
Deploy to remote server using scp in NANT script

I am trying to copy a file to a remote server using scp task in Nant.Contrib . I have used the following code to do that: <target name= "QADeploy"description="gthtyb" > <loadtasks assembly="C:\nantcontrib-0.85\bin\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" /> <echo message="htyh"/> <scp file="D:\SourceTest\redist.txt" server="\\" user="xxx:uuuu...

How to echo the contents of a fileset in Nant?

Was trying to do something like this: <copy> <fileset id="mySet"> <include name="*.sql" /> </fileset> </copy> <echo message="Copied files: ${mySet} to directory: ${Folder}." /> But i get the following error: 'id' is an invalid attribute for a tag. Datatypes can only be declared at Project or Target level. Than...

How to change connection string automatically on build with Nant

Hi, is it possible to change the connection string in my web.config automatically when build type is release using Nant? if so, how? thanks ...

How to tell MSBuild where to put my compiled files?

Hi, I'm trying to use Nant to compile an ASP.NET MVC app, so far my build script just runs ms build and runs some other tasks, however I want my compiled files to be put in a "build" directory, how can I tell msbuild where to put the compiled files? ...

.NET Dependency Management and Tagging/Branching

My company is having trouble figuring out the best way to manage our builds, releases, and branches... Our basic setup is we have 4 applications we maintain 2 WPF applications and 2 ASP.NET applications, all 4 of these applications share common libraries, so currently they are all in one folder /trunk/{app1, app2, app3, app4}. This make...

How to display the error message in console using Nant in Cruisecontrol?

Hi All, I wanted to display some error messages in the console of Cruisecontrol using Nant. Please let me know whether any other way is there rather than the task . Thanks & Regards, Priya.R ...

How can you color NAnt output?

We are looking at using NAnt as a deployment tool for our internal (usually web based) applications. One of our (many) current solutions uses colored output on the commandline to indicate if there was a problem with the installation (green and red). Is there an easy way to change the output to be a particular color when NAnt is execu...

nunit2 Nant task always returns exit code 0 (TeamCity 5.0)

Hello, I just cannot for the life of me get my nant build file to terminate upon a test failure and return (thus preventing the packaging and artifact step from running) This is the unit part of the nant file: <target name="unittest" depends="build"> <nunit2 verbose="true" haltonfailure="false" failonerror="true" failonfailureatend=...

Licensing: NAnt tasks

What is the practical meaning of NAnt's license exception: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you permission to link the assemblies with independent modules to produce new assemblies, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting a...

NAnt not running NUnit tests

I'm using NUnit 2.5 and NAnt 0.85 to compile a .NET 3.5 library. Because NAnt 0.85 doesn't support .NET 3.5 out of the box, I've added an entry for the 3.5 framework to NAnt.exe.config. 'MyLibrary' builds, but when I hit the "test" target to execute the NUnit tests, none of them seem to run. [nunit2] Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Not run:...

Downloading Castle.Core and adding [AllowPatiallyTrustedCallers]

I want to run Castle.Core under medium trust, and I know how to do it in theory. Add [AllowPatiallyTrustedCallers] to the Assembly.cs Disable Trace Logger - (because it uses reflection) First problem, there is is no Assembly.cs, so apparently you can use nant to build with a command line like: nant -D:assembly.allow-partially-trust...

Nunit2report generates multible reports

I'm running nant and used nunit2 to generate a xml result file per assembly. My problems is when i use nunit2report the generate reports has dublicated its self by the number of assembly result files. Does anyone know where i went wrong portion of my nant script: ` <nunit2 failonerror="false" verbose="true"> <formatter type="Xml" ...

How to integrate NAnt with Visual Studio?

Hi guys, I'm just trying to get into NAnt for my build processes, and successfully have a script that sets up a build dir, and compiles a sln file into it. My question now is, on a day to day basis how would you execute the NAnt script from Visual Studio. I'm used to just hitting Ctrl + Shift + B and then just refreshing my browser (I h...

if condition in nant

I am trying to figure out how to write a simple if condition in nant that will evaluate to true when both x & y properties are true. <project default="all"> <property name="x" value="True" /> <property name="y" value="True" /> <target name="all"> <echo message="x is True" if="${x}" /> <echo message="y is True...

Bug/issue tracking integration with Cruise control

Hi everybody, I am putting together a bunch of applications to create an automatic building for microsoft platform (the products I chose and the software I will build, both, runs on windows). The products I've chosen are: Code repository: SubVersion Continuous integration: CruiseControl Unit testing: NUnit Test coverage: NCover Static...

NANT process time out after 1800 sec

Hi Guys, I am using NANT to deploy the code to servers using s/w CCtray. sometimes I get this error but looks like the vsts is up according to the administrator. He can't figure out why it is saying this error and neither do I. Because it doesn't log any other information other than this. DOes anyone has faced this kind of error before a...

Publish an web application on build with NAnt, MSBuild or any other tool

I have a scenario where I have to setup a test environment where I want to be able to tell my NAnt or other build tool to make an new IIS web application, put the latest bins in the newly created IIS web application, and post me an email where the new address and port where the new application are addressed, is this possible and how? whi...

Nant / Cruise Control - Unable to copy file to another server.

This Nant task (controlled by CruiseControl) is failing to copy files to a share on another server. <target name="DeployToTargetDirectory" description="Copies files to target deploy folder (this may not be the final virtual directory)"> <if test="${not directory::exists(AppDeploymentFolder)}"> <fail message="Deployment folder not foun...

Nant: Process id of a service that is already running.

Does anyone know how to get the PID of the process that a windows service is running in from Nant? I am having file locking problems. I issue a stop command to the service and then try and delete the Windows service's files. However these are quite often locked by the process that the Windows service is running in. I want to find the PI...

What does CruiseControl (or any other CI tool) give more than well-written (n)Ant?

Hi there, We have a large collection of nAnt scripts that build our various products. They almost all have the following structure: Erase old working copy. Check out complete fresh copy from version control. Increment build number in appropriate file (custom nAnt task). Run static analysis (StyleCop, Perl scripts) Build solution using...