
Simple HelloWorld build script

I have a simple HelloWorld application that I'm trying to build using NAnt. However, even with the simplest of build files, I still cannot get it to work. Below is my file. <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="Hello World" default="build"> <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5"/> <target name="b...

Calling NAnt from a .Net Application

I am working on a prototype project and need to put a new layer of abstraction over my existing NAnt scripts, for which I'd like to use .Net, possibly even WPF. What I have at present is a NAnt script which I call from a Command window (a DOS box, for the old-skoolers). As I said, I'd like to wrap this inside a WPF application that I c...

Gallio Integration with NANT and CruiseControl.NET

In our build process we're currently using MBUnit 2.x tests, called from an NAnt task, called from CruiseControl.NET. I've uprgaded to Gallio and MBUnit 3.x locally and am able to run tests from VS2008. I'm having trouble getting our build process upgraded. It looks like we have two options, either run the tests from

Compile WebSite Project with NAnt

Hi, I have a website project in Visual Studio 2008. I would like to build this website using MSBuild. I use the following command to build the solution: msbuild.exe mysolution.sln /t:Rebuild /v:q After I ran the command, it creates a new folder called precompiled, creates a copy of my project, removes all code files and places 1000 d...

How to append XML nodes using existing Nant or Nant Contrib tasks?

During a build process using Nant, how to update an xml file, for adding new nodes. I wish to do this by using existing Nant/NantContrib tasks ...

TeamCity 4.5 not recognizing trycatch element in nant script

Our team recently upgraded to TeamCity 4.5.4 but we're having trouble with TeamCity running our nant build scripts. We now get an error message saying: Invalid element <trycatch>. Unknown task or datatype. We haven't changed our build script during or after the upgrade so I'm wondering what, if any, change do we need to make to get thi...

Using the ASP Compiler in NAnt to build an ASP .Net MVC application

I am succesfully building ASP .Net applications in NAnt using the ASP Compiler, without a problem., as part of my Continuous Integration process. However, if I try exactly the same process on an ASP .NET MVC application, the build fails in NAnt, but will compile succesfully in Visual Studio. The error message I get in NAnt is: [Htt...

Will Selenium Grid run under NAnt (not Ant)?

I am trying to get Selenium Grid to run using NAnt but am a little lost, as all explanations I can find use Ant - although I thought they were fairly similar, I can't seem to fire off Selenium Grid on my local PC in this way. Here's the URLs to the Selenium Grid pages online that I've found, but they refer to Ant... Get started ...lea...

Error running aspnet_compiler on websites user controls

My builds and runs fine in Visual Studio, however when I run a Nant task to compile the website, it gives me an error: [path]\ContactView.ascx error CS0117: 'System.Web.UI.Usercontrol' does not contain a definition for 'Name' I have a UserControl called ContactView that has another UserControl called ContactForm. Contact Form is th...

How do I pass a value from to build-script? ccnet.config->

Hi all, I have various settings in my ccnet.config file and wish to pass them to my build file in order to keep these constants in one place. How do I do that?! Thanks, Anders, Denmark ...

How to use mercurial from nant

I have a little private Google code project. For a SCM I use Mercurial. And for the local build i would like to use nant. So basically: I would like to download my source files from a known mercurial repository using a nant task I would like to somehow get the revision number of the repository so that I can assemble a nice little asse...

Nant: Building projects using svn-externals

Using subversion and Nant for building. I have a main project that depends on several sub-projects. The sub-projects exist as separate projects inside subversion. My question is: Should the nant build script in the main project build all the referenced sub projects and itself? Or do the subprojects know how to build themselves and I ...

Nant build failing with NCover

I am currently setting up NCover as part of our CC.NET continuous integration. I've downloaded NCover 1.0.1 from sourceforge, and put the relevent DLLs into the correct nant folder so I can use the tasks in my build file. The build process instruments our source code correctly, and then goes on to build the solution using MSBuild. At t...

I have a error building a .vdproj on msbuild with nant

I'm getting used to using nant for build releases. But I have started to use MVC, and i choice make the setup for installation with a .vdproj . But, when I call the: < exec program="${dotnet.dir}/msbuild.exe" commandline='"./Wum.sln" /v:q /nologo /p:Configuration=Release' /> in nant, my result is: [exec] D:\My Document...

MSBuild stops on the first error when called inside NAnt script ?

I'm trying to build a VS 2008 solution in NAnt, but it seems msbuild stops the build process after the first compilation errror has occured. In MSBuild there is a "ContinueOnError=true" or "StopOnFirstFailure=false" attribute, but how to specify this in NAnt ? The failonerror="false"does not solve the problem: ...

The 'SQLNCLI' provider is not registered on the local machine

I have a NAnt-based script which that I run on my local PC that connects to SQL Server 2008 Express also running on my local PC to drop and recreate databases using .sql files - this works fine, no problem here. The problem comes when I have recreated the same set-up on another PC, I get the error in my NAnt script saying that: Syst...

Recommended build targets

I'm a solo developer looking into a tool such as MSBuild/NAnt to improve my build process. My project files are starting to get messy with post-build events and there are analysis tools I'd like to run some times and not others. I want to regain order and define everything into a build XML file. My thoughts for build targets are: Debu...

Can I target Silverlight 3.0 using NAnt?

How can I add a silverlight-3.0 target framework to NAnt? I tried modifying the nant.exe.config file, based on silverlight-2.0 profile, but that fails during compilation with CS0518: Type "System.Object" not defined or imported [error message translated from Polish]. Also, the silverlight-2.0 target does not seem to set "SILVERIGHT" cond...

NAnt and ASP.NET Compiler

I have a build script running successfully, but I am having a hard time running anything after aspnet_compiler completes. I want to use robocopy to copy the project to another folder. If I put the copy task above the compile (as shown below) I get the message to the console, but if I place it after the compile it is not seen. Am I mis...

Supressing Log Output for NAnt Delete Task

We are currently using CruiseControl.NET with NAnt 0.85 build scripts and while everything is working well, the log files are a little too verbose for my liking. In particular, when deleting folders using the <delete> task I always get a [delete] Deleting directory entry in the log. Fair enough but this task is run in a foreach loop ...