
Error "Specified element is already the logical child of another element"?

I have a TabControl and each Tab can contain the same UI but with different data. In any tab the user can click on a button and bring up a popup. This sets a Style property to the ViewModel telling it what style to use for the popup UI. The Style gets bound to a custom DependecyProperty that is attached to a custom PopupUserControl. My p...

Placeholder for a control in silverlight

Is there something like a placeholder for a control in silverlight? If I have a dynamically created control in my view-model how can I bind it to some element in Xaml? Is it the right way to achieve that: <ContentControl Content="{Binding MyControl}"></ContentControl> ...

Typed Data Templates in Silverlight

My understanding is that Silverlight does not support DataTemplates with a DataType attribute. How then would you accomplish the following in SL (author is Josh Smith, full link below). In a nutshell, he's saying that if you bind a TabControl's tab pages to a collection of ViewModels, WPF will figure out how to display each one on the ...

Problem with ObservableCollection and INotifyPropertyChanged in MVVM

I have a chart control in XAML, and datapoints that are bind to the control. The problem is when my ModelView changes the Collection of points the Chart control doesn’t get any notifications. I have tried dp, with ObservableCollection and INotifyPropertyChanged without any luck. I know that there is a difference between changing a field...

How to achieve Natural(human alpha-numeric ) Sorting, for silverlight datagrids using ViewModel?

In silverlight project that uses datagrid, I am using some column that defines "Label number" which is a Varchar. I want to sort this column as described in natural sort order as described in "" or any possible way. When I look around datagrid I saw SortMemberPath="strin...

Windows Phone 7 Silverlight MVVM (and other) frameworks

Hi, What are the available mvvm frameworks for WP7 out there today? Which one(s) would you recommend and why? Are there other useful frameworks one should consider when starting WP7 silverlight development. Thanks for posting your experiences so far. Cheers, Phil ...

WPF Generic Search Box for a window (only View search no backend search)

I was thinking of ways to implement a generic View search. What I mean here is say a Window has many controls (including usercontrols,customcontrols, etc). I want to implement a generic search box on the top of window which searches any Text in the window and highlight them. I wanted to know is there a generic way of doing this or has ...

populate listview dynamically

If i bind a data table to WPF need to specify the column names will automatically take that from the datable. But if I am binding a list-view to an observable collection...I have to specify the column header names for each column one by xaml file. So if I have a list of column names ->List<...

MVVM pros and cons?

MVVM pattern pros and cons taking SDLC in consideration? In may experience many use cases are not fully investigate since they are to complex or because there isn’t enough time. In really you are always short of time. It doesn’t justify bad design but such is life. MVVM force you to fully know your Model and ViewModel limitation. Often ...

How To Perform Navigation In Silverlight 4.0 Using MVVM?

I'm new to Silverlight and I'm having trouble understanding how to properly navigate between pages, especially when I need to pass data around. Classic example: I have a list of People on one page, and when I click on a person in the datagrid I'd like to go to the details page and load that data. I need to pass the PersonId. More impor...

How to translate lists in a MVVM model to ObservableCollections in the View-Model?

I am writing a sample app in WPF and I'd like the Model to be easily reusable in a WinForms app so I'd like to keep WPF specific stuff like INotifyChanged and DependencyObjects out of it. If a Model class has a List of some other Model class, how do I implement the corresponding ObserveableCollection in the View-Model so I can keep my b...

WPF/C#/MVVM: Need Some Help Implementing Custom View Options for User Control

The project I am currently working on is a text editor type app. I am wondering how I can handle custom view options. eg. font family, size, bold, colors for myTextBox. My Editor Tab is a EditorTabViewModel within the View is a custom user control MarkdownEditor. Its basically a text box with some buttons for bold/italic etc. I am wonder...

Can I have multiple instances of the same UserControl in 1 app?

I am creating a Text Editor Type app. I can have multiple editors open via tabs. In my first try, I used simple TextBoxes to edit text. Everything worked ok. Then I created a UserControl encapsulating the text box + buttons to perform text manipulation eg. bold/italic etc. I found out that when I open different tabs, they all contain the...

mvvm light MIX10 demo RelayCommand question

Hi there, Has anyone seen Laurent Bugnion's great demo at MIX10? If you are into MVVM-light I would call it a must see, I do have a question that I can't see to figure out... In the demo that uses RelayCommand, he does two examples - one where we implement Icommand itself and one where use RelayCommand from MVVM Light. On the second ex...

Filter WPF TreeView using MVVM

Hi, I currently have a TreeView which has the following structure: <TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding RootViewModels}" FontSize="12"> <TreeView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}"> <Setter Property="local:TreeViewItemBehaviour.IsBroughtInto...

How to create modules with sub regions in view of module in Prism?

I am new to Prism, sorry if this is dumbest question but here is the situation. I am workin on currently a CRUD application, typically an accounting system. Now I have a parent Shell with following modules. Application Shell -> OrdersModule -> ItemsModule Now I have got tabs for both modules, and in my orders module, I want to creat...

Silverlight: Create Tabbed browser view using Prism?

Well I have this application requirement with following design needs, My main region is Tab Control. There is a fixed (you cant close) search tab Module where I can search list of projects, but when I double click on the selected project should open on its own view in the same Tab Control, however Project Detail Module is altogether ve...

Assign a shortcut key to a command in a ViewModel in WPF

Possible Duplicate: Binding a WPF ShortCut Key to a Command in the ViewModel On a WPF window I have a menu-item that is bound to a command in the ViewModel: <MenuItem Header="_Edit page" Command="{Binding EditCommand}"/> The command is a RelayCommand which forwards the command to a method: EditCommand = new RelayCommand(()...

How to create Master Detail view with two user controls in MVVM?

I am little confused about how to create Master Detail view with two different user controls. There are three choices, Choice 1 CustomerMasterView + CustomerMasterViewModel CustomerDetailView + CustomerDetailViewModel And keep both View Models in App.Resources But by doing this, binding becomes complex with all static resources sou...

WPF MVVM formated Text Binding

I'm Using MVVM in WPF (.Net 3.5) and I need a control that supports formatted text, bold & italics, and I can bind to easily. When I say easily I mean something like Text ="{Binding FormattedText}" and that's it. RichTextBox blows for binding. Any Ideas? thanks ...