
Write metadata to PNG image in .NET

I see more than a few questions asking how to read metadata from an image, but I haven't seen as many asking how to write metadata. Basically, I need to add one item of metadata ("ImageDescription") to a PNG image I'm generating dynamically (creating a Bitmap object and procedurally generating all the content in it). What would be the ...

FreeImage - Write zTXt tag to PNG

This is really causing me a headache. For some reason or another, I can add a specific tag to a PNG file, but it's not adding the way I'd like and I don't know how to get it to write the way I want Given the code; Dim FImage As FIBITMAP = FreeImage.CreateFromBitmap(Image) Dim FTag As New Metadata.MetadataTag(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODE...

How to attach metadata to each frame of a video

I would like to be able to store metadata on each frame of a video file (a key to value map with ~10 entries per frame). Which video format allows me to store such data ? Where can I find a c++ library to do this ? Thank you very much for your answers. ...

python FLV checker

i need a simple python lib that check the uploaded files to my webserver are flash media (FLV), by reading the flv header (metadata) and not the mimetype extension. ...

MS CRM 4.0 Security Architecture

Hi. Does anybody know crm workflow when i create some entity ? I need to know where CRM check permission for Create, Update and so on. Is it in SQL tables and stored procedures or it's in CRMService ? ...

Where to set the ModelMetadataprovider with DI when using MVC Turbine ?

To use your own ModelMetadataProvider you normally set it in the global.asax. I'm using MVC Turbine and I need to inject a dependency into my ModelMetadataProvider as well. Something like this: ModelMetadataProviders.Current = new MyModelMetadataProvider(ISomeDependency); How is this best accomplished with MVC Turbine? ...

Writing Exif GPS meta data without re-inventing the wheel?

I am working on with .net 2.0 compact framework on a pocket pc device and the camera doesn't automatically tag the image with GPS exif data (unlike iPhone). I have looked around for already existing open source libraries that i can use in order to write GPS Exif data to a JPEG image but i haven't come across much. I did find a few examp...

what is service metadata and why it's necessary to publish?

There is ABC (addres, binding, contract) = endpoint. I thought this information is enough to communicate with clients and vice versa. But what is metadata and mex? ...

datamining metadata

I build a bunch of data mining models on training data that is located in different folders. For eg. for data in folder1 I build an SVM based model, for data in folder2 I build an naive bayes model. I have almost 100 such folders and each of the folders have different data ( read different attributes ). Is there a framework which enables...

Is it possible to read music file metadata using R ?

Hi all, I've got a bunch of audio files (let's say ogg or mp3), with metadata. I wish to read their metadata into R so to create a data.frame with: file name file location file artist file album etc Any way you know of for doing that ? ...

Is there any way to verify Metadata?

I was just doing some thinking and I was wondering to myself - How do we know the metadata of a file is correct? What if some program modifies it? We have no actual data about the metadata itself and thus we would have no way of verifying its validity? Or do we? Are there any methods/programs we can use to validate them? ...

AS3/Flash Builder: Conditional Metadata Tags?

I'd like to be able to have my SWF compile to different sizes based on whether I'm debugging or creating a final build. Is there a way to accomplish this in Flash Builder? I'm using the [SWF] metadata tag to format my SWF. My initial impulse is to create some sort of logic around said tag, but I've a feeling that won't work. Thanks in...

How to manage and edit metadata of an audio file in Java.

Greetings!! I've been searching a lot about how to read the metadata of .aac file on Java, but still hasn't succeeded in finding somethong useful. I'm new in programming and I'm doing this as an assignment. The most of info I found was this: But I can't make a s...

WCF Web Service Metadata Publishing Disabled Error

I modified my web.config to add a custom binding in order to increase the buffer and message size, and it seems like in creating the service element explicitly, it has somehow broken the reference to my behavior element. When I try to run my web service from VS using the WCF Test Client, or I go to the service page, I get the error: M...

How to read image metadata from a URL?

I want to read metadata of already uploaded JPEGs on S3. Is there a way to do that in Ruby without downloading the file locally? The problem I am facing is that Image(Mini)Magick doesn't take a URL as a source (or at least I didn't find the right command). Update: This is working: >> image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file -path_to_file...

ruby modules: using data fromt a class definition in a module

i've got a module that wants to use data provided by the class that included it - but at the class level, not the instance level. the goal is to have class 'metadata' provided to a module that the class includes, so that the module can use the metadata during the included call. this works: module Bar def value @value end de...

Using Win32::API to accessing the methods of a DLL in Perl

I have in my possession a Microsoft Powershell script which examines all the files in a folded ending in .wtv (Windows Media Center recorded TV programmes), extracts some metadata (using a DLL called "Toub.MediaCenter.Dvrms.dll") and then writes it to stdout: [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\Toub.MediaCenter.Dvrms.dll") ...

Insert metadata on song on iOS

I'm developing an application that generates a MP3 file. I would like to insert metadata( name, artist and cover to be exact) on it. How may I do that? ...

unblocking Ribbon WPF assembly for use in VS2010

I'm trying to open the sample Solution for the Microsoft Ribbon for WPF, but I get this error about being unable to load metadata. The solution on that site, and the one linked in the error, is How to: Use an Assembly from the Web in Visual Studio. However, I don't see any 'Unblock' option when I check the Properties dialog for RibbonC...

How to add metadata to WAV file?

I'm looking for some sample code to show me how to add metadata to the wav files we create. Anyone? ...