
Is there a token for capture line breaks in multiline regex?

I've run into this problems several times before when trying to do some html scraping with php and the preg* functions. Most of the time I've to capture structures like that: <!-- comment --> <tag1>lorem ipsum</tag> <p>just more text with several html tags in it, sometimes CDATA encapsulated…</p> <!-- /comment --> In particular I wa...

Scala Regex enable Multiline option

Hi, I'm learning Scala, so this is probably pretty noob-irific. I want to to a multiline regular expression. In Ruby it would be: MY_REGEX = /com:Node/m My Scala looks like: val ScriptNode = new Regex("""<com:Node>""") Here's my match function: def matchNode( value : String ) : Boolean = value match { case ScriptNode() =>...

Easy way to write a string with control characters to an nvarchar field in a DB?

EDIT: Accepted answer points out what my issue was. I added another answer which shows an even easier way. I have a multiline textbox from which I create a single string: Dim wholeThing As String Dim line as String For Each line In txtMultiline.Lines wholeThing = wholeThing & line & Environment.Newline Next ...

sed multiline replace

this is my sample text file : asdas //<<<TAG this should be removed //TAG>>> this should be there //<<<TAG T > asd asd //TAG>>> for which i want o/p as : asdas this should be there Basically i m trying to find lines between "//<<>>" (including these lines too) and delete them. I tried using sed sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/\/\/...

Regex to match content of HTML body in PHP

I need a regex in php for matching contents between tags of an element, e.g. <body> and </body> with the perl compatible preg_match. So far I tried with: // $content is a string with html content preg_match("/<body(.|\r\n)*\/body>/", $content, $matches); print_r($matches); …but the printout is an empty array. ...

Flex DataGridColumn display multiline string data

Is it possible to display a multiline string in a Flex DataGridColumn? i.e. Display: Text line one. Text line two. I've tried putting "\n","\r","&#13;" when storing the string but nothing seems to work. Currently only "Text line one." is displayed and the rest is hidden in the cell. I would prefer not to use "wordWrap=true" ...

Multiline NSTokenField and the return key

Hi, I have a NSTokenField object with multilines (just resized the control vertically in interface builder). Unfortunately the NSTokenField object does not insert new line when pressing the return key. Any ideas how to make the control insterting a new line when pressing the return key? Do I really have to go the complicated way throu...

Specifying maxlength for multiline textbox

I'm trying to use asp: <asp:TextBox ID="txtInput" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox> and i want a way to specify the maxlength property ,but apparently there is not such for multiline textbox. I've been trying to use some javascript for the onkeypress event onkeypress="return textboxMultilineMaxNumber(this,maxlength)"...

MultiLine textbox in html for php script

all, I wanted to create a multiline textbox but all the info i googled on it says that i can adjust the length but no the height How would i create a text box field that i could have a user type comments into for a php script? this is what I'm currently using <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" > Bonus question: how do i disable enter in the tex...

Multi-line Pattern and tag search

Hello I'm trying to make a pattern for tags, but the sub method just replace the first char and 3 at the end of the line, im trying to replace all tags on the line and with multiline p=re.compile('<img=([^}]*)>([^}]*)</img>', re.S) p.sub(r'[img=\1]\2[/img]','<img="test">dsad</img> <img="test2">dsad2</img>') output: '**[**img="test">dsa...

Python Triple Quote / Multi-line indentation

I have a python editor where the user is entering a script or code, which is then put into a main method behind the scenes, while also having every line indented. The problem is that if a user has a multi line string, the indentation made to the whole script affects the string, by inserting a tab in every space. A problem script would be...

Latex Multiline Equations

Is it possible to get multline like behavior within a gather environment? I have a set of equations in a gather environment, but one of them is too long, and I'd like to split it up onto two lines where the first line is left-aligned and the second line is right-aligned (just like multline). If there is a way of aligning individual...

How can I process a multi line string one line at a time in perl with use strict in place?

I'm trying to figure out the proper PBP approved way to process a multi line string one line at a time. Many Perl coders suggest treating the multi line string as a filehandle, which works fine unless you have "use strict" in your script. Then you get a warning from the compiler about not being able to use a string as a symbol while st...

Regex doesn't work with multi line

$regpattern4 = "!<media:description type='plain'> (.*) <\/media:description>!"; I am parsing an XML document. The above Regex works if there are no line breaks in the description, but how do I make it work even if there are line breaks? ...

Multline Text in a WPF Button

How do I get multi-line text on a WPF Button using only C#? I have seen examples of using <LineBreak/> in XAML, but my buttons are created completely programmatically in C#. The number and labels on the buttons correspond to values in the domain model, so I don't think I can use XAML to specify this. I have tried the naive approach belo...

C++ Remove new line from multiline string

Whats the most efficient way of removing a 'newline' from a std::string? ...

Multiline sentence in emacs

If I have a multiline sentence in Emacs it naturally overflows onto the the following lines. Now, if my cursor is at the beginning of such a sentence and I press the DOWN ARROW key, the cursor is placed at the beginning of the next sentence (which might be at 4-5 lines down), rather than on the next line itself (which other editors do). ...

map string position to line number in regex output

I'm working on a "grep-like" utility in Python for searching Oracle source code files. Coding standards have changed over time, so trying to find something like "all deletes from table" could span multiple lines, or not, depending on the age of that piece of code: s = """-- multiline DDL statement DELETE f WHERE f.b...

Make wxPython grid cell display multiple lines (with CR) and word wrap simulaneously

I have frames with panels displaying large grids (11x1600 and 4x34) with the 4x34 having Very Long strings, including multiple line mini-tables and Long lines requiring word wrapping within the same cells. Cells in excess of 2000 characters. Created using Python 2.5x, wxPython 2.8x and Boa 0.6.1. wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer...

How to make Mobile:TextBox multiline ... Mobile Application ASP.NET 2.0

I am searching for: How we can make Mobile:TextBox to multiline as it only supports single line .... When i when through following article and implemented it i am getting same error as all other do ... Article link: Error i am getting: The control with id "TextInput" contain...