
Ant Bulk Search and Replace

I have a properties file in which the keys represent strings in source code files that I would like to search for, and the values represent the replacement string that I would like to replace the strings with (see below for an example). I would like to perform these replacements over a set of files during my Ant build, however I cant se...

Using CruiseControl to copy the head SVN folder to a Release folder

I'm just getting started with CruiseControl.NET and nAnt and don't really have a good understanding of how the whole process works. We currently have most of our solutions in Visual Source 'Safe', and have the build server Label each release automatically using the AssemblyInfo file. We're migrating our VSS projects into SVN, and have m...

Getting NAnt to check for changed files in SVN

In the interests of trying to speed up my NAnt/CruiseControl.Net/Ivy continuous build process, I was hoping to get NAnt to check if my codebase has changed on my local PC after performing a NAnt-based update, and then if the code has changed, then kick off the process to re-build that project and possibly raise a flag to build all subse...

Build merge module without Devenv from .vdproj

I read quit a few Stackoverflow Questions about building mergemodules via commandline but all of them were accepted when either somebody suggested to use devenv for compilation or use Dark to create wix-files from existing msi files. Considering the following: VisualStudio isn't installed on the buildserver I have to use. I am using n...

Using the aspnet_compiler.exe to compile .Net Web Apps

I have code in the top layer of my .Net web application that I'd like to unit test, but when my build server compiles the project using the aspnet_compiler.exe, it makes a .dll file that is not at all usable by another project, i.e. an NUnit test project. (This is true of ASP .Net web applications and of ASP .Net MVC applications.) Am ...

Where is the <import> tag in Nant?

I want to import another build file into my current project so I can put all common properties in one place. In ant you can simply use: <import file="c:\tools\commonProperties.include" /> How to achieve that in NAnt? ...

nAnt running .bat with folderPath as parameter

Hello all, I am trying to setup a nAnt task to run a batch file with 4 parameters. First 2 parameters are folder path, so it required to be wrapped with double quote. Here's my build file <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="Proejct" default="dbsetup" > <description>nAnt script</description> <property name="project.SQLBinFolder" v...

mkdir nant permissions

I need to use mkdir on a network path, which is on a different domain. I can login into the network properly, however nant is not able to. I setup a network drive on the system where nant runs, however it still cant access it. Does anybody know how to achieve this? ...

Nant "nant.onsuccess" property

I have a nant file which does the building of my project. Once the build succeeded, I will use the nant.onsuccess property to send mail. In this nant.onsuccess I will call next batch of targets to build. But I need to send the mail depending on the success or failure of these set of targets that are called from the nant.onsuccess target....

How to make nant complain when a file is missing from a fileset

I have a fileset element in a build file that is defined as: <fileset id="fileset" basedir="."> <include name="test.txt"/> <include name="missing.txt"/> </fileset> When this runs (as part of a copy task), it does not complain if any of the files are missing. Whilst I can use failonempty="true" in the fileset element, this only...

Deploying code from Subversion Repository to web server without building

At my company, we develop our ASP.NET applications as websites and often just work off of our network drive, which points directly to the files on our development web server. Our code is compiled at time of HTML request, so we don't build our web applications. I've read that automated builds are a best-practice, and aim to set that up as...

Running a program on a remote machine as part of continuous integration

We use TeamCity, nant and psexec to run a command on a remote machine as part of the release packaging. Everything works fine when I run the nant from the console but when running from teamcity psexec hangs (freezes) 50% of the times. I looked through many forums and there seems to be workarounds that increase complexity of the call and ...

return a value from a script

I am calling a batch file inside a nant script and would like to get the value ( a string of 5 characters) return back to the nant script and continue the nant script. Please suggest how this can be done. Thanks in advance. ...

Access is denied to UNC path in nant zip task when nant task is ran by, runs ok when nant is ran manually from command line

We are running an nant task from The zip task fails with an error: "Access to path nnnn is denied". The path specified is a UNC path. When we run the same nant task manually from the command line, the task runs successful. We've also tried to set up a domain user account, and switched the service to log in as t...

nant task to create queue with c# code

<project name="aa" default="createqueue" xmlns=""&gt; <target name="createqueue"> <echo message="started" /> <script language="C#" > <references> <lib> <include name="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Messaging.dll" /> </lib> </references> ...

What NAnt editors are available?

I'm doing quite a bit of NAnt script writing at the moment and would love to know how I can speed the process up? I'm currently editing the script in Visual Studio, then going to the command line to test the output. I like how Visual Studio can be configured to autocomplete your NAnt commands (via xsd) but I'm still testing my scripts ...

Msbuild and SLN unbindig

I want to unbind my sln file from TFS server and publish it on SVN is there any "easy" option to do this. It's easy to open sln and chose unbind option in Visual Studio, but does any one ever tried to automate this process? There is a solution to edit sln file using xmlpoke and deleting binding information, but is it safe? ...

Microsoft Ajax Minifier and NAnt

Hi folks! Could someone explain to me how to use the Microsoft Ajax Minifier from a nant-script as a nant-task. I've seen examples of how to use it in Visual Studio but I would like the minification to be done on our CI-server. ...

NAnt or TFS build which is better?

There was a question about Msbuild and NAnt advantages and disadvantages. Now let's see which is better TFS Build(with msbuild) or NAnt. In my opinion NAnt because you can easily move the building environment in few seconds to another machine (depends on copying files), also it's easier to manage, much faster to debug and it's not integr...

Structure of NAnt build scripts and solution structure on build server

We're in the process of streamlining/automating build, integration and unit testing as well as deployment. Our software is developed in Visual Studio where we have use both C# and VB.NET in our projects. A single project can be contained within multiple solutions (i.e. Utils project is used in both ProductA and ProductB solutions) For h...