
How do I use internal commands ( from NAnt? ("type" etc)

On windows systems, certain dos commands don't have executables that can be explicitly called via NAnt's exec task. (I'm talking specifically about commands that are part of A complete list can be found here. While name of the more useful commands can be achieved with NAnt or NAntContrib tasks (copy, move, rename etc), some...

When running NUnit and specifying a category, can all uncategorized tests be included too?

We have several hundred test classes, with a few dozen of them marked with the following attributes: [TestFixture] [Explicit] [Category("IntegrationTests")] so they will only be run in our over-night automated build. The remaining TestFixtures don't have a Category specified (and are not marked Explicit either). Here is the...

Error when executing MSBuild from NAnt and specifying a logger.

I'm attempting to execute MSBuild from a NAnt script (which is called by CruiseControl.NET). Since I'm calling MSBuild from NAnt instead of CC.NET, I'd like to specify use the XmlLogger so that I can still generate an MSBuild report for CC.NET. This is the nant target responsible for building our solution with MSBuild: <target name="com...

How to generate custom Nunit Report?

Hi All, I am posting this query with lot of hope. I have created a framework using Selenium RC with C#,Nunit and NANT. and Implement Nunit2Report for converting XML report output from Nunit to HTML format. But the HTML report are not clear as we used to get using TestNG and LoggingSelenium (Selenium Java Framework). My Query: ...

Asynchronous NAnt batch call

In my NAnt project, I'd like to fire off a batch file and just forget about it. So I tried pulling something like this: <exec program="start" commandline="cmd /c c:\mybat.bat" /> But NAnt complains: 'start' failed to start The system cannot find the specified fileBlockquote start cmd /c c:\mybat.bat works if I run it straight f...

ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: Target Directory not empty

I have a web application that needs to be built using a nant script. All the projects in the solution build fine but for this error that crops up each time at the end of the build. I couldn't find much useful information on resolving this error. Has anyone encountered and fixed this kind of issue before? Any help would be much appreciate...

Getting Nant.MailLogger to work on Windows 2008

I have had a NAnt/NAntContrib build running for a while on one machine: (MS Windows Server 2003 Standard 32-bit SP2) And I now need to run the same build script on a newer machine: (Windows Server Standard 2008) I have gotten NAnt and NAnt.Config installed and working on the new machine. I am using NAnt.Core.Maillogger on the original ...

Clean up after nant build failures.

I'm looking for my nant build script to be able to clean up after itself if a build goes wrong. I'm looking for something resembling the following execution: Target= Software.Build Target= Software.Build.Success *(depends on Software.Build succeeding)* Target= Software.Build.Failed I am looking for a solution that if the Software.Bu...

Fileset/patternset's refid attribute isn't expanded. How would you write a target that operates on an arbitrary set of files?

I have a set of targets that each do essentially the same thing except each contains a specific patternset on which to perform its tasks. I want to collapse these targets into a single "reusable" target that instead takes a set of files "as a parameter". For example, this <target name="echo1"> <foreach item="File" property="fn"> ...

NAnt <exec> Task Always Returns 0 for Batch Files on Windows XP

I'm encountering an issue with the <exec> task on batch files in my NAnt project files. When running on Windows XP SP 3 (but not Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008) and using NAnt 0.85 or 0.91alpha2, the <exec> task will always succeed (returning an error code of 0) regardless of what the executed script returned. As an example, I wr...

configure CC.NET email notification & show error log in dashboard

Hi All, I'm trying to configure CC.NET to send email notifications, i have googled a lot about it and found examples also but by using that examples also im not able to figure out where the actual problem is occuring. Below is the block of code im using it in config file, <publishers> <statistics /> <xmllogger logDir="c...

Getting NDepend to recurse through an input directory finding all assemblies/source across multiple projects

I am using a NAnt build script to call NDepend with the required command line arguments. <exec program="NDepend.Console.exe" basedir="${NDependPath}"> <arg line="${NDependProjectFilePath} /indirs ${NDependInDirs} /outdir ${NDependOutputDir}" /> </exec> But what I am looking for is to get NDepend to recurse through all subdirectorie...

NANT, Cruise Control and 4.0

Does anyone know of a good resource for basic samples for both a NANT.Build file and a CCNet.Config file entry for nightly build on an 4.0 application, having had a good look around online it appears that there's a lot of conjecture on how this should be done, but I'm looking for something sustainable. I have projects that use ....

NANT: Style task passing parameter to xslt

Hi Everybody, I have a problem with passing arguments from the NAnt style task to a xslt sheet. This is my NAnt code snippet. The properties path and file are definetly set. <style style="${xslt.file}" extension="xml" in="${xml.file}" destdir="."> <parameters> <parameter name="path" value="${path}" nam...

Free Code Metrics Tool for .NET (should be callable directly from NAnt via Console)

Hi Everybody, I am looking for a free code metrics tool for .NET (mainly C# language). I have searched the web, but haven't found anything that matches my requirements. Requirements 1. LOC and CC metrics (mainly) 2. NAnt intregration is possible 3. No configuration file needed (provide the source files and config parameter via console ...

ERROR XmlConfigurator error with Nant on mono 2.8


Debugging nant Duplicate Target

Nant is complaining about a duplicate target, and as far as I can tell there is no duplicate. Is there some way to get nant to tell me which buildfiles it has open or is trying to open and where these tasks are so I can debug this? ...

NAnt: Check if include file was already included

Hi Everybody, Does anybody know a way to check if a file was already included? <include buildfile="${script.dir}\util.include.nant" /> . . . . <include buildfile="${script.dir}\util.include.nant" /> This will throw an exception that a target was duplicated. Is there a way around? Thanks in advance ...

How to get VSS updated/replaced files from nantcontrib vssget task

I am using nantcontrib and the vssget task to retrieve the latest code from source safe in a build process. I would like to log which files have been updated/replaced, basically any changes that have occured, and output it to screen/log file. The only output I get is... [vssget] Getting '$/project' to 'C:\project' Below is my vssget ...

FailOnError does not work in custom NAnt task

Hi Fellows, I have custom NAnt task for test purposes and I would like to cancel NAnt build process if the task is failed. I have created custom ErrorTask: [NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskName("errorTask")] public class ErrorTask : NAnt.Core.Task { public ErrorTask() { FailOnError = true; } protected override void Ex...