
Are there any tools to do Migrations (a la Ruby) on Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)?

Are there any tools, or 'best practices' for creating Migrations on MSSQL? I have a Dev & Production database, and the Dev one often has new SPROCs created, and occasionally the structure is added to. I'd like to be able to write a set of scripts during each iteration which will update the Dev server, then execute all the scripts at rele...

SSIS output parameters and XML

It seems that when using the OLE DB Command within SSIS problems occur when handling stored procedures that return xml: view bug description I have to use a procedure that is built in such a way and get hold of the xml even if it is just as a string value. Does anybody know of a workaround to the bug linked above that doesn't involve ch...

How do you stay on top of Microsoft's public information?

Microsoft is tearing down walls and barriers. Their product and project development process is becoming increasingly transparent. They are blogging all over the place and they are releasing open source code projects by the minute. While all this is great, it can be overwhelming! People like Scott Hanselman are doing their best to keep u...

How to bring down a socket on a windows machine?

I have a application which I suspects to get into problems because network nodes closes its sockets to various other servers it communicates to. I would like to mimic that behaviour by shutting down one or severel connections that can be seen in netstat. I'm not an expert in networking on OS level, so this question may be stupid, if so d...

Compact Framework Serial port Open function

Is there a way to tell whether the serial port has been opened successfully? The problem is that if the serial port not opened, no exception is thrown, and there is no way for users to know what the issue is. Any input? ...

D.P.M what is it exactly (MS certifications)

hi everyone, I heared about the Microsoft DPM which means developper and platform manager, from some friends but am not sure if such a (certification) exist. and if it does what is its position among the others, I mean if it is like MVP, above or less? anyone has an idea! ...

Developing on Apple (new platform question)

Coming from a Microsoft development backgroup I am a bit confused as to what development languages/environments are available on an Mac. Are there any C# like languages to develop with on the Mac other than Java that I should also consider? What do MS to OSX converts prefer and why? I am after a business level programming strategy and no...

Modify VB property template in VS2008

In VS2008 (VB.NET) when you type Public Property X As SomeType and press enter, VS auto-generates the rest of that property definition for you. I would like to be able to customize what VS generates. Any thoughts on how to go about that? VS must have a template for it somewhere, eh? Thanks. ...

how to sell small programs i wrote my self?

i am a .net developer and developed a lot of applications, what i want is to write some good ideas and sell them on the internet, i have my own website, but how to promote for these applications, should i go to Seams that my problem is marketing ...

How to configure community server to make contact us page work?

I have a community server website, i have contact us page enabled in it, but for a reason i don't know its not working. But all notifications i receive on the same mail when some one send a comment on a post or forum. Any one can tell me whats the problem or how i can solve or configure? Thanks, ...

Microsoft AJAX client library vs jQuery

A lot of discussion are going on with jQuery and MS Ajax after the jquery integrated news. I'm currently in the process of convincing my team to consider jQuery, but I'm not a pro on either of them. I really want some good comparisons between jQuery and MS Ajax "Client" library, as my team is arguing that we can what jQuery can if we j...

Any Good Certification in Testing

Which exam is better for TEsting engineer, ISEB or CSTE? Any other good ones you suggest? Anyone know about any Microsoft certification in Testing? Kind Regards Sam ...

Keep VS2005 in sync with filesytem?

Is there an easy way to keep VS2005 project in sync with changes made directly on filesystem? In eclipse I can simply "refresh" the project and any changes show up. Does something similar exist in VS? ...

C# and SAPI, I have speech recognition but its picking up words im not interested in. How can I limit, not just over weight, the gramer dict?

Whew, big title, but yea that sums up the question. Im working in C# with the Microsoft SAPI, using their speech Recognition in a program im working on. what i have it doing is. grammar = objRecoContext.CreateGrammar(0); menuRule = grammar.Rules.Add("typewrite", SpeechRuleAttributes.SRATopLevel | SpeechRule...

UTF-8 Server.UrlEncode problem in ASP Classic

I'm having a bit of bother URL encoding a string of UTF-8 encoded text to pass over HTTP. I am using Server.URlEncode in classic ASP (vbscript) to do the encoding on the "é" character. It produces the following string, %C3%83%C2%A9 The system I am talking to over HTTP is PHP however and it cannot decode this string. Using a PHP encode...

Where can I submit request for new features in the C# language?

I know Microsoft has a forum similar to for feature and bug submissions, but it has slipped my mind and my google-fu is fail this afternoon. Then I thought... hey, what a great question for Stack Overflow! So: Where can I go to submit official requests for new features of the C# language? ...

Microsoft _s functions, are they part of the C++ standard now?

I just recently changed my IDE to MS Visual Studio 2005 coming from MSVC++ 6, and I've gotten a lot of deprecation warnings. Rather than ignore the warning, I started to change them to the _s equivalents. However, I then found out that these were microsoft-only implementations. I read somewhere that they were pushing for these to beco...

How can I decrypt a cipher from the middle?

I have to encrypt the output file in A application, then decrypt it in B application, but I found there are some limitations with MS encryption, if I encrypt a 1000 bytes buffer and then want to decrypt start for different position with different size in B application, the return values are error. Is there any encryption can meet my requ...

Visual Studio 2008 - Status Bar Icon Glossary?

I have scoured the help files for Visual Studio and could not locate any information as to the meaning of some the icons in the status bar along the bottom of the main window of the IDE. Does anyone know of a reference? Specifically, there is an icon that shows a pair of binoculars over an animated page with boxes scrolling down it. ...

Microsoft vs Java Career

If you could choose between becoming an expert in Microsoft or Java, which one would you choose and on what grounds? Does one of the two have a better future? Will you earn more in one of the two? Is one of the two better and faster in developing solutions? Do they both have the same possibilities in Cloud Computing? And do you have...