
How to echo search name in a datalife script

I have a datalife script and i want to echo the search term this does not work! ...

Android: Edit project properties

I have a project which I created before few days like test project and now after I done some very nice stuff with it I need to change some basic information about a project. I use Eclipse IDE and I menage to change some tings, class names itd. But problem i have now is I can found a place where to change a project name ??? In...

How can I get name of an object in Perl?

Say I make an object as follows: $object22=new somepackage("stuff"); and later I want to run a subroutine like this: $object22->somesubroutine(); I would like to capture the string "object22" in the subroutine "somesubroutine." I tried: $self=@_; print $self; but that just gave me somepackage=HASH(somehexnumber) Please let me k...

CKFinder image upload name

Hello! Can I influence (change) the image that's uploaded name? Thank you. ...

Entity Framework 4 table name prefix

I would like to know, in a database first approach, if it is possible to automatically strip prefixes from table names. For example table name is: Core_Customers I would like that to be just Customers. Or is this only possible by editing all the class names in the edmx model? ...

Get c#-specific name for a given framework System.Type?

I have a Type (via reflection, for example). I have the value of the Name property on, for example, String... that's "System.String". I want to see "string" ("int" instead of "System.Int32", etc, etc). Can anything in the framework (or the language) give me that? Can I convert a Framework type name to a language type name (or, altern...

Get DOS name from NT/Device Name

hi, i want to convert device path to dos path.. actually I want to get process name by process id,so i am using this code... PsLookupProcessByProcessId(processId,&pEProcess); ObOpenObjectByPointer(pEProcess, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, 0, NULL, KernelMode, &hProcess); ObDereferenceObject (pEProcess); nts = ZwQueryInformationProcess (hProce...

jQuery select input name inside an iFrame?

Hey guys, I know about the same origin policy, however I wonder if this is possible: I'm having an iframe with an src from another website on my site. Inside of the iframe is input button with name="sendButton", I wonder if i can use jQuery to select this sendButton and on the onClick an alert should pop up. Is this possible? Same ori...

powershell retrieve function name

Is there a way to retrieve a function name from within a function. for example: function foo { [string]$functionName = commnandRetrievesFoo Write-Host "This function is called $functionName" } PS > This function is called foo ...

[jQuery] NOD name for VALUE?

Hey. I've a few inputs and I want to clear their values after clicking. How to? <input type="text" value="Name" /> I've tried: $(this).inputValue(""); But it doesn't work. If I'm unable to change the value, how to add text to the input ($(this).text(""); works very well in, for example, textareas). Thanks! ...

Auto Generate Field Names from table PHP

Hi There! There is a problem of automatically retrieving field names from a MySQL table. If possible could the name be placed in this format along with the dynamically created text box? : The codes that I have created so far are located below: <?php include "db_connect.php"; $name = mysql_query("SELECT * from users"); $property = m...

Can You Specify the Property Name of a Foreign Object in LINQ

Suppose that I have 2 tables: [User] - UserID - Username [Task] - TaskID - TaskName - TaskCreatedByUserID - TaskAssignedToUserID In the [Task] table, both of the ***UserID fields are foreign keys to the [User] table. So when I use the designer to create my LINQ models, I have access to 2 foreign [User] objects with proper...

Need code to return directory name only

I am a python newbie and have obtained a script that lets the user input a directory where shapefiles are located (ex., c:\programfiles\shapefiles). It then creates a field within each shapefile and adds the directory path that was input and the shapefile name (ex., c:\programfiles\shapefiles\name.shp). I would like to populate the field...

Alias for class name in the method

Hello everyone I have some curly question.. I can define alias for the class at top of my document, Such as using MyName = Bla.Bla.ClassName But can I define something like this in the method? ...

How can I can not find a user with spaces in their names?

I try to search user:"Nam Gi VU" But I got no results, how can I search using this name? (The name can be any names, I just get my name as an example. ...

Python: Inconsistent behaviour using sqlite3.Row to index into results by name

Hi all. In my Python application I have been using sqlite3.Row as the row factory to index results by name for a while with no issues. Recently I moved my application to a new server (no code changes), and I discovered this method of indexing is now unexpectedly failing on the new server given quite a specific condition. I cannot see ...

Castle Component Validator "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key" when using FriendlyNameKey

Hi... I'm having a little problem with Validator component from Castle ActiveRecord. I want to localize the messages of the validators attributes, if i use ErrorMessageKey (with the resources from the project) it works fine...but, if i add the FriendlyNameKey property (of the attribute) and try to validate my model it's throws an Argume...

How to input the name of the text file as a function's argument in Matlab?

Basically I export .dat files, with headers, from a software and then I use data in them in Matlab. I am making a general function in Matlab which could read the data from the .dat files I export from the software. Can you tell me the way I can input the name of the .dat file as function's argument? function [property_without_headers]=g...

How can I get more than 11 characters into the name of my app on iPhone?

The name I want to use for my app has 12 characters, I had read that Apple will only allow 11 at this time, but then I found an app with 13 (tiltshiftfocus). I was wondering if there is anything special I need to do in order to submit my 12 character app name? ...

<a name="whatever"></a> deprecated Batch convert to id

I have a lot of old html files that I need to update. Hopefully, not manually. I can use a find/replace app to go through a directory and find all with <a name= and replace it <span id= since "name" is deprecated. How would I then find all of the correct endtags and convert </a> to </span> without ruining all hyperlinks? TIA, Linda ...