
Modal dialog box and defaultreply

Does anyone know if there is some registry key or mechanism in Automatic Update for Vista that causes it to select default replies on dialog boxes when the program is closed? I have a program that presents a dialog box to a user when they shut down or log off, but for some reason after automatic updates are ready to be installed, if the...

WebView do not inform UIDelegate in modal NSWindow

I build a NSWindow with a WebView in it. The the WebView loads an HTML-Page with buttons calling the JacaScript-Functions "window.close()" and "'URL')" by clicking on it. The WebView notice this and informs my UIDelegate by calling the selectors: - (WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest ...

Openning a Modal Pop Up window

Hello. I'm very new on Android. I want to show a modal pop up window with a TextView and two buttons when the user "clicks" on a ListView item. How can I do that? Thanks. ...

Why does streaming an image not work in modaldialog

I'm adding some functionality to an existing 'popup' in an ASP.NET website. The popup is called by window.showmodaldialog because the website only needs IE support and well, ... it was just programmed that way many years ago. Now when I try to stream an image ( show a save file dialog ), this code does not work. It does work on normal p...

How to make jQuery dialog modal?

I am using jQuery dialog in It is working fine for me. The problem is when I open the dialog box, I can still work parent page functionality. I don't want that. Just dialog to modal and should not allow focus on parent page. window.onload = function onloadFunction() { //setup edit person dialog $('#uploadPic').dia...

Crazy widths using SimpleModal in IE9

Has anyone else tried using SimpleModal in IE9? If so, have you experienced that the width of the modal is wildly wrong? I checked on the homepage for SimpleModal, and the modals are all over the place width-wise there as well. Does anyone have a fix for this? ...

Adding a Modal Dialog on page load

I am just starting out learning some HTML and Java coding (read: I know practically nothing about this stuff) and would like to have my index.html page open an HTML file when it loads. Essentially I am looking for a kind of Modal Pop-Up. I have been researching jQuery and its various plugins (i.e., LightBox, prettyPhoto, Boxy, etc.), b...

Dialog stops the execution of the code,is any way to stop it in c# ?

I am displaying dialog on the main form, now one for loop is working behind but when that dialog will displayed code execution will be stopped, but I don't want to let stop the execution of the code, is any other any way to do that ? EDIT: I am using now thread to do that and my code is like Thread t; private void StartParsing...

iPad UISplitViewController rotates unnecessarily when modal dialog is closed.

I have a reasonably simple split view application adapted from iPhone code. The main functionality is in shared classes with iPhone and iPad specific classes inheriting and augmenting the code. All the classes used in the iPad app have the following: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrie...

jQuery:modal-dialog with if else

dear all, i need to combine two different result in one script. The problem is like this: if #edit clicked -> show dialog -> click button #ok inside dialog, then do function: if($('#user').val() !== "admin" || $('#password').val() !== "qaubuntu") { alert('Invalid login'); return false; ...

JQuery UI Dialog don't reload after first open

I've this script inside my classic asp. <script type="text/javascript"> var $dialog = $('<div></div>'); $dialog.load('cad_usr_pto_padrao_livres.asp?cd_usuario=' + <%= "'" & v_cd_usuario_cl & "'" %>); $dialog.dialog({ title: 'Cadastro de Ponto Padrão', height: 300, width: 400, closeOnEscape: true, hide: 'slide', position...

JDialog: How to disable the ESC key of my Modal dialog?

So there's a frame (main app). From here, I open a Modal JDialog and start a background thread working whilst displaying progress (log entries) in a table. This process is critical and should not be stoppable/hideable/closeable, thus why the dialog's close button is de-activated until everything's finished. However, the user can at any t...

flexigrid popup modal window

Hi Guys and Gals, I am trying to create a script using FLEXIGRID as a method to display the information from a database, but I want the users to able to input info into the database as well. I would like to be able to launch a modal window where the user can input the information and submit it. The way the buttons on the FLEXIGRID are c...

jQuery modal dialog button text

Based on the code below to show a JQuery dialog, the button text shows up as the literal "b" as opposed to the value of the variable b. Ie: showWarningDialog('myBody', 'myTitle', 'go') shows a dialog with a button labelled b instead of go. How can you get go to appear? function showWarningDialog(theBody, theTitle, buttonText) { ...

Create more serious looking jQuery error dialog?

Is there a jQuery UI class you can use to create a more severe looking error dialog box than the one below? This is the HTML we use to create the dialog: <div style="display:none" id="div-dialog-warning"> <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 20px 0;"></span><div/></p> </div> And this is how we ...

JqueryUI Dialog. Unable to trigger from html form

Works fine with a text link to fire dialog - but lasts for about .5 second if triggered from an html form submit button. Sounds crazy! Yep, just cannot get it to work. Help! $(document).ready(function() { $('#rating-0').click(function() { $('#dialog').dialog('open'); }); $('#dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 280, modal: t...

DoModal() not bringing up dlg box as modal

I have a window with the following properties set int he .rc file: STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU It has an associated class (derived from CDialog) and when I instantiate it, then call that object's DoModal() on it it is not really modal - I can click on the "parent" window. CMyDl...

Custom dialog on Android: How can I center its title?

Hello. I'm developing an Android application. How can I center the title for a custom dialog that I'm using? Thanks. ...

jQuery dialog IE7 issues

I am having trouble with the width of the titlebar in IE7 only. The first dialog function when opened using the width: 'auto' the titlebar does not extend across the entire dialog window. The second function using minWidth works but is acting more like the width property and not growing in size with the content. Any ideas? Not Workin...

jQuery: how to use dialog-modal confirmation before deleting?

This is the 1st time i'm use jQuery dialog_modal confirmation. i want to use this before deleting data inside ajax function. i'm still confuse how to put this script correctly. Before use this dialog i have some script like: $('#delete').click(function() { var params = $('#deletedata').serialize(); $.ajax({ ...