
Trouble converting an MP3 file to a WAV file using Naudio

Naudio Library: I'm trying to convert an MP3 file to a WAV file, but I've run in to a small error. I know what's going wrong, but I don't really know how to go about fixing it. Here's the piece of code I'm running: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using(Mp3FileReader reader = new...

Streamed mp3 only plays for 1 second

Hi, I'm using the plaympeg.c (modified) code of smpeg as a media player. I've got ffserver running as a streaming server. I'm a streaming an mp3 file over http. But when I run plaympeg.c, it plays the streamed file only for a second. When I run plaympeg again, it starts off from where it left and plays for 1 second. I've tested it out...

Wrapping or Embedding and MP3 in a SWF using Flex's mxmlc compiler

Our Flash web-based applications play lots of audio for narration and sound-effects. Some of our customers have firewall rules that block downloading of MP3 and other audio files. So, we need to wrap those MP3 files in SWFs. In the past, I've written JSFL scripts that automate the Flash IDE and walk through a complicated, fragile set ...

Trimming bit of the beginning off a recorder waveform

I've got a flash 10.1 app that lets me record microphone input to a wav without a media server, which I am saving to an Amazon S3 bucket. I have another process running on a server which gets wavs from this bucket, converts to mp3 using LAME and puts them into another bucket. This all works fine, but in converting wav > mp3, about 0.1se...

Debug NAudio MP3 reading difference?

My code using NAudio to read one particular MP3 gets different results than several other commercial apps. Specifically: My NAudio-based code finds ~1.4 sec of silence at the beginning of this MP3 before "audible audio" (a drum pickup) starts, whereas other apps (Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, WavePad) show ~2.5 sec of silence before...

Play mp3 stream from http URL on Windows Mobile 6.0

After a short period of time learning about how to play a mp3 http url on windows mobile 6.0, I found that very less dll support that (until now, I just found out Bass.dll work nice). So I intend to change to another way to approach the goal. Here's my idea: Get a stream from http url. Decode the mp3 stream. Play the result from step 2...

Mp3 Header information edit

I want to edit the header information of an existing MP3 file. Can any one suggest how to achieve it in I want to include some details in header like, company name, description, website link etc. ...

fmodex returning ERR_FILE_BAD playing an MP3 file under Mono/Ubuntu

I'm trying to use fmodex 4.30.03 to play an MP3 file under Mono/Ubuntu. My call to createSound() looks as follows: result = system.createSound(path, (FMOD.MODE._2D | FMOD.MODE.HARDWARE | FMOD.MODE.CREATESTREAM), ref sound); as per the C# examples that come with the SDK. result is being set to 19, ERR_FILE_BAD. The same th...

Playing a mp3 file on a web page

In an ASP.NET environment, what's the best way to play a mp3 file? Do I need to use a flash plugin (some users may not have flash). Also, this needs to work on a IPhone or an IPod. ...

Running lame from php

I am trying to run lame from a php script. I have tried these, but no luck, I don't get anything returned! Any ideas? system('lame', $returnarr); system('lame --help', $returnarr); exec('lame', $returnarr); passthru('lame', $returnarr); even this one returns nothing: exec('which lame', $returnarr); I am on OSX and final deployment...

Play Shoutcast MP3 radio stream with Python?

I have managed to create an online radio station using Shoutcast and Sam Broadcaster. Now, I am wanting to build my own player for that radio station. I am not sure where to begin, I have googled, but no luck. I am using Python 2.6 on Microsoft Windows. I have managed to capture the stream and save it as an MP3 on the hard disk, just no...

Play Shoutcast Radio stream in Python?

I know this is a second post on the same topic, but I am doing this in hopes of some help. I am trying to create a player for my Shoutcast internet radio station, but I can't seem to get anything to work. It is a live MP3 broadcast. When you click the link to tune in, it gives a .PLS file with the server url in it. Anyone have any ideas ...

How to embed cover art in an MP3 file so that the iPhone player displays it when downloaded

I want to be able to provide a URL to a music track, and when that track is played on an iPhone, to show the cover art. I've tried embedding the cover art as an ID3 v2.3 tag, and while desktop players like VLC and Windows Media Player can see it, it seems the iPhone doesn't. Is this possible? Does anyone know of a way to achieve this -...

Packaging LAME.exe with a C# project

Please forgive my noob-ness on this, but how do I package LAME.exe w/ a C# setup project? Currently, I have LAME being called like: //use stringbuilder to create arguments var psinfo = new ProcessStartInfo( @"lame.exe") { Arguments = sb.ToString(), WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath, WindowSty...

.htaccess and MP3s

I'm trying to restrict access to MP3's to users only (i'm using wordpress) I have my .htaccess set up to redirect back to the homepage unless you click it - to prevent people just typing in the url. But when a registered user does click it the MP3 doesn't stream (in safari) and when you try to 'download linked file' you get a html fi...

Suggested Opensource CMS for managing files by metadata?

I've been wanting to create a resources database for an organisation storing predominantly audio files (lectures) and PDFS. I'm pretty familiar with Wordpress, however I'm looking for another CMS which is more suited to what I want straight out of the box. Can anyone suggest a simple CMS which will allow files to be uploaded and managed ...

How do you play an MP3 in Visual Basic.NET without delay?

I'm working on a game that plays MP3s at various points using the Windows Media Player component and it takes a long time to load and play MP3s. Would anyone know how to decrease the load time? I've considered multi-threading but I'm not sure how I would do that or if that's even the proper direction. ...

Determine MP3 bit depth in Python via Mutagen

Is there a way to determine an MP3 file's encoded bit depth (ie 8, 16, 24, 32) in Python using the Mutagen library? ...

Forcing Wordpress Header to not refresh on page load

Hi- I developed a band website using wordpress, and I placed a flash MP3 player that autoplays in the header. Whenever you click on a link, the entire page refreshes and the mp3 player starts playing the first song all over again. I wish to have the entire header including the mp3 player) stay constant while the content/sidebar/footer re...

Access MP3 audio data independently of ID3 tags?

Hi, this is a 2 part question. First off, is it possible to access the audio data in an MP3 independently of the ID3 tags, and secondly, is there any way to do so using available libraries? I recently consolidated my music collection from 3 computers and ended up with songs which had changed ID3 tags, but the audio data itself was unmod...