
.us domain extension vs .com or .net

I have a specific domain name that I would like to purchase. Both the .com and .net versions are owned by different people. I have contacted both owners, and here are the price tags: .com - $25,000 .net - $4,000 Or I could purchase the .us domain name for $10. There's no way I would consider paying that amount for the .com but I mi...

Deliberate Clojure symbol name limitations or inherited?

In Common LISP I can do: (setf a1 'a) (setf 1a 'b) In clojure I can do the first (ignoring the fact that setf and def work differently) (def a1 'a) but with the second I get an error (def 1a 'b) java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid number: 1a Did Clojure just inherit this limitation from Java, or is it deliberate? (ie you c...

How to rename your app in itunesconnect?

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect? ...

incorporating a sys.argv into a mySQL query in python

I'm writing a program that first queries with mySQL and then sorts that data. I want to be able to have a user type "python mySQL_query" and have the program insert "mySQL_query" into the query at the beginning of the program. The issue I'm running into is the sys.argv command converts the input into a string, which mySQL...

Define function name with text field

Hi, I'm only really a novice with PHP (and I know I'm sortof trying to run before I can walk), but I would like to know if it is possible to define a functions name via a textfield. Currently, I am working with Wordpress so I can use add_option to add something to the database to store data, etc, which is handy. My idea is for a slidesh...

What is ct100 and how do I rename it?

Hi, Working in .net 4.0, it still seems all my input controls have the attribute 'name', with a value that begins 'ct100$...'. Is there any way to rename this? I've gone all the way up the control hierarchy, and given each control an ID and set its clientidmode to 'Static' to no avail, even the 'earliest' controls on the page stil...

Finding objects by their name.

I was wondering how could I select objects which were created during programs runtime. Each object has its unique name. How could I select that object by its name? Example names: "mapPart_0_0" "mapPart_0_1" "mapPart_0_2" etc. It's a windows form project. In c#. Creation of those objects: private void addBoxes() ...

C#, sorting objects in list by Name

Hello, how could i sort objects in list by their name? Example: mapPart_1_0 mapPart_1_2 mapPart_1_4 mapPart_1_6 mapPart_1_8 mapPart_1_10 mapPart_1_12 mapPart_1_24 mapPart_2_1 mapPart_2_11 Big list continues... (somewhere in that list are missing that aper in sorted one) Into: mapPart_1_0 mapPart_1_1 mapPart_1_2 mapPart_1_3 mapPart_1_...

SEO strategy unique ID in URL

Hello, What would be the best way for a URL to look like if it should contain an ID and a name? /product/123/screwdriver-black /product/screwdriver-black/123 /product/123-screwdriver-black /product/screwdriver-black-123 Thanks ...

VB.NET: Ambiguous class name error when no ambiguity exists.

A client of ours reported that when trying to use our .NET .DLL in VB.NET they receive the error: error BC31429: 'OurClass' is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in namespace '' I've also been able to reproduce the error with a dummy project containing the single line of Dim x as our...

Asmx web service JSon response doesn't take into account DataMember(Name =

Hi, I can't manage to get a proper json response in an asmx web service. Data structure are defined with DataContract and DataMember attribute but specifying DataMember Name doesn't change response data. Do you have any idea? Here the code (it's for jqgrid): /// <summary> /// a row of the jquery table /// </summary>...

Python Console Name Customization

Usually the Python console looks like this: >>> command Is there a way to make it look like: SomeText>>> command ...

jQuery Validation Plugin and Same/Duplicate Name Attributes.

Hi, first post here. I am using the jQuery validation plugin, to validate some custom forms, and submitting the forms to a CRM tool. The CRM tool has a wide array of Data variables, that we can post too, but on occasion there are fields which don't match and we need to post these all into the notes field in the CRM tool. Now the proble...

How to validate geographic locations (like on

On, the edit page under – section Where do you want to work? – has the neat property, that it validates geographic locations and gives them some canonical name. E.g. I enter Subotica and it will complete to Zubotica, Severna Bachka, Serbia Does it use any...

Getting controller name and action name from url

I'm searching for an easy way to "translate" url strings into arrays of controller/action name pairs. example1: /users/ should return array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'index') example2: /admin/users/view/23 should return array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'admin_view') example3: / should return array('controller...

How can I get the name of a C# static class property using reflection?

I want to make a C# Dictionary in which the key is the string name of a static property in a class and the value is the value of the property. Given a static property in the class called MyResources.TOKEN_ONE, how can I get the at the name of the property rather than its value? I only care about the end part of the property name (e.g. ...

Python: Changing process name with setproctitle

Hi I have a python script which launches a number of C++ programs, each program is passed a command line parameter as shown below process_path "~/test/" process_name "test" num_process = 10 for p in range(1, num_processes, 1): subprocess.Popen([process_path + process_name, str(p)], shell = False) Is it possible to us setproctit...

How to return the name of a variable stored at a particular memory address in C++

Hey StackOverflow, first time posting here after having so many of my Google results come up from this wonderful site. Basically, I'd like to find the name of the variable stored at a particular memory address. I have a memory editing application I wrote that edits a single value, the problem being that every time the application holdin...

Class name macro

Possible Duplicate: CLASS macro in C++ Hello, are there any ways to get name of class with macro like _FUNCTION_ for function name? The only ideas I have is inheriting some base class with pure virtual toString and define the names by hands eash time. Thanks. ...

Get the 'name' of a variable in Javascript

Possible Duplicate: Determine original name of variable after its passed to a function. I would like to know if its possible to get the actual name of a variable. For example: var foo = 'bar'; function getName(myvar) { //some code return "foo" }; So for getName(foo) will return "foo" Is that possible ? Thanks. ...