
.Net dependency injection on debug build using nant

Hi All, I have a relatively small app that Im building using 2.0, and nant. Its a app that calls out to an external exe to produce some output files, then processes those output files afterwards. I have built an interface to the exe, which I have created a stub implementation and the real implementation, what I would like to be ...

How to use nxslt command line options with NAnt ?

My problem : I want to output several HTML files from a single XML file processed by XSLT. It seems easily possible with XSLT 2.0, but I am using NAnt with nxslt 2.3 for my builds, and thus the .NET Framework 2.0 XSLT 1.0 implementation. So I have to use EXSLT extension exsl:document for the multiple output. But using simply the nxslt ...

Perform a simple calculation in NANT program

I need to do a simple addition in NANT program like 1 + 1 =2. I am finding it difficult as every variable is taken as string by default in NANT. I have also tried using int::parse but it did not work. Regards Sarathy ...

Rhino Mocks nant error

Im trying to create a small app using .net 2.0 (client requirements :p), and I have added a reference to the Rhino Mocks dll file, then compiled it using VS2008, all good. But when I run ant on the project, I get the following error: [nunit2] SetUp/TearDown Failures: [nunit2] 1) DocGen.Test.TestDocumentConfigurator : Could not load ...

How to find a value of a variable which itself a value of another variable in NANT

Can someone help to resolve this. I'm unable to read the value of a variable which is value of another variable. ...

where does the build log go when building castle project with nant?

I am trying to build castle project using nant and get output ending in the following: common.compile-dll: [csc] Compiling 92 files to 'C:\code\OSS\castle\build\net-3.5\release\Castle.Core.dll'. [csc] error CS0006: Metadata file 'System.Core.dll' could not be found ...

Creating a custom WHILE loop in NANT

I have tried my best to create a custom while loop but ended in vain. Has anyone been successful in creating a custom while loop in NANT. Regards Sarathy ...

Has anyone encountered: "Could not load file or assembly 'aspnet_compiler... Failed to grant permission to execute"?

I am encountering a strange build issue in .NET 3.5. The compiler is crashing when it attempts to build a Web Deployment Project. C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v9.0\Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets(531,9): error MSB6006: "aspnet_compiler.exe" exited with code -532459699. Which leads to: Could not load file or ...

How do I update version number of dll generated by VS2005 web deployment project using NAnt

Hi I have a NAnt script that compiles our web application, but would like to programatically update the version number of the assembly it generates. I have sourced the version numbers already and you can assume they have been stored in some NAnt variables. Can figure out how to do this for standard projects, but not for web deployment ...

Stopping ASP WebDev and Selenium servers from command line

I am introducing Selenium tests into my build for the first time. I figured that to do this in NAnt, I would have to start the WebDev server first: <exec program="path/to/WebDev.WebServer.exe" commandline="/port:51150 /path:path/to/website" failonerror="true" resultproperty="selenium.webdev.server.running" spawn="true"> </ex...

echo message with new line in nant

Does anyone know how to output a message using echo with a new line character, in the ant world i used ${line.seperator}, but i dont see any related property in Nant, nor any of the functions provided this info. I also tried the \n escape character but that was printed as it is. An examaple is below <echo message="spool \n off \n quit" ...

NAnt Alternatives

I've been using NAnt for a while but it seems to be overly complex for what I need. I was wondering if there are any alternatives around for building C# projects? ...

Cruise control merging problem

Hi all, I am using cruise control which generated a particular output which is in text file format.So with the help of nant i am copying this file to another .xml of the same name in some other folder structure and i am using the file merge task which merges this output with my log files.I am also able to see this output merged in...

How to build a class library with Nant

How do I go about compiling a .net 3.5 class library into a dll with Nant (0.86)? This is what I have so far: How do I go about referencing a system dll in the GAC? This line done seem to work. <include name="System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll"/> This is my script: <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="MyCorp.Data" default="a...

Ignore NAnt warning

Hi all, I'm setting up a build server using NAnt (and CruiseControl.NET) and I'm currently writing the build file for all the assemblies (both in VB.NET/C#) in the application. Unfortunately whem compiles most of the projects, NAnt signals several warnings which stop the building process. Since I know these warnings are almost unrealisti...

CCNet triggers build, but succeds even i check in bad code to svn

HI, I have set up CruiseControl for .NET with SVN as my source control and using NAnt build script. When i manually build the visual studio solution i get the errors, which is correct coz i have some bad code. After i checked in the code to svn, CCNet triggered the build, but the result shows as SUCCESS. Please find the config and buil...

How to set nant target for CCnet nightly build?

I have a default nant build that runs on every checkin in What I would like to do is on a nightly schedule run a different nant task under the same build that would do a clean checkout of the codebase for the next day. Is this possible with I've done it with TeamCity and I'm rusty with as I haven't used it in awhi...

Deleting svn checkout with NAnt

I am attempting to delete a folder that is a svn checkout of my project so that I can do a fresh checkout. The problem is whenever I try to delete this folder using a nant delete task I keep getting the following error: [delete] Deleting directory 'C:\projects\my_project\Trunk'. BUILD FAILED c:\Projects\my_project\,4):...

nant scripts written to read values from .xls

Hi, Is there anyway by which we can read a value from an .xls file using nant scripts.The nant scripts should ask the input from the user and based on the inputs the should search the .xls file and when it sees the match,it should copy the corresponding mail ID and echo that mail ID to some other file and that echoed value sho...

nant reading from text file

Hi, I had posted a file which will read each line in the outfile.txt. <project name="Read3rdLine" default="main" basedir="."> <property name="myInt" value="0"/> <property name="x" value="0"/> <property name="LineToRead" value="2"/> <target name="main" description="compiles the source code"> <prope...