
Is it appropriate to use MFCs PropertySheet for a TDI-application?

I think it is possible to write a TDI-Application with MFCs CPropertySheet class. Is this the right way to do it, or is there a standard way with not using this class? It should also be possible to include a status-, menu- and toolbar into the application. Thanks! ...

Overlapped WSARecv() Callback Not Being Called in MFC App

I have a COM component, implemented in C++ with ATL, that uses overlapped socket I/O. Right after the connection is made to the server, it starts an overlapped read on the socket, with code like this: // Pass pointer to this instance as hEvent parameter, for use by callback m_recvOverlapped.hEvent = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(this); int...

Passing data between subforms of type CDialog

I have a MS Visual C++ 2005 project where I am trying to have a main dialog box with a section devoted to displaying selectable subform dialogs boxes. Each subform will be of the same size but have a different layout. The selection is performed using a combo-box control. I searched on the best way to implement this functionality and I...

How to know if someone else handled OnContextMenu

I have a CWnd derived class that has a WM_CONTEXTMENU handler (OnContextMenu), which has my default context menu. This class is being used at several places in my application. Some of the places where it's being used also handle the WM_CONTEXTMENU at the parent level (the window parent). They basically override the default context ...

HtmlHelp() closes my MFC application

I am updating an old MFC application that used WinHelp so that it now uses HtmlHelp. I've changed the constructor of CWinApp-based class so that it calls EnableHtmlHelp(). Then I've changed the old calls from WinHelp( IDH_CONTENTS, HELP_CONTEXT) to HtmlHelp( IDH_CONTENTS, HH_HELP_CONTEXT). Unfortunately, whenever I try to open the help f...

DoModal() not bringing up dlg box as modal

I have a window with the following properties set int he .rc file: STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU It has an associated class (derived from CDialog) and when I instantiate it, then call that object's DoModal() on it it is not really modal - I can click on the "parent" window. CMyDl...

how to save radio button status?

i have dialogbox as a singleton class and on that dialog box i hv 2 radio button on and off which are grouped.when i make on group true in resource and add variable then if i clicked on off radio button and then if i open again that dialog box its focus is on "off" radio button which is right. but when i make "off" button group true i.e...

how to update records of remote server database mysql

How to update the remote server data in vc++ 6.0 , i am able to retrieve the data but not updating. here i am tryng but dont know how to update pleae help. CRecordset cRecord(&db); cString csQuery; csQuery.Format(L"select * from %s where product_name = %s", m_TableName, m_ProductName); TRY { cRecord.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, ...

How to disable MFC writing workspace settings to registry?

By default, a basic MFC C++ project in Visual Studio 2010 will store all its workspace settings in the HKCU registry hive under a user-configurable key name. This includes last window size/position, ribbon settings, status bar, etc. How can you disable this feature completely so as to not write to the registry at all? I tried not sett...

How to validate a valid integer and floating number in VC++ CString

Can some one tell me a valid way to validate a number present in CString object as either a valid integer or floating number? ...

Does placement new call the constructor if the passed pointer is null?

Hello guys, I tried to converted a vc7.1 project to vs2010 which I got from codeproject.(And here's the link h tt p:// But after converted and modified its configuration. I find it debug unsuccessfully, it says Unhandled ex...

MFC: How to select MENUITEM Separator?

Hi all. I have a question related to MFC application: is it possible for an MFC application to receive "select" or "WM_COMMAND" event for MENUITEM separator? MY OBJECTIVE: when a user performs right-click in the program, a pop-up menu is created with an "auto-hide" functionality. Meaning: the pop-up menu stays when the mouse is inside t...

multiple user interface dll in MFC application

I have existing MFC SDI application that uses classic menus, now i want to add ribbons, but keep the old menu style too, with the option for the user to be able to change to whatever style he wants clasic/ribbon. Currently the UI code is placed in the exe, but I am thinking of making two MFC .dlls - one for classic and one for ribbon UI,...

How to write my own CStatic derived class

that subclasses a CStatic dialog item in an MFC dialog, shows a bitmap and processes some mouse events There must be tons of samples that do that Please point to one good one. ...

Improve downloading speed in subthread

I have a program which manages serveral subthreads for FTP downloading.It works fine except that the downloading speed becomes slow when number of subthreads increased.I've tried downloading the same resource with IE at the same time,and it's much faster.So how can I improve this?All the threads are started by AfxBeginThread.Help would b...

why PostMessageW lparam value is showing wrong value in following scenerio

I have a parent dialog box and a child dialog box.when i post message from child to parent using PostMessageW(WM_SMESG,NULL,l_dvalue);where l_Value is double value but when i recieve this message in parent and then i am typcasting like double l_value = (double)lParam;then value in l_value always showing 0.0 but the value isend to parent ...

How to get drive letters which are not in use in system in MFC ?

hi, How to get drive letters which are not in use in system in MFC ? Thanks. ...

ASSERTS during the termination of an MFC application

If an ASSERT fires once ExitInstance() has entered, any ASSERT will, I assume, throw a structured exception, thus skipping the rest of the code in ExitInstance(). Can anyone shed a little light on this? ...

On what platforms will m_ofn members be valid?

According to this, some members (specifically the one I am interested in is the initial directory member lpstrInitialDir is not supported on Vista. It is important for me to know if it is supported on 2008 and Windows7 - the docs are silent on that. One can either assume since those are not mentioned that it will work, or since they ...

How to set tooltip at runtime in MFC Treeview ?

hi, How to set tooltip at runtime in MFC Treeview ? I am creating treeview like this : m_pTreeview->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | TVS_SINGLEEXPAND,CRect(38, 82, 220 ,250), this, IDC_NDS_TREEVIEW); Any help is appreciated.. ...