Each time I want to test the DotNetNuke module I'm working on, I uninstall it from the DNN website host control panel, I zip my module dev folder, and then I reinstall it from the DNN website.
Is there any faster way to test my module?
How do I get versions of apache modules on debian?
I can get loaded modules list by apache2ctl -M - but how do I get their version numbers?
At runtime, the Python code gets the name of a submodule to load, which I don't know before. Now, I want to check, if this submodule exists inside an existing module. Consider this structure, where foo and bar can be specified:
|- __init__.py
|- foo/
| |
| |- __init__.py
|- bar/
|- __init__.py
Now, usually I do...
Hello, I'm trying to understand a specific thing about ocaml modules and their compilation:
am I forced to redeclare types already declared in a .mli inside the specific .ml implementations?
Just to give an example:
(* foo.mli *)
type foobar = Bool of bool | Float of float | Int of int
(* foo.ml *)
type baz = foobar option
This, ac...
Hi, am having quite alot of problems trying to use embeded fonts in flex 4. Here is the situation.
I have a main application that fist load the fonts via a URL. This is the font file code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
public class FontLib extends Sprite
[Embed(source="MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fon...
I have created a WiX installation package for a large program. The install package includes the merge modules for the Visual C++ 9.0 files. I need to include the merge modules for a COM DLL. The installation runs just fine. The first time I run the program, though, something odd happens. The first time the COM DLL is called, the Win...
I am making a drupal site and have a custom content type Event. I want user be able to register themselves at the event page. For this there is a module namely Event Manager . But this module is not present Drupal 6.x release. Is there some other workaround of this?
Long story short, I am trying to build a very bare bones UDP SKB just to get something onto the wire. The scenario is as follows:
I have a kernel module loading that (among other things) overrides the memory location of the standard udp_sendmsg function in /net/ipv4/udp.c. From here I would like to construct an skb to the point where ...
Im developing a site using Joomla, and one of the requirements of the site is that it uses the Phoca Gallery Component and Module. The problems with these is tthat they have a lot of inline CSS styles, which makes them hard to customize. I've solved this removing the style attributes with jQuery, but it doesn't seem like a very good solu...
I've been having a need to do a lot of regex / pattern-matching stuff lately and, in looking at different examples / forum posts from my web searches it seems people sometimes mention that perl has good modules to help in simplifying pattern matching / regex tasks, however they neglect to mention which ones are the best for this.. I have...
I'm pretty new to NLP in general, but getting really good at Perl, and I was wondering what kind of powerful NLP modules are out there. Basically, I have a file with a bunch of paragraphs, and some of them are people's biographies. So, first I need to look for a person's name, and that helps with the rest of the process later.
So I was ...
Is there a standard third-party module that everyone/anyone is using for programming batch order imports in Magento? I need to do a complicated history import for a client, and the SOAP API doesn't have an order creation API, and an Order model existing in the system is dependent on so many other things already existing that it's not a...
Hi all,
I'm trying to use a custom file to update currency rates using cURL from my local bank and insert the data into the currency database table. Do I have to create a module to do that, or can I do that without creating a module? I intend to use cron too. Does anyone have any advice on how to achieve this, and are there any tutorial...
Hi Kernel Gurus,
i'm writing a char device in linux - xubuntu ,
and i'm wondering if i have to implement ioctl OR
maybe i can use the regular read write funcs??
thanks all,
My problem basically looks like this:
module Foo
class Bar
def self.who
class World < Foo::Bar
When I call World.who I don't get "World" as a result, I get "Class". Some quick Googling didn't yield anything useful, so hence I'm here hoping someone will know how to get the correct cla...
I am using Flex 4, I have a main application like this;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<!-- Pl...
I am trying to take a Perl program I wrote and thread it. The problem is I read that some modules aren't "thread safe". How do I know if a module is thread safe? I've looked around for a list and cannot locate one.
To test out one module I use frequently (Text::CSV_XS) I tried the following code out:
use strict;
use warnings;
use th...
I'm using paramiko to transfer files with SFTP, on a apache server with mod_python.
It works fine if I open the SFTP connection in the function called by mod_python (ex. index(req) ).
But when I have 10-15 files that all uses a SFTP connection, I want to use a module that starts this connection.
I have tried to make a function that re...
After I was upggrading the CI 1.7 with Codeigniter 2 returns an Error and it shows as a routing error, its because of CodeIgniter 2 Routing library has little optimized. how to resolve this problem?
What is the significance and what is the effect of something like this (I think it is object oriented):
use My::Confusing::Code
CITY => { MODIFY => 1,
DEFAULT => My::Even::more::complicated->func(),
STATE => { MODIFY => 1,
DEFAULT => 'Concatenat...