
How can I avoid Perl::Critic warnings when I process a multi-line string with a filehandle?

Does anyone have a solution to the task of processing a multi-line string one line at a time, other than the string-as-a-filehandle solution shown below? my $multiline_string = "line one\nline two\nline three\nline four"; my $filehandle; open( $filehandle, '<', \$multiline_string ) or croak("Can't open multi-line string as a filehan...

How to do multiline search using regular expression?

I am new to regular expressions. I want to do multiline search. Here is the example of what I want to do: Suppose I have following text: *Project #1: CVC – Customer Value Creation (Sep 2007 – till now) Time Warner Cable is the world's leading media and entertainment company, Time Warner Cable (TWC) makes coaxial quiver. Client ...

Multiline textfield in iphone

Hi all, I need to enter multiline text in the iphone text area. but the default textfiled is of single line. is there any way to make it multilined. Thanks in advance, Shibin. ...

itext multiline text in bounding box

Hi. Does anyone know, how to, in iText, add multiline text in bounding box (with coordinates specified). I tried cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, text, bounds.getLeft(), TOTAL_HEIGHT-bounds.getTop(), 0); But it does not support newlines. I also tried PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveText(300,40...

Python regular expression matching a multiline block of text but not replacing it

Ok so i have this piece of code: def findNReplaceRegExp(file_name, regexp, replaceString, verbose=True, confirmationNeeded=True): '''Replaces the oldString with the replaceString in the file given,\ returns the number of replaces ''' # initialize local variables cregexp = re.compile(regexp, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) somet...

WPF Multiline Tooltip with data binding

In our WPF application we show a data bound GridView, and one of the grid fields is a filter field which is combination of several sub-fields. In the grid, I show a simple string concatenation of the field, but I want the tooltip to show a formatted presentation of the filter. The formatted presentation might contain some or all of the f...

Get number of character selected in a multiline textbox in

Hai Guys, I have a multiline textbox and I have set MaxLength="160" ,also i have a label indicating number of characters remaining.... Now i want to get the number of characters selected by the user he may delete it and i have to add to the count representing total number of characters left inside that label..... I want this to be done i...

textbox multiline view text in a div

Hi, I have a textbox multiline for insert text in my db. This text is viewed in a div, but without newlines. How can I view the newline in my text? thanks ...

Java - string declaration occupying multiple lines?

I am using Java. Inside a Java program I am writing a SQL query: string query = "select * from tableA" ; However sometimes the query is really large. In those cases I want to write the query in different lines e.g.: string query = "select blah1, blah2 blah3, blah4 blah5, blah6 ...

MultiLine Form in HTML ?

Hello, I'm trying to get some input from a user and use that input in a php script. Right now I have a form tag, from the little I understand, this cannot have multiline input. The solution seems to be a TextArea, however I'm not sure how to get the input from a TextArea. Here's my code with the form : <form action="traitement_cmd....

Latex: how to break a line inside $$-s

I want to manually break a line inside $$: $$something something <breakline> something else$$ I tried "//", "\newline", and "\linebreak[]" but none work. Ideas? ...

Render and scroll through multiline paragraphs using pyglet and ScrollableTextLayout

How can one display and scroll through a multi-line strings (contain "\n") via pyglet using the features of ScrollableTextLayout? STL crops what is display, and seems to be the most efficient way to implement scrolling. However I have no idea as to how to use it. The docs do not elucidate much to me. SomeText: string = "Some multilin...

Using C#, how do I set tab positions in a multiline textbox?

Is there a graceful way to set custom tab sizes/positions in a multiline textbox in C#? ...

Delete Lines From Beginning of Multiline Textbox in C#

Hello. Is there a graceful way in C# to delete multiple lines of text from the beginning of a multiline textbox? I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. Thanks. EDIT - Additional Details The multiline textbox in my application is disabled (i.e. it is only editable by the application itself), and every line is terminated ...

Is there a way to define multiline XML in code in C# without having to change " to ""?

I would like to be able to paste chunks of XML into my C# code. However, the best I can do is the following, but then I have to search and replace " with "". Is there a way to define multiline XML in C# code without having to alter the XML text like this? public static string GetXml1() { return @" <Customer...

UILabel starts wrapping text at the wrong spot

I have a UILabel that breaks text into multiple lines and I would like it to break on a "-" rather than the middle of the first chunk. Say I have this text: Center-World I want my label to display: Center- Word It is displaying: Cente r-Word There is space for at least the "r" in the first ch...

VB.NET: Regular Expression needed to replace return character with another string.

I'm trying to replace all the carriage return characters in a string obtained from a multi line text box in a Windows Form with the string ", <BR>" so that when I use the string in some HTML it displays correctly. Function Blah(ByVal strInput As String) As String Dim rexCR As Object rexCR = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") rexCR.Pa...

Multiline Textbox Resizing in C#

Hello. I have two multiline textboxes separated within a splitContainer. When I drag the splitter left or right I would like the textboxes to resize accordingly. How do I do this? I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. Thanks. ...

Java swing: Multiline labels?

Hi, I want to do this: JLabel myLabel = new JLabel(); myLabel.setText("This is\na multi-line string"); Currently this results in a label that displays This isa multi-line string I want it to do this instead: This is a multi-line string Any suggestions? Thank you EDIT: Implemented solution In body of method: myLabel.setTex...

Paste a multi-line Java String in Eclipse

Unfortunately, Java has no syntax for multi-line string literals. No problem if the IDE makes it easy to work with constructs like String x = "CREATE TABLE TEST ( \n" + "A INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, \n" ... What is the fastest way to paste a multi-line String from the clipboard into Java source using Ecl...