
reduce bandwidth streaming mp3s php...

Hey guys, quick question for any experts out there. I am allowing users to upload and post mp3s so other users can listen to/stream. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for reducing bandwidth, or any tips or methods for streaming mp3s. I currently just reference the location of the file with my flash mp3 player after the file has bee...

Is it possible for users/bots to spam executions of mp3s and waste bandwidth?

Hey guys, I currently present my mp3s by referencing their file location into a flash mp3 player for the users. Is is possible for users/bots to go onto your site and somehow execute an mp3 continuously and drain bandwidth? If so how can you prevent this? (I program in php). Thanks in advance for any advice. ...

How to embed mp3 into .exe file & Play it?

I am used to embed WAV into .exe and Play it using PlaySound(). However, using this method causes the .exe to become pretty big. Is it possible to do the same with MP3 files and how to do it? I have taken a look at DirectShow but it seems to be able to play from files only? I am developing for Windows Mobile 6 Series ...

open mp3 or apk file from webview

Hi guys, I would like to know how I can open a Mp3 file from within a webview, basically a link that points to an MP3 file which would then open up the standard media player. Is this possible? I know it is because it works on the default webbrowser so I was wondering why I can't get it to work on a standard webview. Any help would be mu...

Reading ID3 tags of a remote mp3 file ? got me started with reading id3 tags, but i realize that taglib# online deals with local file paths ? Is there a way of reading this info from a remote file ? ...

Custom flash mp3 player stopping in the middle of playing audio on windows nt ie6 system

We have used a custom MP3 flash player for a lot of years on our website without any issues, but recently, a client of ours is reporting that the audio is playing for several seconds and then stopping. When they refresh the page or click play in the player again the audio plays fine. We are puzzled as to what could be causing this issu...

detecting pauses in a spoken word audio file using pymad, pcm, vad, etc

First I am going to broadly state what I'm trying to do and ask for advice. Then I will explain my current approach and ask for answers to my current problems. Problem I have an MP3 file of a person speaking. I'd like to split it up into segments roughly corresponding to a sentence or phrase. (I'd do it manually, but we are talking ...

php mp3 headers in google chrome

I have this in a php to show a mp3 file, it code works fine on firefox and explorer but in chrome it not work. The chrome player appears but no sound and not increases time $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,"."), 1)); $ctype = "audio/mpeg"; header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D...

How to get the volume of MP3 file?

I need to get the average volume of the mp3 file in dB. This must be that when listening to multiple files automatically adjust the volume. In this case, the files themselves do not need to normalize. Ideally, I need to get a result in the command line, but fit and just an algorithm. ...

How can I convert wav to MP3 programmatically in C++?

How can I convert wav to MP3 programatically in C++? ...

Convert Video To MP3 in php?

Hey, I'm just wondering if it would be possible to convert videos to mp3 files in php, if so, could someone point me in the right direction? ...

Android MP3 playback with dynamic tempo adjustment

Any ideas how to do this? For example with NDK or something else. ...

Converting mp3 to caf file for iPhone

Hi, I am experimenting with the sampling rate of the mp3 file to convert it into caf format. afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@44100 ./fricatives_play_all.mp3 ./test.caf afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@22100 ./fricatives_play_all.mp3 ./test.caf afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@12000 ./fricatives_play_all.mp3 ./test.caf afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@2010...

Removing the skip buttons from the flash source

Hey there, I am no flash expert however I need to edit the source of the flash project here: It's the "Wordpress audio player" I need to remove the skip forward and back buttons when there is more than one audio file. Anyone know how to first of all use this folder structure, I ...

concatenating mp3 files or joining mp3 files using java

We would like to concatenate/merge/join mp3 files seamlessly using "java" in any environment. We are trying the following options at the moment ( please let us know any other options): Using JMF -- ruled out as it supported only in windows Using tritino...

why some mp3s on mime_content_type return application/octet-stream

why on some mp3s file when i call mime_content_type($mp3_file_path) it's return application/octet-stream? i have this: if (!empty($_FILES)) { $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $image = getimagesize($tempFile); $mp3_mimes = array('audio/mpeg', 'audio/x-mpeg', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/x-mp3', 'audio/mpeg3', 'audio/x-mpe...

Pure HTML Music Player

How can I use pure HTML to make a browser-integrated flash-free online music player? Like, you click on a button, and the music starts playing. I have tried everything with <embed> and with(out) <noembed>, but none of it seems to work. I need it to work in Firefox. I have an MP3 file. EDIT: Actually, folks, I am SO sorry for asking thi...

How to download media content on demand and reuse from browser cache in silverlight

Hi. I have a problem with simple silverlight app, this app has a couple of buttons, each button sets mediaelement source to a short mp3 file and plays it, my problem is that when i press the same button second time it re-downloads mp3 file again but i think it shouldn't, instead it should use a copy of browser cached mp3 file that was do...

ffmpeg mp3 conversion

was to convert several thousand MP3 files, and get this for some files: ffmpeg -t 45 -i "my_mp3.mp3" -y "new_mp3.mp3" FFmpeg version 0.5-svn17737+3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --extra-version=svn17737+3:0.svn200...

PHP mp3 upload with spaces in filename

Hi folks, I am building a site, where users can upload their mp3s and I ran into a little problem that I can't solve: The upload works fine, but only when the user selects an mp3-file which has no spaces in their mp3-filename. A file like 'My nice mp3 file.mp3' will result in a NULL of $_FILES['file']. Has this to do with Server-config...