
What Protocol Does Microsoft Easy Assist Use?

I realize this doesn't directly seem like a programming-related question... but I would like to understand on a TCP/IP level how this might work. I'd like to understand this so that I can better remotely help my own clients (sidework). I worked with a Microsoft engineer the other day, and I was really surprised that Easy Assist worked t...


I'm wondering how many folks using the Microsoft development stack (IIS and/or ASP.NET) are actually using REST? If so, what forms of rest are being used? REST can be categorized a zillion ways, but for the purpose of this question I'll categorize it as follows: Radically REST: Using all the HTTP methods PUT/POST/GET/DELETE Moderate...

Microsoft Speech Recognizer 6.1 Training Files

I am developing a Speech Application in C#. The speech recognition stuff is working fine with SAPI 5.1 on Windows XP. But I now have Microsoft Speech Recognizer v 6.1 on my machine that came with Office 2003. No matter how much training I do, I see that the speech files (the .dat files under MSASR) are not getting updated ( at least from...

What's the deal with functions in the Microsoft C Runtime library?

This page on the MSDN seems to list a bunch of file operations that behave more or less exactly like condensed versions of the three functions used in this example. What's the purpose of these non-standard run-time functions that do things functions are written for in the Win32 API? Are they just there for DOS compatibility? If so, then...

Project source code that follows Microsoft Best Practices

Hi! I would like to know if you know some sites with great source code that follows Microsoft best practices? By best practice I mean that projects that most likely conforms to say, this documents: ...

Modifying parameters with code in Microsoft Reporting Services

I made a report with about 30 different rectangles and textboxes that have different visibility expressions depending on the parameters. (It's a student invoice and many different messages have to appear depending on the semester) When I made all the expressions I coded in the parameters in all upper case. Now I have a problem when us...

Does AssemblyCleanup have a time limit

Do methods marked with the AssemblyCleanup attribute have a maximum time limit? We have a method that does a bunch of database deletes for the test data that has been added during the test run, and we don't see that this method is given time to complete fully. (We are using Visual Studio 2008 Team System.) ...

How to create a HTML link which forces MS Word to edit document on webdav server

Let's suppose that I have WebDAV-enabled server, where I have bunch of Office documents. I'd like to generate webpage which has link to document such that clicking on the link will open Microsoft Word. Word will in turn download document from WebDAV server, and when user finishes editing document, MS Word will upload it back. I know tha...

Microsoft Exchange CDOEX in a clustered environment.

We have a VS2005 native C++ application which connects to Exchange server using CDOEX and CDOEXM to create and modify calendar entries for multiple user folders. It's a command line utility which must be installed on the same server where the exchange server is installed. What is the correct procedure to use this utility in a clustered e...

Sending Rich Text Format email using Outlook 2003

I am trying to send a Rich Text Format email message using Outlook 2003. The following code results the RTF HTML source code to be dumped into the mail message body. What should I do in order to fix that, and make Outlook display the formatted data and not the source HTML ? import win32com.client RTFTEMPLATE = """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC...

Best way to create a Map in Classic ASP

I'm currently rewriting some PHP 4 code to Classic ASP (don't ask) and trying to work out if there's a better way to load a large Map into memory than just hard coding each pair in. To give you an idea, there's around 300 unique key value pairs in the hashed array definition (or whatever it's called) in the PHP. I'm tempted to just do t...

Need an example - decrypting string in Java using Microsoft Crypto API

First and foremost, I am not a Java programmer. I'm looking for an example solution to this problem because the Java developer I have does not have much experience working with encryption. Everything we've found online pertains to encrypting web pages and dealing with the MS keystore. We just want to work with a single string from Pow...

Accessing Microsoft Automation Objects from Python

I have a set of macros that I have turned into an add-in in excel. The macros allow me to interact with another program that has what are called Microsoft Automation Objects that provide some control over what the other program does. For example, I have a filter tool in the add-in that filters the list provided by the other program to ...

How to use Microsoft C++ compiler with NetBeans?

I was wondering whether it's possible to use Microsoft's C++ compiler and linker with NetBeans IDE? If so, what's the best way of doing it. P.S. I'm not interested in Mingw. EDIT: Is it possible to get NetBeans to do error parsing (so that I can click on error and have NetBeans open the right file), intellisense, etc? I know NetBeans c...

Can Visual Studio Unit Tests be "Run as Admin" on Vista?

We have some unit tests which work with performance counters (specifically creating new categories) and on XP/2003 they work fine but on Vista/7 they fail with a SecurityException ("Requested registry access is not allowed"). I tried checking the "Run as administrator" box on the properties for VSTestHost.exe, but that causes all tests ...

When will you switch to IE8?

Microsoft announced the official release of IE8 today. Although users will now be able to "disable" IE8, like previous versions, it will not co-exist with earlier versions. I develop web pages, modest as they are, and Internet Explorer gives me more trouble than any other web browser that I test with. I am shocked, floored, that IE6, ...

Do I have to pay a fee to develop or deploy a .NET application?

I have heard that .NET is not free and that I have to pay Microsoft if I develop a .NET application. Is this true? If so: What do I have to pay? I'm a subscriber to the MSDN via the Academic Alliance (we download a variety of Microsoft Software products for free, like VS2008 and Windows Server 2008). Do I have to pay for the software...

Your favorite Visual Basic 6 tools and tips

This is somewhat related to a similar post, but that post was Visual Studio 6 in general and a lot of the suggestions didn't apply to VB6. Suggest or vote for tools/tips. Please one tool/tip per post so that everyone can vote on them individually. Include a brief description of what the tools do. ...

Is MSXML4 thread safe?

I would like to know if I create an instance of Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0 in one thread, can I safely manipulate the instance from different threads using raw pointers? ...

MSHTML tutorial

Hello everyone, I want to learn some basics about MSHTML, like how to use IHtmlDocument and IHtmlDocument2 interfaces. I searched for quite a while, but can not find out a tutorial for beginners. Could anyone recommend something to read? EDIT: I prefer to use C#. thanks in advance, George ...