
Drupal: xmlsitemap file is not generated

I have chosen XMLSiteMap module from the most popular usage statistics on Drupal site, so I assume the module is not too buggy. But the map file is absent. I've installed this module on my Windows machine into drupal/sites/default/modules. I've activated all the submodules of XMLSiteMap in admin menu. Per docs, I've also run cron.php ma...

Is reducing number of cpp translation units a good idea?

I find that if there are a lot of classes the compilation time is dramatically increased when I use one *.h and one *.cpp file per class. I already use precompiled headers and incremental linking, but still the compile time is very long (yes I use boost ;) So I came up with the following trick: defined *.cpp files as non-compilable de...

Components in module disappear when browser is resized (Flex 3)

We have this Flex app built on Builder 3 and we're using SuperTabNavigator from FlexLib to have some modules displayed. The thing is, whenever the user resizes the browser window all the contents on any tabs open simply disappear and there's no way to get them back. This only happens the first time, so if you close these 'broken' tabs an...

Log the REQUEST_URI variable when php is set to log to syslog.

This is the source code of php_log_err. I would like to modify it to be able to log the variable _SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] /* {{{ php_log_err */ PHPAPI void php_log_err(char *log_message TSRMLS_DC) { FILE *log_file; char error_time_str[128]; struct tm tmbuf; time_t error_time; /* Try to use the spe...

Dynamic Default Module in Zend Framework

Does anyone know of a way to set the default module dynamically in Zend Framework and not run into namespace issues? For example, what I want to do is have a table of modules that are allowed to be loaded, with one of them set as the default module. For example, I may have: admin blog calendar as modules that can be loaded. If I have ...

Calling python from python - persistence of module imports?

So I have some Python scripts, and I've got a BaseHTTPServer to serve up their responses. If the requested file is a .py then I'll run that script using execfile( The question is this: are there any special rules about imports? One script needs to run just once, and it would be good to keep the objects it creates alive betwee...

Object Reference not set in GetRouteData (System.Web.Routing)

This is driving me mad. I've implemented the Web.Routing on a Web Forms application. The application works fine and then inexplicably (at least at the moment) the following error message is thrown: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection.GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContex...

Extending ruby object; extend_object callback prevents instance methods from being extended

Having some trouble extending an object instance with a module, specifically when I define an extend_object callback in the Module class. My understanding is that when you do something like: (s = SomeModule The SomeModule extend_object callback is called. This seems to be the case, but when I include a callback, no...

Grouping maven dependencies across projects

I have a multi-module project where there are various components which follow a fairly standard layout. For example: root (pom) ... module-NN (pom) module-NN-launcher (jar) module-NN-runtime (jar) ... (where there are many module-NN projects) Each *-launcher project uses ...

How do I install Python Imaging Library on Mac OS X?

Hi. I'm an extremely amateur programmer; I've done some recreational algorithmics programming, but I honestly have no idea how libraries and programming languages really fit together. I'm supposed to work on a project that requires some image processing, so I've been trying to install PIL for a while, but I haven't been able to. I went ...

How to find all child modules in Python?

While it is fairly trivial in Python to import a "child" module into another module and list its attributes, it becomes slightly more difficult when you want to import all child modules. I'm building a library of tools for an existing 3D application. Each tool has its own menu item and sub menus. I'd like the tool to be responsible for...

Alternate Web.Config for IIS7 Rewrite Module Rules

Is it possible to move the rules created by the IIS7 rewrite module from the root web config into its own web config file like you can with appsettings and if so how? ...

Scope, using functions in current module

Hi, I know this must be a trivial question, but I've tried many different ways, and searched quie a bit for a solution, but how do I create and reference subfunctions in the current module? For example, I am writing a program to parse through a text file, and for each of the 300 different names in it, I want to assign to a category. T...

[GWT] Problem with multiple entry Points in the same module

I have multiple entry points in the same module. For example I have an Home entry point for the home page and an Admin entry point for the admin page. <entry-point class=''/> <entry-point class=''/> The way I am setup now - I need to check somt like this in...

When to consider creating your own Ruby module in a Rails app?

With a Ruby module, you can cluster together a bunch of methods that you might use in one place and then include them into a class so it's as if you had written them in that class. What kinds of practical uses are there for Ruby modules in a rails app? I would appreciate if someone could mention an example of where they've actually u...

how to add a new modulo position on a joomla template?

hi there, i'm using a joomla template called decayed and it doesn't have the right position, only the left one and nothing more. i would like to add a right and a button positions on that template. how can i do it? cheers ...

Backend module needs URLs from presentation layer - how to avoid cyclic dependency?

URL generation in my web app is in charge of the presentation layer. Now consider another module sending out messages containing URLs. (Not neccessarily triggered from presentation). However, the presentation layer has to know about the module (since it might be the trigger, and the user can configure the module using the frontend). I.e...

How widely visible are various objects (shared class, module, etc) in VB.NET

I have a VB.NET application where various objects are going to access some common code, and I have some counters and values shared between all the calls, so I'm currently using a "Shared Class" (I'm aware classes can't be shared, per se, but all the variables and methods are marked "Shared"). My concern is for the visibility of this obj...

Rails cannot find model with same name as Ruby class

I'm fairly new to Ruby on Rails, and I have a project with a "Set" model. This is in Rails 2.3.2. Now the problem is that it can't find any methods on that model's class at all. For example: "undefined method find' for Set:Class" or "undefined method errors' for #". It seems to be trying to find those methods on the Ruby "Set" class inst...

Accessing CPanel and Plesk password via custom module.

I am making a custom CPanel and Plesk module that assists in logging into a Web application using the user's login and password for CPanel and Plesk. How would I use the module's API calls to retrieve the password? Thanks. ...