
How to Check all stored procedure is ok in sql server?

How to check all stored procedure is ok in sql server if I drop a table or fields? ...

Where/what is the specification for odata.service meta tag?

I would like to add some tags to our web app to enable auto-discovery of our odata feeds. So for example Nerd Dinner has the following tag: <link rel="odata.service" title=" OData Service" href="/Services/OData.svc" /><link rel="odata.feed" title=" OData Service - Dinners" href="/Services/OData.svc/Dinners...

Mapping and metadata information could not be found for EntityType Exception

I am trying out ASP.NET MVC Framework 2 with the Microsoft Entity Framework and when I try and save new records I get this error: Mapping and metadata information could not be found for EntityType 'WebUI.Controllers.PersonViewModel' My Entity Framework container stores records of type Person and my view is strongly typed with class Pe...

Suggested php code to read file rating set by Adobe Bridge CS3

Background: I have been attempting to read the rating that is assigned in Adobe Bridge CS3 using the creative commons Metadata toolkit for php without success. I am using shared hosting so I do not have an oppotunity to recompile php with different modules. Is php code available that could be used to read the rating that is embedded...

Pros and cons of keeping metadata in image thumbnails

I am working on optimizing site load speed for a few moderately high traffic sites. Some quick observations show that creating 40 picture thumbnails (e.g. 138x138 JPG @75% quality) results in 700 Kb total size with embedded metadata and 258 Kb with stripped metadata. Which means that roughly 60% of image size is metadata. So what would ...

Getting table schema from a query

As per MSDN, SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable returns column metadata for the query executed. I am wondering is there a similar method that will give table metadata for the given query? I mean what tables are involved and what aliases it has got. In my application, I get the query and I need to append the where clause programically. Using...

Adding metadata to PDF via PHP

I need to augment a PDF with a custom metadata field on download in PHP (5.3). I have been looking at the pdftk library, but I can't get my head around how I would get PHP to interface with it on our (Ubuntu) web server. The deprecated PDFInfo library seems like a dead end. Is there a simpler/easier/better solution? Thanks ...

MySQL metadata for table rows

Hi, I have a question about how to save metadata for table rows. For example, I have a table which contains data about images items_images. id, INT(20) title, VARCHAR(255) date_added, DATETIME ... Now I want to add a voting system where users can vote "like" or "dislike" for the image items. Should I just add two new fields to the ite...

Changing a files metadata in Python

Ok, I've searched around here but haven't found anything pointing to a solid answer. I'm trying to change a files artist, filename, rating, genre etc in windows, which shows up when you view folders in 'details'. At the moment I have the files I wish to edit in a list and I am iterating through them, but as I said I am not sure how to ...

Do any plugins exist for WordPress that allow me to attach extra meta data to images?

From the media section in WordPress, I can see that I can edit Title Alternate text Caption Description I need to add extra data, like shutter speed, location & film. Short of something like title: "bla bla", shutterSpeed: "4" in the description field (and parsing it), is there any plugin that adds this functionality? It should be ...

How can I find the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view?

This sounds like it should be simple to do but not so! There is no Oracle (meta-data) view that I can find that gives the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view column. The only way I have found of doing it is to parse the view source SQL (which is far from and exact science). Just to explain what I want, consider the follo...

how do i find the date a video (.AVI .MP4) was actually recorded?

properties> date created... i thought this meant the date the video was created, but finally realized that date changes every time i move, reorganize, even open a file. often, the date modified is earlier than date created. the date a jpeg was taken is readily available. is there any way to get the same information from an AVI or MP4 F...

suggest database for storing metadata regarding 200 million images (1 million books) (NoSQL? SQL?)

Friends, We will be undertaking a knowledge preservation project for scanning more than 1 million books. We need some suggestions on implementing database for storing and retrieving metadata as well as use it for tracking the scanning status of each object (book) Can you guys suggest should we go for SQL or NoSQL (The metadata could ...

name of tables & views in stored procedure in sql server 2005

Hi All, I have a stored procedure, I want to know the name of the tables and views use in that stored procedure, can any one suggest how can I do so. Thanks in advance. ...

ASP.NET MVC Display Format does not format DateTime to just Date string.

I've got my display format setup as so <DisplayName("birthdate")> _ <DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode:=True, DataFormatString:="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")> _ Public Property BirthDate As DateTime Then in the View I have the following <%: Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.BirthDate, Model.BirthDate)%> <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(Functi...

Mutagen's OggFileType producing 'Type Error: NoneType' exception

Ive just started using mutagen and have succefully used it with m4a, mp3, ape, afs, and flac. However Im having difficulty with the OggFileType class, when I try to create an instance of OggFileType Im presented with a "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable" exception. Iv searched and searched for solutions but information and do...

Getting metadata from another database in an sproc in SQL Server?

How do I create a stored procedure that exists in one database but runs the below code against another (any) database? SET @sql1 = N'INSERT INTO #Tables SELECT' + N' t.TABLE_NAME as TableName' + N',t.TABLE_SCHEMA as SchemaName' + N',(SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(t.TABLE_SCHEMA + ''.'' + t.TABLE_NAME),''T...

ASP.NET MVC2, How to Add Metadata Attributes and Control the order of properties displayed in the View

In ASP.NET MVC2, I have two ViewModels with Parent-Child relationship as below. Parent ViewModel: public class PersonViewModel { [Required] public int ID{get;set;} [Required] [StringLength(50)] public string Name{get;set;} } Child ViewModel: public class EmployeeViewModel:PersonViewModel { [Required] [StringLength(50)] publ...

OData / WCF Data Services metadata versioning

Is there any metadata versioning support in OData protocol and its WCF Data Services implementation? Let us suppose that we have OData service that exposes the single Goods colletion, and the Goods entity type has three properties: Key (string), Name (string) and AvailableSince(string). The service is already running, and there are some...

How to get metadatas of soap service which require log in ?

Hello I am trying to get metadatas of a service which require log in with svcutil.exe. How can i do that ? ...