
This method implicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons

Hi Guys, I have just updated my nant script to compile my .net framework 4 solution. And I got the above error while generating commonassemblyinfo.cs in my solution. I visited msdn website and also added <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true" /> in my web.config under runtime->configuration. But that didn't solve my problem. Ca...

How to get VS2010 Web.config Transformations working from NAnt?

In my Nant file I've got (paths shortened): <echo message="#### TARGET - compile ####"/> <echo message=""/> <echo message="Build Directory is ${build.dir}" /> <exec program="${framework}\msbuild.exe" commandline="..\src\Solution.sln /m /t:Clean /p:Configuration=Release" /> <exec program="${framework}\msbuild.exe" command...

How can I invoke linux programs from C#/Mono?

I've been using MonoDevelop and Make to execute some build taks on a C project under linux, but I decided to abandon Make and switch to NAnt since I am more proficient in writing C# programs than Make/shell scripts, so I decided to write a custom NAnt task in C# to replace my Makefile. So, how can I invoke GCC or other shell commands fro...

Security issue using Nant

I need to store authentication information and I rather not have the password in plain text: <property name="user" value="theUser"/> <property name="password" value="secret"/> Has anyone figured out a way to encrypt property values in Nant? I've looked in Nant and Nantcontrib docs but no mention of encryption. I am considering...

How do I tell nant to only call csc when there are cs files in to compile?

In my NAnt script I have a compile target that calls csc. Currently it fails because no inputs are specified: <target name="compile"> <csc target="library" output="${umbraco.bin.dir}\Mammoth.${project::get-name()}.dll"> <sources> <include name="project/*.cs" /> </sources> <references> <...

How to use Nant and MSBuild to build debug deployment

Hi I have a Nant build script which referrences 30 other build scripts. Each build script referrences a visual studio solution using MSBuild. Each solution has 3 to 5 projects in. Some projects are Class Librarys and some are Web Apllications. The projects reference other projects both in their solution and out of their solution, so...

C# nant build using .csproj files

Hi all, Typically when doing a build script for C# I just include */.cs for each project/dll to build. However I now have a situation where I have some .cs files which are not part of the project but live in that directory (they are there for reference purposes from another library). There are not linked in the .csproj file so the VS ...

Solutions files and non-MS build systems

Hello, Visual Studio 2008 uses its own solution file format, and different build systems like NAnt (and even some complex MSBuild cases) use their own. How do you keep them synchronized? Are there any best practices about doing so? Any automated scripts, plugins...? Is it viable not to build projects under VS and use only external buil...

NAnt with multiple compiler versions

I have two different version of the Visual Studio IDE on a build machine. My question is how do I know which version of the compiler NAnt is using? Is there a way to direct NAnt to use a specific version? ...

What can CruiseControl .net (or any CI server) do that MSBuild or NAnt can't?

I ask this question because I find the the community contributions to the various build engines (like MSBuild and NAnt) do include all the tasks that promote for CI servers, like getting versions from source control, cleaning folders, changing build numbers, sending emails, etc... Is it only because it "listens" to the changes happens o...

creating msi using nant and wix

Exact duplicate of: Hi, I am trying to create an installer for my project using NAnt. this is how my build script looks like <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="pleats" default="build-release" xmlns=""&gt; <targe...

creating msi using nant and wix

Hi, I am trying to create an installer for my project using NAnt. this is how my build script looks like <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="pleats" default="build-release" xmlns=""&gt; <target name="build-release" depends="clean, make-builddir, build, release-properties, copy-to-release, build...

Can i create an .msm using wix and nant

Hi, Can i create an .msm using wix and nant ...

how to checkout files from cvs using nant

I am trying to checkout files from cvs repository using NAnt. The repository is in my own machine in D:\NantTest. I am using the following target. <target name="cvscheckout"> <echo message="checkout started" /> <cvs-checkout verbose = "true" destination="D:\Subrat\Projects\WPF\WpfApplicationNAntTest" cvsroot=":...

Unexpected attribute "BuildInParallel" on element <msbuild>

Hi I am trying to use the BuildInParallel option on MsBuild. I have an NAnt & NAntContrib script e.g. <project xmlns="" name="Css Manager Solution Build" ToolsVersion="3.5" default="deploy"> <target name="clean" description="Delete all previously compiled binaries."> <delete...

nantcontrib msbuild vs aspnet_compiler.exe

Hi, I am using nant to compile and publish my web applications and am unsure whether to use nantconribs msbuild task or aspnet_compiler.exe. I have a number of projects in my solution for business logic and data access. When msbuild runs it compiles the solution and outputs to my /dist/ folder. All the dlls are in the root of this fol...

Free Editor for NAnt Scripting?

Hi Is there any Free Editor for NAnt scripting with little bit of intelligence is fine.... Thanks nrk ...

Nant - Check if a remote share already exists

We are using Nant to deploy an application and need to ensure that a share is created during the process. We use psexec and net share to create the share but this fails and stops Nant if the share already exists. Is there any way to detect that a share exists already? Either before trying to create the share or being able to detect t...

Creating ASP.NET Membership Tables Using Tarantino Database Management

I'm introducing Tarantino Database Management into a project, which has a brand new database schema. The only change (located in 0001_InitialSchema.sql) is the creation of the tables used in ASP.NET Membership. I generated the tables using aspnet_regsql.exe and then scripted them as CREATE TO scripts, then combined them into my single Ta...

Check files out of PVCS with nant & nantconrib

I'm taking my first steps with nant and nantcontrib so please bear with me! The steps I would like to perform with nant are the following: Get the latest files from PVCS Check-out (i.e. for editing) the AssemblyInfo.cs so I can automatically take care of versioning etc. Once the build has completed, check in AssemblyInfo.cs Label all ...