
mooWMD is Undefined?

First off here is the code! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <link href="content/wmd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>some title </title> </head> <body> <div class="main"> ...

HTML5 canvas with Processing vs. Pure Javascript

I have some data visualization animations I want to do in a webapp I have and am considering different alternatives I have. It will basically just be moving around text strings in a pretty way. I am using the Mootools framework and the Mootools FX library basically have the stuff i want, but I want to manipulate around 100 text strings,...

mootools.swiff : loaderInfo never completes

[EDIT 07-22-2010] removed deoms from my site[/EDIT] [EDIT 08-26-2009] added really weird issue to the bottom of question[/EDIT] Hi everyone I'm trying to get going with the mootools swiff thing and I seem not to get the loaderInfo.COMPLETE event in flash. more precisely a dynamically loaded swf never loads completely, while a static one ...

Javascript framework popularity

Are there any resources comparing the adoption rates of the various javascript frameworks similar to tcpi? Basically the number of sites using a particular framework on a time-line would be ideal. ...

Mootools Slider plugin functions

Hi, I am using mootools to create a CSS skin for the Youtube chromeless player using the javascript API to control playback. I cannot post the code unfortunately. The question I have is a more general one. When using the slider plugin a call to mySlider.set(step) moves the knob to the correct step on the slider but it triggers all of th...

Jquery toggle function breaks on pages that include mootools or slimbox script.

My friend is asked me to look over her site where there is an error on pages that use slimbox-- an unrelated Jquery toggle function breaks— here's the code: $(function() { $(".cat_nav dd").hide(); $(".cat_nav dt").click(function() { $(this).next().toggle(); return false; }); }); This code works fine when slimbox ...

How do I fade in and out a hidden element using Mootools

I am trying to fade in a hidden element, and then fade it back out again using mootools. I can't just use $('my_div').fade('toggle'), because that assumes the element is always visible, whereas my div starts out with display:none. Is there a simple way to combine a fade in/out with a slide in/out or some other way to achieve a nice eff...

Internet explorer says Object doesn't support this property or method

This line is 79: window.addEvent('domready', function(){ mySlide = new Fx.Slide('advert'); mySlide.hide(); }); It also does not like this line: this.wrapper = new Element('div', { 'styles': $extend( this.element.getStyles('mar...

Invoke an alert on an href, then continue to a new page

I have a link to a page which invokes the 'Sexy Alert Box' script to pop a message asking if users agree to Terms and Conditions with options "I Agree" and "Cancel". I've got that much going but now I need for the "I Agree" option to send them to a new page. ("Cancel" returns the user the current page.) Something to do with document...

Should I continue using Mootools now that MS is backing up JQuery?

I've been using Mootools for the last couple of months without knowing that MS was including JQuery with their new releases (like MVC). Now I'm not sure if I should switch to JQuery considering that I will be developing on MS tools and frameworks for the next years. I would like to hear from more experienced developers. Thanks! ...

How to update multiple elements with one MooTools Request.HTML call

Does anyone know if, using one Request.HTML call from MooTools, it is possible to somehow update more than one element in a webpage? The current call I have is: var req = new Request.HTML({update: $('content')}).get('../latest_events'); This updates the content div in my page with the "../latest_events" page. Is there a way to updat...

Mootol´s Top Panel not appearing

Ahoy everyone, I am using this sliding top panel using mootools (for orientation, the code is basically the same). I want it to appear when the page is loaded, means, index.html is loaded. I achieved this simply by adding the corresponding javascript to index.html: <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', functi...

Is there a good MooTools data grid that supports JSON and XML?

I'm looking for a MooTools based data grid that supports JSON and XML data types. If anyone could direct me to one, and identify a few key points why they would select it, I would appreciate it. ...

Incomatible Mootools scripts

Well, what i want to do is having a lightbox and a sliding top panel. Both use mootools and both seem to use different versions. It does not work if comment out one of these although they are booth the actual mootools library. <!a possible js config. either these two are commentented out, or the mootols.svn.js <!-- libraries/frameworks...

<td> tags are stripped from text when injected in MooTools Elements

I'm trying to build some JavaScript in MooTools that fetches table row markup from the server, then adds it to a table. I have an object named htmlAjax that's set as a MooTools Ajax object. The object gets the HTML from the server correctly (tested this in the Firebug console), but when I attempt to add this markup to a new element, the ...

Ajax request using mootools not working

Hi everyone, I try loading content into a div with this tutorial. Unfortunately, this simply loads the HTML file as a new page. This is the javascript that should do the job window.addEvent('domready', function() {      $('runAjax').addEvent('click', function(event) {          event.stop();          var req = new Request({           ...

Make Javascript variable global w/ MooTools

I'm using mootools-1.2.3 at the moment and I'm having trouble getting a variable to be accessible outside of a function. I need to define the variable in the domready function, because otherwise the DOM hasn't been loaded and selector functions will not work (I can't place the script at the end of the HTML I don't have control of when t...

Set ajax request in joomla using mootools

Hi friends, I am having a prob for ajax request in joomla using mootools. var url = '<?php echo JURI::base();?>index.php?option=com_test&task=getselectmode&selectedid='+$('parent_question').value; var params ={method: 'post',update:'test'}; var myAjax = new Ajax(url, params); myAjax.request(); My prob is that, is there any to...

Scroll with no backward with IE

Hi, I am using the Mootools Fx.Scroll effect to navigate horizontally through my website sections. Everything is working properly with Firefox, but Internet Explorer gives me some trouble. First the section were a big mess, but after adding one line in the Mootools core file thanks to a patch, the sections are now well...

Javascript (MooTools) window.addEvent('domready', function() { problems

Hi there, My problem can be readily seen on the following to pages: The correct version -> The incorrect version -> As far as I can tell both pages have the same javascript in the header. What would cause the main page to work properly and page/2 not to initialize? Pag...