
how to get extension name (without dot) in MSBuild

I have an ItemGroup, and I use its metadata as identifiers in my MSBuild project for batch processing. For example: <BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)" BuildUri="$(BuildUri)" Name="RunUnitTestsStep-%(TestSuite.Filename)-%(TestSuite.Extension)" Message=" - Unit T...

How can I add metadata to an image?

Where does one insert meta data into and image file and what it the mark up to do so? i want to do this with php. ...

What is a sorted table in .NET metadata?

In the #~stream there is a 64-bit vector of sorted tables. But what makes a table sorted or not? The only thing that I can find in the official documentation is that 16 metadata tables must be sorted by either primary key or secondary key and lists them. Why even have a bit vector for this since this can determine by specification? And i...

In iphone-exif how to see updated image metadata info?

I am new to iphone programming. using google code iphone-exif, i can read/write images tags also i can add custom image tags. But, my problem is that how can see the updated data??? OR is there any way to save image with updated data?? I have used .jpg image from net, is in other resources folder. Here my code (.m file) NSString *file...

How to get metadata from DMG file in Linux?

Hi, I would like to read the whatever metadata there might be in a DMG file. I don't need to actually install it, I just want to read any metadata (commentary, timestamp, manifest, whatever) there might be. I'm working on a Linux system, and I do not have superuser privileges. I have read that it's possible to read a DMG file by mount...

Do all RDBMS have a Data Dictionary comparable to the one Oracle has?

Is it possible to retrieve information like: the tables the indexes with the columns they index the columns in each table along with their types constraints like unique keys, foreign keys, not null .. using sql from all (major) RDBMSs? I know it is possible for oracle and assume it is possible for most others. Are there any importa...

How to do ASP.NET MVC Model Validation with DataAnnotations where ViewModel contains objects from an external Web Service?

I would like to use DataAnnotations for basic client and server-side validation of my MVC ViewModels. My ViewModel looks like this: public class MyViewModel { public Client Client1 { get; set; } public Client Client2 { get; set; } public Product Product { get; set; } } So I would like to check that both client objects have...

WCF svcutil Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from locahost

I've been looking around the questions here to see if anything similar was addressed already. I've yet to find a solution so hopefully someone can help out and point me in the right direction. I have a service and I can successfully navigate to the svc page on my localhost. https://localhost/WebSite/UploadService/UploadService.svc Thi...

Coded SWF Properties in Flash Builder 4

i want to add a SWF metadata tag to an ActionScript Project in Flash Builder 4, that denotes the default size and background color of the swf. i can do this in Flash Professional, but it doesn't work with ActionScript projects in FB4? can i not include this tag? i know i can set these properties in the properties panel, but i'd like t...

Resize and Save Image While Preserving Metadata

Hello All, I am attempting to resize and save an image, which is fairly easy (for instance, see this example). However, using this code strips the metadata information from the image. I can't quite seem to figure out how to preserve the metadata for a jpeg image. *EDIT: Example Code * public static void ResizeMethodThree(string ...

Attaching simple metadata to a MySQL database

Is there a way to attach a piece of metadata to a MySQL database? I'm trying to write code to automatically update the database schema whenever a code upgrade requires it. This requires the storage of a single integer value -- the schema version. I could of course create a whole table for it, but that seems like overkill for just a simpl...

xCode Sqlite Database Creation Without Z_METADATA

When my sqlite database is created using a core data model, at this line: if (![persistentStoreCoordinator_ addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:storeURL options:options error:&error]) I get an error: NSUnderlyingException=I/O SQLite error code:1, 'no such table: Z_METADATA' Any idea ...

SQL Server 2005 metadata search to get stored procedure parameters

How do you get a list of the input parameters for a stored procedure using metadata in SQL Server 2005? I want to do a SELECt on it and then iterate through the variable names. ...

Using meta expire to resolve swf file caching

Hi all, This is something that seems to boggle me and I want to sort the issue of SWF file caching out once and for all. I normally change the name of my SWF file and make the change to in SWFobject to reflect the name of the new swf file which then sorts out any kind of caching of the Flash swf file but I tried it this morning and wh...

Amazon S3 - x-amz-meta

Hi folks, I'm uploading photos, via PHP, to an Amazon S3 bucket. Everything is working great so far. My question is about x-amz-meta. Would I use x-amz-meta key/value pairs to store data like the User ID of the person uploading and their account type (free, premium, etc.)? Or do I store this as regular metadata, not prefixed with x-amz...

Oracle metadata to store column titles/labels

Does Oracle have a column metadata for storing its printable friendly label? Say I have a column named prodDesc. I would like to be able to pull a column label such as "Product Description" for use in end reports & web pages. I plan to utilize the column size meta data as well so that when I generate an html form I can dynamically set th...

wordpress featured posts

i'm trying to create a portfolio website using wordpress, each post has view costum fields, one of which is called type - with the value of "featured" or "not-featured" now when user clicks on the post title - they go the the single.php to see the entire post, here i would love to display all featured thumbnails i tried this ...

how to get the metadata of jstree .

this is my code: $("#demo1").jstree({ "themes": { "theme": "default", "dots": true, "icons": true, "url": "static/themes/default/style.css" }, "ui" : { // this makes the node with ID node_4 selected onload "initially_select" : [ locat...

Need a wordpress plugin for Google analytics, favicon!

Hi, I am using wordpress for my site. My site needs to add google analytics, favicon, meta keywords, meta descriptions. I searched plugin for this. I found different plugins for each. Can anyone suggest me a plugin which can add google analytis, favicon, metakeywords and meta description? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advanc...

video metadata - duration not always accessed

I'm creating a video player in an environment where stream.bytesTotal isn't available. I need to use the duration metadata encoded in flv files to extrapolate for things such as the play progress, and the time display. The problem is when loading an flv the metadata, including the duration, fails to be accessed 2 out of 3 times. Here is...