
wix: unable to detect servicepacks

hi, I am trying to detect .net framework 2.0 service pack 2. But it seems that wix is unable to detect that. below is the script that i am using. NAnt: <exec program="${wix.dir}\light.exe" workingdir=".\wix" commandline="-ext WixUIExtension -ext WixNetFxExtension -cultures:en-us SampleFirst.wixobj -out ${release.dir}\NantTest.msi"/> ...

NAnt: get task permission denied

Hi, I'm trying to use the NAnt <get> task to download some artifacts from our build server. However I'm getting permission denied to the destination folder even though the folder I'm downloading to has "Everyone" with full control. What's going on? ...

NAnt: executing NCover as administrator account - runas returns directly without waiting

Hi, My NAnt build runs as a non-admin as part of CruiseControl. But we have an NCover task which needs to run as an Administrator. For this we are thinking about using RunAs with an admin account. The problem is that RunAs returns directly and doesn't wait for the process to exit. Is there a way to block the NAnt build until NCover ha...

JS Unit Testing on NUnit/NAnt

Maybe you know the simplest way of unit testing javascript functions (not UI like Selenium or WatiN) which can be automated (I prefer using NUnit, eventually NAnt) ? I need to introduce an automated unit test for javascript functions on CruiseControl.NET (so with NUnit and NAnt) - but maybe there is other way ? Thanks, Dawid ...

Is NAntContrib dead?

Is NAntContrib dead, or maybe it's just "resting" like NAnt was used to few months ago? Any one know something about it? And by "dead" I've ment that there were no updates since 5-6 years, and I'm wonder if it's/will be updated someday - like nant was few months ago. ...

Nant ignores basedir in <fileset> if <include> contains asis="true"

We have the following piece of code in our nant script: <copy todir="Output"> <fileset basedir="Build"> <include name="Antlr.Runtime.dll" asis="true"/> ... When this part is executed, it fails because it looks for Antlr.Runtime.dll in the project folder not in the Build folder as specified by the ba...

NAnt VS2010 C# and resource files

Hi - Assistance required for a NAnt newbie struggling to resolve the dreaded message: 'Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "FileTranslator.Properties.Resources.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly ...' 8) VS2010, C#, Net 4.0, NAnt 0.91 alpha 1 (unmod...

LuntBuild:how do i copy the installer to artifact directory

Hi, i am using Luntbuild as CI tool for my project. I want to copy the resulting installer to artifact directory of the appropriate version. I am using NAnt script to build my solution and create the installer. How do i do that? i am setting the artifact directory path as environment variable in LuntBuild. How do i acces those variabl...

Reading values from property file through NANT and accesing environment variables

I have couple of questions. 1.How do i read values from property file through NANT? 2.I am using LUntBuild As CI tool. I have set some environment variables in LuntBuild. How do i access those in Nant script? ...

how to get changed files from TFS using nant

It is really painfull to get all code form TFS whenever you make a build using NANT. Is there any settings in ccnet.config which will only take the files which are changed form last time which can speed up the process. ...

anyone who has used Atlassian's Elastic Bamboo to build .NET projects - what AMI do I need to use?

This whole setup process is fairly perplexing, and I feel like the documentation is written for CI and cloud experts. Can anybody lend some inght into their setup? ...

NAnt:Path system environment variable

Why do we need to create nant.bat file in a directory that is included in the PATH system environment variable. What actually is this Path system environment variable? What if i dont do it? ...

NAnt equvalent of <propertyfile> element

What will be the NAnt equivalent of the below script? This script is in Ant. <target name="getVersion"> <propertyfile file="./"> <entry key="version" type="string" value="${buildVersion}"/> </propertyfile> </target> ...

Is it possible to send parameters into Nant task?

Hi, I would like to have a nant task which builds code into either a dev/test folder depending on the type of build. Rather than have repeated tasks/targets with just different folders I would like to call Nant task from CruiseControl.NET with a different parameter dev / test. The nant task would then define a property for the output f...

Getting the TeamCity build number into the AssemblyInfo file using Nant.

Hi, done a lot of googling but cant seem to find an exact solution to get the TeamCity build number into my AssemblyInfo files. Would appreciate a full solution for my requirements... 1 Get the build number into a Nant variable. I believe that this code will accomplish this.. PropertyGroup Version$(BUILD_NUMBER)/Version /Pro...

MsBuild or Nant

Possible Duplicate: Nant or MSBuild, which one to choose and when? I am creating .net projects with visual studio. I am looking at adding some build events to minimize and compine javascript files integrated into my build. I am aware that there are 2 options open to me, nant and msbuild. I have knowledge on neither so wonderi...

How do I unzip remotely during the automated deployment to our QA environment?

I'm trying to figure out a way to automate the deployment to our QA environment. The problem is that our release is quite big, so needs to be Zipped, FTP'd and then Unzipped on the QA server. I'm not sure how best to unzip remotely. I can think of a few options, but none of them sound right: Use PsExec to execute a remote commandline ...

How to Create Virtual Diectory build web site using nant ?

Hi Frnds, I am trying to Create Virtual Directory and develop the projects IIS using NAnt script . Would u pls tell me the Solution . ...

Install/Uninstall a Windows Service in a build script with NAnt

Does NAnt have the ability to install or uninstall a windows service, using the InstallUtil utility or whatever else? ...

Nant merge task not executing

I have a Nant merge task aimed at a nunit test output.xml I have installed the relevant xsl transform files and the menu option does show up to see the NUnit details. But all the counters are zero, and inspecting the xml log file for the build I can see that the output has not been merged. Does any one have any idea why this would be? ...