
Nant doubts????

Hi, I had posted a file which will read each line in the outfile.txt. <target name="main" description="compiles the source code"> <property name="i" value="0"/> <foreach item="Line" in="outfile.txt" property="x" trim="Both"> <property name="i" value="${int::parse(i) + 1}"/> <if test="${i==LineToRead}"> ...

Using nAnt to build projects containing EDMX

I've been working on training myself in the ways of using nAnt over the past few days, and have stumbled across an issue. During the development process, I've been using the new tools, like Entity Data Model, for database access. When you go to try to build a library/executable that contains the Edmx product, you cannot embed the requi...

Visual Studio 2008 Professional Build Process

I would like to accomplish two things during my build process: Run unit tests - I have a Test Project with my unit tests. I would like to run all of these tests on build and receive a notification if the build fails validation. Merge web.config files - I have 3 different environments with configuration details specific to each. I wou...

MSBuild vs nant

We were using nant for building our project (10+Class Lib) and a Web Site which was based on the ASP.NET 2.0. Recently we are in the process of moving towards the ASP.NET 3.5. I searched in the net and found that nant doesn't support 3.5. I am also looking in to option of migrating MSBuild. Is the MS Build right candidate for this? I...

How can I include a .xsd file in my nant build file?

I have a C# project in Visual Studio and I am trying to get it hooked up with Nant, CC.NET and some tests. Nant isn't compiling my project because it says it can't find one of my classes, called LocationData. The only thing I have for this class is a schema (LocationData.xsd and LocationData.xss). I have tried adding them under source...

nant mail issues

Hi, Can anyone please suggest me how we could configure the sending of mails through nant.I had even gone through the link but i was unsucessfull. thanks and regards maddy ...

How to use <xmlpeek> in NAnt

Hi, Can anyone suggest me with examples the way to use this command in the folder.If suppose i have an build.log file and i wann search errors or any particular pattern. I had tried that link of nant but just unable to figuer out correctly the way we should use those ones. Thanks and regards Maddy ...

How to make NAnt send an email using a real account

First of all, I have already seen this post: nant mail issues but the only answer is not satisfactory (i.e.: doesn't work for me). I am using NAnt to get latest version of source, upgrade version of the libraries and application, build the application, build the setups... all the usual things, I bet. I would like NAnt to send an email...

How to display task name in CruiseControl.NET while processing

Hello. I have installed CruiseControl.NET and created project with 3 tasks on taskList in nAnt. But when I run project to process on CruiseControl.NET I see only that: Executing Nant :BuildFile: ..\ Targets: compile, test, docu And my project is processing and processing ages and does not stop. And I can not figure out if...

What's this with the Microsoft Web Plaform

Sorry. I'm just bitten (or bit. Go figure with this left-to-right language :-) I've invested a huge amount of effort studying NANT and learning how to build a command line CI environment. My goal was to solve the build issue once and for all so I'll be able to develop a few projects (web sites) and have them deployed "at the press of a ...

Use of <mbunit> in NAnt fails

Hi Everyone, I got stuck up when I tried to run the Unit Test written using mbunit from NAnt. when I tried this lines of code in NAntbuilder. <mbunit report-types="Html;Xml;Text" report-filename-format="${test_results.file}" report-output-directory="${}" halt-on-failure="true" failonerror="tru...

Use nant to build a custom nant task

I'm using nant to build our product and have written a custom task to notify our helpdesk system that a new build is available. I've used nant to build the custom task and also to copy the custom nant task assembly into the nant folder so it's loaded automatically. Worked fine the first time I ran the build. The second time I ran the ...

How to create Virtual directory using MSBuild Script?

Hi, Can anyone please help me in converting the below nant script to MsBuild Script? http://localhost//Tupe path="${triad_web_src_code.dir}\T.csproj" /> If it is not a web solution then I need not map the solution & the msbuild could be like this : But this is not working fo...

Target ResolveReferences is not found

I am trying to publish an ASP.Net website through NAnt/MSBuild calls. MSBuild is called using the following arguments: <arg value="SubsManager.sln" /> <arg value="/t:ResolveReferences" /> <arg value="/t:_CopyWebApplication" /> <arg value="/p:Configuration=Release" /> <arg value="/p:OutDir=..\builda\Release\Web\bin\" /> <arg value="/p:W...

Building a tagged project with CruiseControl.Net

Hey dudes, my manager has asked me to setup build automation for our projects. I have decided to use CruiseControl.Net as our continuous integration server as some other team members have a little experience with it, I have none - which is why I am happy to undertake this task. We are using Subversion as our repository and the ultimate...

Nant - copy only modifiled files

I'm looking for Nant script syntax that will copy from one folder to an other all files that were modified within last 5 days. How I can cause to to include only modified files? Thanks ...

NAnt exec doesn't work with stdin redirection?

I'm trying to use jsmin with nant - and it just uses stdin and stdout for input and output. The nant 'exec' task allows you to redirect the output to a file, but not get the input from a file. I have tried with a 'commandline' using '>' and '<' to direct the input and output, but nant just goes away and doesn't come back :( I can't bel...

how to do builds with nant

Hi In my org, we are planning to go for nant for .net web applications. Source control is TFS, visual studio 2008. I would like to know how to do Builds with Nant? How to create msi and deploy the application using Nant? Is separate Build machine is required to do builds with nant? Somebody please help me out. I need step wise process....

Why does my nant task fail on CruiseControl (can't find nunit)?

My nant script fails when I run it under cruise-control on (Windows Server 2003), but works fine when run on the console. nant script (relevant section): <target name="compile" depends="init"> <echo message="Build Directory is ${build.dir}" /> <exec program="${framework::get-framework-directory(framework::get-target-framework()...

How do I run NAnt build then debug when pressing F5 in VS2005

We have a number of projects that have NAnt build files that we can run from batch files. We went this direction so we can tie the builds to subversion hooks and automate running the tests. However, the output of the NAnt build is significantly different from what is generated by VS when we push F5. We would like to be able to overrid...