
How can I automate the t4 code generation for SubSonic

Hi all, I'm using SubSonic 3 (ActiveRecord mode) to generate the code for my DAL. It uses T4 templates (.tt) files that as soon as you save, generate the code for you. I want to automate this as part of my NANT build, but I can't get this to work. I know that MS provide a tool called TextTransform to generate the code from T4 templates...

I want to use NAnt's foreach to iterate files in a folder, how to force alphabetic iteration?

I have an NAnt task "ship" to package my current .sql scripts into a build, then name the build with an incrementing int {######} and copy it to a build folder. I have another NAnt task which executes those build scripts. They must execute in order, but in my last attempt, they were not. Can I "force" NAnt to work alphabetically? Tha...

Is NAnt .build file case sensitive?

Are the keywords used for project, target, task, function, ... in NAnt build files case sensitive or not? ...

Nant msbuild task with .net 4.0 rc

How do I need to indicate to the msbuild task in my nant script that it should use .net 4.0 rc? ...

Nant copy all files to output - is this needed? / Visual Studio Build Process

When you compile a project in Visual Studio (VS), as part of the compilaton VS takes all of the referenced libraries that are not in the GAC and copies them to the output folder of your build. e.g. ProjectA.Dll References: ProjectB.Dll References: ProjectC.Dll In the bin\debug folder you will find ProjectA.dll, ProjectB.dll and Proj...

Calling C# code inside a nant build script - time impact?

I have a section of C# code within my nant build script that runs and updates the console window's title with any message that I want, which is this (and runs perfectly fine): <script language="C#" > <code unless="${string::ends-with(build.script.debug, 'off')}"> [TaskName("consoletask")] public class TestTask...

Nant cant find assembly in the GAC

Hi, I have a .Net project which uses the MySQL connector which is located in the GAC. In my Nant build file there doesnt seem to be a way to tell CSC to look in the GAC to find this dll (or type information) and my project wont build. Is there a way to tell Nant that this reference does exist and its in the Gac. Its wierd really becau...

[novice] What are preserved properties in NAnt?

What are preserved properties in NAnt? Please help. ...

Is NAnt in the dead pool?

I know NAnt sees frequent use (well, I always use it for my CI builds) but there has been no new official release since December 2007. Is the project receiving active development any more or is it dead-pooled? It worries me that if I carry on using it, and it stops tracking the latest version of .NET, I'll eventually be left with a massi...

.Net/C# Build Tool - Is NAnt a preferred tool?

I'm about to set up an automatic build of a .net/C# project. I've searched the net quite a bit, and there are a lot of references to this tool called 'NAnt'. My questions are: Is NAnt considered a good tool for this, is it still used? Are there other toos that are the de facto standard for such a task? From the information on the ...

XMLPoke a referenced assembly's appconfig value?

I have an assembly built that uses appSettings in the app.config...pretty straight forward. however, I'm referencing this assembly in a web service, and that web service contains the nAnt build file for this service plus being the entry point for everything. Ideally I'd like to be able to set the assembly's appConfig values from the bu...

How to replace the deprecated csc ant task

I have a mixed Java / C# project and use an ant script that contains a csc task to compile the dll. This works, but I get a warning [csc] This task is deprecated and will be removed in a future version [csc] of Ant. It is now part of the .NET Antlib: [csc] How can I replace the cs...

Using PSExec from within CruiseControl .NET

Hi All, I'm trying to call a PSExec task from CC.NET and running into some difficulties. Here's the CC project <project name="Test"> <tasks> <exec> <executable>C:\Utilities\psexec.exe</executable> <buildArgs>-u [UNAME] -p [PWD] "C:\Utilities\Joel.bat"</buildArgs> </exec> </tasks> </project> Here's the sourc...

MSBuild's XmlMassUpdate task in NAnt?

I have created an MSBuild tasks for building my projects, but for various reasons I wan't to switch to NAnt. Is there some task that would be equivalent to MSBuild's XmlMassUpdate in NAnt? If possible I would like to use the same xml replacement file I used with XmlMassUpdate. (for more info about XmlMassUpdate, here's a short usage I ...

<nunit2> is not working correctly.

I have the following task in my nant script: <nunit2 verbose="true"> <formatter type="Plain" /> <test assemblyname="${output}\Test.dll" appconfig="${project.src.root}\Test\Test.config"/> </nunit2> Test.config is the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <runtime> <assemblyBin...

Problem loading Oracle client libraries when running in a NAnt build

I am trying to use dbdeploy to manage Oracle schema changes. I can run it successfully from the command line to get it to generate my change scripts, but when I try to execute it via the dbdeploy NAnt task running through TeamCity, I get an error: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater. I ...

[NAnt] About "nant::get-base-directory()"

As in, they explaint the meaning of this function is: The base directory of the appdomain in which NAnt is running. I don't know what does appdomain mean! Someone please explain it for me. Thank you. ...

Integrate StyleCop in NAnt buildscript

Is there a way to integrate StyleCop in a NAnt script such that the build fails if there are too many style violations? There doesn't seem to be a NAnt task for StyleCop, but we've found StyleCopCmd. However this only seems to generate an XML file as output that we'd have to parse. Is there some easier solution? ...

[MSBuild] How to convert NAnt function "path::combine(path1, path2)" to MSBuild?

I need to convert the function "path::combine(path1, path2)". Please help me if you have some idea. Thank you! ...

Can I use NAnt to query my database and use the results as parameter values?

I spent 15 minutes searching the Task lists of NAnt and NAntContrib, and searching Google, but came up empty-handed. I want to send an email to every user of my system when I promote my code. I have a list of email addresses in my database, and I have a functioning email task. So, how can I connect the two? Thanks! D ...