
Is there a pre-made Continuous Integration solution for .NET applications?

From my perspective, we're constructing our own 'flavour' of NAnt/Ivy/CruiseControl.Net in-house and can't help but get the feeling that other dev shops are doing exactly the same work, but then everybody is finding out the same problems and pitfalls with it. I'm not complaining about NAnt, Ivy or CruiseControl at all, as they've been b...

Prevent command window showing when NAnt compiling windows forms application

I have been playing with creating little windows forms apps without visual studio. I create my source in Notepad++ and compile with a NAnt build file. When I run the application a command window is also displayed as well as the application window. How can I prevent the command window showing up? using System; using System.Drawing; usi...

Problems executing P4 commands from NAnt via web app on IIS 6.

I'm encountering strange permission issues with Perforce when running it from a NAnt script - but only if that NAnt script is kicked off from a PHP script. Hopefully someone can enlighten me as to what's going on! I've got a PHP script running in an application pool that is set up to use the "build.user" user account. The script curre...

Nant xmlpoke and unique nodes

I am trying to use an xmlpoke task to update a VS Project File (which is XML). In the Project root, there are multiple PropertyGroup nodes, I am trying to select the first one. The XML looks like this <Project> <PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup> ...

SSH connection with NAnt script

Is there a way to make an ssh connection from a windows command line to a Linux machine not using putty? The Idea is to be able to use NAnt to issue linux commands on the target Linux machine. ...

MSBuild cannot find SGen when compiling a solution

I've looked at several other SGen-related questions on here and either their answers don't apply or their answers don't fix this for me. I have installed several SDKs to fix this issue with no luck. Reference types should not be changed since this is the only place this is a problem. Once suggestion is to put SGen.exe into the C:\Windows...

Change nhibernate config with nant xmlpoke

Hi All How can I change the connection string from nhibernate.config file using nant the problem is that all examples are about changing attribute value, but nhibernate has inner text eq: <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2"> <session-factory> <property name="connection.connection_string">Data Sourc...

How do I get Nant to use the 4.0 compiler to target .Net 3.5

Yes I know that sounds a little bit crazy, but I've got .Net 3.5 deployed in the field and I'd like to use the new 4.0 compiler to target it. There are several new syntactic sugar features in the latest versions of Vb.Net and C# which I would like to use, but I am unable (just yet) to force a new version of the .Net framework and CLR on...

How to stop nant exec task putting ( ) around command line

I have looked through the nant documentation and sourceforge faq and can't find the answer to this question. The exec task in nant puts ( ) around the command line parameters it generates, so for example this task below would generate: mallow ( -1 ) <exec program="${}\mallow.exe" workingdir="${}"> ...

VS.NET solution built differently on build server

I have a VS.NET solution with two Projects, ProjectWeb and ProjectLibrary. PW depends on PL, so I have a VS.NET project reference to PL in PW. That works all well and good on my dev box, but when it all gets to the build server, I have two different build projects, one for PL and one for PW. I'd like to build PL and copy the binaries s...

How build web site using nant script?

Hi I am using nant-0.90-alpha1 to build 3.5 web site. I am unable do that. When I am using msbuild , it throwing error saying unknown tag msbuild. How can I build 3.5 website using nant? Thanks nRk ...

NANT: ReplaceToken, loop over all properties defined in build

Hi, Is it possible to loop over all the properties and replace all token which correspond to them? For example, if I have three properties defined, a,b,c, I want to replace all three tokens @a@, @b@, @c@ . I however do not want to set up the filterchain manually as properties may be added/removed later on. I can accomplish this using ...

Move one folder up in nant script

Hi, i'm not an expert of Nant, so i'll have to ask this redicolus question. i have a variable called svn.source.root which point to c:\folderA\FolderB\FolderC how can i make svn.source.root.modified variable to point to 2 folders up? i.e, folderA Obviously, the following didn't work: please help. thanks ...

xmlpoke in Nant - how to update all instances of found string

Hi I am using Xpath in my Nant build script to change some config variables between development and my other environments. I have taken the syntax from this example: The example looks like this: <xmlpoke file="config01/app.config" xpath="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='AppName']/@value" value="TradeMonster"> </xmlpoke...

Nant: instruct MySql to create db and run scripts

How do I instruct Nant to tell MySql to run ddl scripts from a particular location and then run other scripts as instructed? Google let me to many sites which unfortunately do not work... ...

NAnt and relative path execution

How can I assign to trunk.dir property a relative path to the trunk location? This is my file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <project name="ProjectName" default="build" xmlns=""&gt; <!-- Directories --> <property name="trunk.dir" value="C:\Projects\ProjectName" /><!--...

Nant equivalent of the Ant Replace task

Looking for the equivalent of Ant Replace task in Nant ...

upload file with FTP using nant

hi, i have a nant script that i use to build my .net project and i'm looking to see if there is a way to upload the resulted assemblies to some remote folder using an FTP task of nant. i couldn't find any good example online, and i'm wonder if anyone know how to do it, if its doable at all. FYI: i'm running it on a windows machine, if...

CruiseControl / NANT <copy> Task

We have a website with all the media (css/images) stored in a media folder. The media folder and it's 95 subdirectories contain about 400 total files. We have a Cruiscontrol project that monitors just the media directory for changes and when triggered copies those files to our integration server. Unfortunately, our integration ser...

Configuring Cruise Control Net with sourcesafe - Unable to load array item 'executable'

Hi all, I'm trying to create a continuous integration environment. To do so, I've used a guide that can be found at In this step by step, the goal is to create a CI with CCNet, NAnt, NUni, NDoc, FxCop and source safe. I've been able to create my build by using the command prompt (despite the th...