hand would take a long time in code inspection, and personally i dont like having waste around, any suggestions? to put you in context im wo...

PostMessage: Access Denied

The application shall receive messages from all processes of the system. Messages are sent using PostMessage call, which returns an error (5, access denied). The code works correctly on Windows XP SP2, but on Windows 7 application receive messages from only itself, which it should be supposed to get message from every application. Rea...

WinAPI - Problem to append text to an editbox

Hi, I created a simple window with a multiline Edit Control: Edit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("EDIT"), NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_MULTILINE, 20, 200, 200, 200, hWnd, (HMENU)EDIT, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); If I set text using a WM_SETTEXT message, I don't...

Store And Replay WCF Messages

Hi all, I want to store WCF messages in some storage and read them later on in order to "replay" them again. Attached some code parts: private void WriteMessage(Message message, string path) { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); using (XmlDictionaryWriter writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter...

Why can't I see WM_VSCROLL messages in my wndproc when using WS_VSCROLL style?

I'm creating a message loop in plain C that interfaces to my Harbour-based project. So far, everything works just fine, except for scrollbars in dialogs which have the WS_VSCROLL style. My message loop doesn't seem to see the WM_VSCROLL message, but it does see the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message with the HTVSCROLL value in Msg.wParam. Anybody ...

sendEmptyMessageDelayed : Android

Does this call block? Or is it in another thread and control can go beyond this statement? ...

Windows missing OnPaint events

Imagine a complex window layout with several windows which are expensive to redraw. Now say a scrollevent needs to update several of these windows simultaneously. The way I do this is to update the scroll position and call Refresh on the windows causing them to receive OnPaint events. However, some of the windows never receive their OnPa...

i18n and Error messages in Kohana 3

Hello. I am developping an administration application with Kohana 3 and I'm obviously working with a lot of forms. The application needs to be multilangual and I'm very confused about how to manage my messages files and especially how to access them. Does i18n support different folders and files inside le language folder? E.g: i18n...

Edit Control Text Changed Message in C++\Win32

What is the Message that matches the TextChanged property in .NET for C++\Win32? ...

How do you set the message for an ICEfaces ice:inputFile filename validation error?

Setup: ICEfaces 1.8.2, Java EE 5, JSF 1.2. I'm using an ice:inputFile tag to allow the user to upload a PDF file, and an ice:messages tag to provide error feedback to the user: <ice:inputFile fileNamePattern=".+\.pdf" uniqueFolder="false" uploadDirectory="#{FileController.fileUploadDirectory}" uploadDirectoryAbsolute="true" actionListe...

Launching default apps with intents

How, in android, do I start an app set as the default (i.e. Handcent for Messaging, Dolphin for browsing)? I can only find how to use definite package names for intents: Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); switch (position) { case 0: //messages i.setPa...

What's that message/notification called?

It's not an AlertDialog or a notification, but that gray message at the bottom that for instance appears when an application is granted super-user permissions. I'd like to use it, but haven't got a clue what it's called. xD Thanks. ...

example of nsnotification triggering an action when a message comes in with the subject line "WoodViolins"

Can someone show an example of this in objective-c? I have the addressbook framework and mail core to get the inbox. I don't know how to have it keep checking for new messages and notify when a message comes in with a specific subject. Elijah ...

Need help with WM_KEYDOWN

I need help with WM_KEYDOWN, I want to remove the "pause" between the first keypress and the repeating keypresses. If you continually hold down a button, I want the program to realize it directly. Im trying to make a game with directx. Please tell me if I should use something else than WM_KEYDOWN. ...

c++ get other windows messages

im learning to make things to other windows like resize the ie or any type of window. the only problem i don't know how i can get or give messages to other windows. so like i pressed a key in ie i would like to get that message to my program too! any idea ...

Emulate mouse select messages between windows

Hi, I've got two windows in the same process. Window 1 contains some text. Window 2 contains a bitmap of the contents of window 1. Whenever I click (WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) or move (WM_MOUSEMOVE) the cursor in window 2, i pass the message into window 1 by posting the message to window 1's message queue. I now want to emulate more complex...

Mach port messages in objective-c

Hello, I am trying to use Mach port messages in objective-c but I cannot find any documentation or working example. Do have this in stock? Thanks in advance for your help, Regards, ...

winapi threads take time to initialise before message passing works?

I have a main program that creates the threads in order: ThreadB then ThreadA (which is passed ThreadB's ID) using the CreateThread function. Thread A sends a message to Thread B using PostThreadMessage. B gets the message using GetMessage. The problem I am having is that PostThreadMessage blocks randomly the first time it is called an...