Its particular query pops up in the slow query log all the time for me. Any way to improve its efficiency?
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT genres.genre_name) as all_genres,
mov_release, ...
I have following table structure and data in MySQL
CatID CatName ParentCatID
1 Shirts NULL
2 Short Sleev 1
3 Long Sleev 1
4 Collarless 2
5 Collar 2
6 Collarless 3
7 Collar 3
8 Square Cut 4
9 Round Cut ...
I have a MySQL query that checks an employee schedule DB and (thanks to a previous stackoverflow question) returns any days that the user is not working as "No Work", so that if the user isn't working on Thursday, the query fills in that date even though the date does not appear in the original result set (and so I don't have to fill in ...
I have a 8 sets of data of about 30,000 rows for each set, the data is the same structure just for different languages.
The front end of the site will get relatively high traffic.
So my question is regarding MySQL performance, if i should have a single table with one column to distinguish which set the data belongs to (i.e. colo...
I have a MySQL query where I sort by field like this:
"... WHERE ( IN($idsJoin)) $where
ORDER BY FIELD($idsJoin2) LIMIT 0 , $numLines";
where $idsJoin2 is something like this:
my $idsJoin = join(',',@ids);
my $idsJoin2=", ".$idsJoin;
and "@ids it's an array with numbers I want to order...
I'm coding in PHP/MySQL and have the following query to fetch products and product group data:
FROM products
INNER JOIN product_groups
WHERE LIKE '%foobar%'
So this query fetches products...
The good old Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) has been around for quite some time now and is still, certainly in my opinion, the mainstay of the majority of production platforms/software applications.
Recently there seems to be a great deal of hype in the community regarding relatively young database technologies such as Cl...
What are the advantages of using MySQLi over MySQL?
I've read that (all things equal) PHP is typically faster than MySQL at arirthmetic and string manipulation operations. This being the case, where does one draw the line between what one asks the database to do versus what is done by the web server(s)? We use stored procedures exclusively as our data-access layer. My unwritten rule ha...
EDIT: I seem to get the error listed below on every insert no matter what data I try to insert. So maybe my table was corrupted or something? Anyway, here's my question:
I have a MySQL table
CREATE TABLE `AcpConfig` (
`ndss_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`acp_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`run_date` date NOT NULL default...
Instead of asking 'how to use PHP/MySQL to let users affect webpages' I'll ask this, because I learn better from projects and examples.
So how would I incorporate a VERY basic comment feature using PHP and MySQL?
I'm refactoring my code and just hit a snag. The first query in the code below gets the tab_id of the latest submitted tabs. The second Query gets the detail of each tab.
In my old way of doing it, i embedded php and html and it was truly an utter mess. Right now I'd like to merge the 2 queries into 1 and/or load it into an array.
I have a a problem whereby my production server runs Unix and my dev server runs MS Windows.
The problem is that Windows is not case sensitive and Unix is. So my table set on the production server uses Uppercase table names ie "Customers" and on Windows the table names are in lowercase "customers".
All this is fine until you need to ge...
I have content from elsewhere that I would like to insert as a post in Wordpress and then associate with an existing category. It is pretty straightforward to insert a new post into the wp_posts table, but I can't seem to figure out how to construct a query to both insert a new post and at the same time associate the post with a categor...
I'm writing a CMS, but I've got a problem. I have a mysql table called modules. Modules are similar to Wordpress' plug-ins, or Drupal Modules. Some modules require functions of other modules. I'm now writing the part which includes the modules. Here's my code:
//Load modules
$res_modules = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."m...
I know the mismatch between Object Oriented Technology and the Relational Technology, generally here.
But I do not know the mismatch between MySQL and Python, and other tools, not just ORMs, to deal with the issue, missing in the latter article.
How is the problem dealt between MySQL and Python?
Does App Engine's non-SQL...
Hi every one,
this is My hibernate.hbm.xml
and I use MySQL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" "">
<property name="hibe...
I have a table of all Major League Baseball games that is structured like this:
id (int)
home_team_id (int)
away_team_id (int)
home_score (int)
away_score (int)
date (date)
I also have table named "ticket" that has tickets sold to different games:
id (int)
game_id (int)
price (float)
time_sold (datetime)
I'd lik...
Hello All,
I'm currently working on creating a private messaging system, (PHP/MySQL) in which users can send message to multiple recipients at one time, and those users can then decide to reply.
Here's what I'm currently working with:
tbl_pm tbl:
status ENUM ('unread', 'read') DEFAULT 'unread'
tblpm_info t...
I have a C application using the MySQL library for database access.
Is there a standard way to implement database connection pooling for such an application?
The C connector doesn't appear to support it.