
<msbuild> task or msbuild.exe with NAnt?

It looks like there are (at least) two options for getting nant to use csproj files: using the task of NAntContrib or using msbuild.exe directly (e.g., codecampserver). Am I reading this right, and if so, what is the advantage of using msbuild.exe over the NAntContrib task? ...

Nant Copy Task does not copy when run from TeamCity

I have the following target in my nant script: <target name="update" verbose="true"> <copy todir="${dirs.deploy}"> <fileset basedir="${dirs.drop}\_PublishedWebSites\RomanceReminder.Web"> <include name="**/*.*" /> </fileset> </copy> </target> when I run this script manually the following output is visible...

Nant task sysinfo verbose - fails

Nant.core.dll : 0.86.2898.0 I can not get the following tag working on my machine. <sysinfo verbose="true" /> <sysinfo /> It gives me the following error. If I comment out those two lines I'm able to build. I google'd but not much help. Any idea? NAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.1932.0; rc3; 4/16/2005) Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw ht...

Integrating PartCover.NET with NAnt

Hello, I'm trying to integrate PartCover.NET with NAnt and CruiseControl.NET I can run PartCover.NET browser without problems, but it does not work once I try to run it in an NAnt task (in my CCNET build). There must be an issue with my NAnt target but I can't find it. Maybe someone had experienced the same issues in the past?. <t...

Changing the title of a Command (CMD) window from NANT

Hello there, I would like to be able to change the title of the Command window at various points throughout my NAnt script. I have tried to use the task to call 'title myTargetName' but it gives me the following error: 'title' failed to start. The system cannot find the file specified Is there a way to do this please? Thanks ...

Building .NET 4 projects with Nant

How do I get nant to build projects that target the .NET 4.0 Framework? ...

Using NAnt and Ivy to build a VB6 project...

Hi there, I am working on a continuous integration system for both .Net and VB6 applications using Subversion, CruiseControl, NAnt and Ivy. The .Net side of things isn't too much of a problem, but I need a little guidance with the VB6 side of things, more from the 'DLL-hell' side of things! My current set-up is getting all dependent f...

Adding an assembly reference to a script task in NAnt

I'm struggling to get NAnt's script task to pick up a reference to a DLL outside the working folder. <target name="UpdateDBs"> <script language="c#"> <references failonempty="true"> <lib> <include name="\\srv-dev\sharedassemblies\OurCompany\DataTransfer\OurCompany.DataTransfer.dll" /> </lib> </references> ...

Licensing in NAnt vs. MSBuild

I have a project using TXTextControl. This project contains a [myproject].exe.licenses file. Originally, I had a set of NAnt scripts that compile the executable and other assemblies. The script used to build the executable has the following lines: <resources> <include name="${working.folder}\*.licenses" /> </resources> We've repl...

Automated builds of branches with SVN

What I'm looking to do is have CI and an automated build for all of my branches in a repository. I'd like each build of these web apps to have it's own project and be placed as a virtual directory (or equivalent) on a branches site. This would be great to be able to create a new branch and have it start the continuous integration and bui...

How do I use a tool like NAnt for large-scale builds but still allow developers to use the VS IDE?

We have a large codebase in VS 2008. We have developers that need to rely on the VS IDE for day-to-day development. But we also have complicated dependencies and deployment steps and require an automated nightly build. I am familiar with NAnt. It is perfect for our out-of-IDE build and deployment steps. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a n...

Ant equivalent of nant.onsuccess / nant.onfailure

NAnt has two built-in properties, nant.onsuccess and nant.onfailure, for specifying tasks to run on success and failure respectively. Is there an equivalent in Ant? ...

What's a good way to consume a PowerShell Cmdlet in a NAnt build system?

We use NAnt extensively for our build system. Recently, I've written a couple PowerShell Cmdlets to perform a few database related things. At first, the intent of these Cmdlets was not to necessarily run within our build process. However, this has recently become a need and we would like to run a few of these Cmdlets from our NAnt based ...

Nant: How to structure svn:externals for building class libraries that reference 3rd party dll's.

I'm using subversion and nant (and visual studio IDE) I've been following the suggested project structure at which advocates self contained subversion directories where a developer can do a checkout and immediately build a project in a single step. My repo structure is like: /Repo /Ma...

Going from <solution> to <exec program=msbuild> in NAnt

I've converted my app from .NET 1.1 to .NET 3.5 and unfortunately NAnt's tag does not support .NET 3.5. So I am trying to use the tag to kick off msbuild directly. Here is what I have for .NET 1.1: <solution solutionfile="MyApp.sln" configuration="ServerDebug" outputdir="MyApp\bin\ServerDebug"> <assemblyfold...

nunit won't redirect console output

Hello I'm using nunit 2.5 and when I try the following nunit-console.exe "C:\Work\classLib\Data.Tests\bin\Debug\data.tests.dll" /out:output.txt it still displays it on the console. I can redirect ALL output by > output.txt of the whole command, but this doesn't work running in the context of NANT. Any ideas? EDIT: The NANT command ...

StyleCop integration with CI build process (Criuse Control, Nant, msbuild and StyleCop)

I have been asked to integrate StyleCop in our CI build process in such a way that: Individual project file in our (large) solution are not affected I don't have to use any 3rd party tool The first requirement (and I don't fully understand this yet) is due to the fact that we don't want to run StyleCop on our entire solution straight...

Max number of times a DLL can be registered/unregistered?

Is there a maximum number of times that a DLL can be registered and unregistered in a specific time period? Here's what I mean and why: I have a Continuous Integration package that builds my VB6 applications and in order to build each of the 80 components of the solution, I: retrieve each project's dependencies in turn register the dl...

Executing a external command in MSI using nant

I'm using Nant to make a MSI install package, but I have some problems when trying to execute an external executable that will install a windows service. I've tried to use a to do the execution but I cannot get it to work. When the MSI is executed it says "Directory Manager not initialized." This is the critical part of the script: ...

hudson | nAnt.exe is not on the "\bin" folder.

Hi guys, I just setup hudson (CI), how do I tell this Dude that my NAnt.exe is not in the \bin folder? it's keep looking for this path: C:\myProjects\web2009\tools\nant\bin\NAnt.exe //doesn't exist but in the reality I setup it, in here: C:\myProjects\web2009\tools\nant\NAnt.exe // the correct path ...