
Objective-C: Parse .m3u file to get .mp3

I'm trying to stream audio in .m3u and would like to get the .mp3 components of the file. How would I go about parsing the .m3u? Thanks in advance! ...

Write MP3 in Python

Hi, I have a bunch of frames (generated by a function) that I want to write to a MP3 file using Python. I tried using pymedia but I always get a Segmentation fault. Doe anyone know an extension to write MP3 files using Python? Thanks! ...

streaming audio with html5 `<audio>` tag

I am trying to stream audio on a site hosted by Dreamhost from a lecture series using the <audio> tag in html5, but without much success. The actual code is <audio id="playerTwo" class="player" controls="controls" preload="none"> <source src="audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg; codecs='vorbis'"/> <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/> </au...

Converting a 32 bit wave form to a 16 bit wave form

I've been capturing audio using the loopback capture mode. The captured waveform is a 32 bit waveform. I'm struggling with converting this to a 16 bit waveform so encoders like lame can deal with it (it says Unsupported data format: 0x0003). I've tried shifting the bits (not my strong point) in the wave stream itself from 32 bit to 16...

A way to play mp3 samples

I am currentyl developing a site for a client who requires artist to upload their music but only play samples of it, sorta like iTunes. The site has a php backend and is currently using a basic mp3 flash player to play mp3s. My question is there a flash player that can be configured to play only samples or is there a way through php or ...

php script for uploading mp3 files wont play ball

After looking around on Google for some time, I'm stuck =/ Could someone help me out please? Seems to work with most files I try, except .mp3 files. The (X)HTML <html> <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="71680000" /> Choose a file to u...

How do I detect frequency of mp3's in .NET?

I want to create a very simple piece of software in C# .NET that I can pass a folder's path to and detect all files with a frequency of below a given threshold. Any pointers on how I would do this? ...

mp3 streaming playback over RTP using gtreamer

Hello All, I am working with gstreamer, mainly playing around with music playback features. I am currently trying to use RTP to send mp3 streams over our LAN, but unsuccessfully until now. On sender side I use the following pipeline: gst-launch -v filesrc location=./my_music_file.mp3 ! ffdemux_mp3 ! rtpmpapay ! udpsink port=6969 host...

Android App Static Storage

I am creating an Android application which will have some embedded music inside of it ( ~ 80 MB ). I was planning on putting it in the res/raw folder. Since android stores that all in it's internal memory, is this way too large? What are my options? I have come up with the following: Copy resources out of internal storage and onto the...

What's the difference between RTMP Vs an MP3 file hosted on a server?

Hi everyone, I'm wondering what's the difference between playing an mp3 file uploaded on a http server Vs using RTMP like Red5? Are there any specific reasons or advantages? I'm planning on using a flash based web player like let's say JW Player. TL;DR Why would I want to use RTMP Vs Mp3 over HTTP? Thanks in advance! ...

record in mp3 format in iphone sdk

Hello all, I am searching over this from last 2 days but still haven't find anything helpful for this. I want to record audio in mp3 format using core audio. Right now i'm recording in LinearPCM caf format. Does someone knows how to record in mp3 format or an alternative is to convert caf to mp3. Thanks ...

how to convert (jpg+mp3) into mp4 or mp4 into (jpg+mp3) in xcode programming

hi everyone, Is is possible to convert (jpg+mp3) into mp4 or mp4 into (jpg+mp3) in xcode programming? The file type is not necessary to be jpg or mp3, it could be any possible photo file type like jpg, png or bmp, and could be any possible audio file type like wav, caf or mp3. Coud anyone give me a sample code or the reference documents...

iPhone: streaming WMA, MP3 and AAC

I need to create a simple media player that can stream internet radio stations in WMA, MP3 and AAC formats as part of a bigger app. I was wondering if someone could please give me some pointers on where to start and how to go about tackling each of these formats? never really handled this topic before.. Thanks! ...

class for convert wav 2 mp3 in java

is there a class for convert wav 2 mp3 in java ...

Downloading Mp3 using python in Windows mangles the song however in linux it doesn't?

Okay, so this is really messed. I've setup a script to download an mp3 using urllib2 in Python. url = '' req2 = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req2) #grab the data data = mp3Name = "song.mp3" song = open(mp3Name, "w") song.write(data2) song.close() Turns out it was somehow related to me do...

Best approach to MP3 tag searching

I am writing an application that will store music info in a mySQL database on the server, and will deliver information about these tracks to some client (Flash or Android, or whatever is asking). So, my question is what is the least painful way to populate said data given a giant list of mp3 files. I'm very comfortable in Perl, PHP, Py...

gstreamer fast transcode

EDIT Updated code with solution I need to transcode amr to mp3, so i wrote a gstreamer pipeline in gstreamer-java. It looks like this: src ! amrparse ! amrnbdec ! lamemp3enc ! sink (actually built with the java API, of course), i start the transcode with Bus.connect(EOS, fn(){Gst.quit();}); setState(PLAYING); Gst.main(); It wo...

Downloadable Mp3 Files

hello there i am constructing a site where i can upload my own mp3 files. So i have the file uploaded to the server and when i link to it the browser plays the song. Is it possible to make it so when the link is press it downloads the file instead of playing it. For example once clicked it downloads inst...

Downloadable Mp3 Files from php headers not working

hello there okay so this is the deal i have my mp3 files on my server and each one is in its own folder. in that folder is the mp3 and a php file with the following script: <?php // We'll be outputting a PDF header('Content-type: audio/mp3'); // It will be called file.mp3 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mysong.mp3"...

Good MP3 or OGG Decoder written in C

Hey, I was looking for a good MP3 or OGG decoder that use the BSD license or public domain and that is also light-weight (something that comes with sources without the need of platform specific configuration). ...