
iPhone: change Navigation Bar title color and back button title color

hi all, i want to change the NavigationItem title color. Also i want to the change the text color of back button of navigation bar. Please suggest how can i do this task? i am using iPhone Os sdk 3.1.2 ...

Silverlight 3 Navigation Framework: Query Custom URLs

Hi, It seems that with the Silverlight 3 Navigation Framework, it is possible to get a PHP-like parameter query mechanism like so: ..and get the title via Code-Behind. But what I want is something like this: I need to access "SomeCustomText" (or any cu...

jQuery Accordion and Navigation Issues

I am working on a site for a client and have run into a problem with the side navigation after adding jQuery Accordion to the main content area of the page. On this page: if you click on Products in the right hand sub-navigation bar nothing happens. I am not ...

Is there a way to prevent that a WPF page was navigated away?

I'm building a WPF navigation app, with pages. I want to ask the user if he want to save the changes when he leaves a page. Is there a way to do it? ...

Superfish dropdown position

Does anyone know if it is possible to have different positions for the dropdown UL's for superfish? I have a horizontal navigation bar, on the left side I would like the dropdowns to align to the left of the button, on the right side I would like them to align to the right of the button. ...

jQuery Navigation - Keeping the accordion open and show the active page.

I have seen a similar related post but my situation is a little different so I am posting a new question. I am working on a site that was built by someone else. The navigation is an accordion style that works nicely but I need to be able to have the navigation remain open with the current active page highlighted. I am relatively new to ...

Cleanr Theme Navigation Default Caption Removal

Hi all, I have installed wordpress "Cleanr" Theme. I customized it and its working great but just there is a problem of "Pages Caption" in header. I want to remove that caption but probably its coming from 'wp_print_styles' not sure please anybody to help me sort out this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards...

automate navigation of a JavaScript powered website

Hello, I need to automate navigation around a JavaScript powered website so I can scrape some content. I came across Chickenfoot, which is a FireFox extension that gives me a programming interface to the browser. Do you know of other solutions? ...

jQuery Navigation Assistance Needed

I have a jQuery based accordion style navigation that I am trying to modify. It uses this code: $('.interior #subContent > ul > li > a.drop').click(function(){ $(this).parent().children('ul').toggle("slow"); return false; }); I need to be able to keep it open to the section the active page is on. I can highlight the active link wi...

Creating a Web Navigation Helper Class for MVC

Hi, Im a newbie to MVC and trying to use the web navigator class in my MVC application. The class enables us to have stongly typed urls in a central class file. I have 3 questions: Is this the best way of storing strongly typed urls in MVC or does MVC has some special helper methods...

Add UIActivityIndicatorView into UIBarButton

How do I add a UIActivityIndicatorView spinner circle into a UIBarButton? So that when a user taps on one of those buttons on the navigation bar, they see a spinner while the loading takes place? Thanks. ...

Silverlight Navigation issues

I am trying to navigate to pages passing parameters, which I have got to work from the mainpage, but when I try and do a similar thing at a lower level I get a page not found error (the index page works, but the DetailsIndex does not) MainPage.xaml <navigation:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper x:Name="myUri"> ...

Zend Framework - multiplate navigation blocks

Hi I want to use the navigation helper to build my navigation menus using Acl. The Acl part I have working fine. I now want to be able to display a few different types of navigation. E.g. admin-nav, side-nav, new-nav, etc. I cannot find anything about this in the docs. Only how to set the navigation and then use that one navigation obj...

Silverlight cant find page error

I have started a a new project (to refactor some code), and just can't work out why I keep getting "Can't find page /Index" error. The code works fine until I use an add method (on any collection type). So I don't think there is a problem with the navigation, but an issue with my IndexViewModel class. public partial class Index : Pag...

Jquery history - Ajax navigation - How to make url request and search request?

I'm using the Jquery history exemple: I don't really know how to make a search query using a search box form and how to create a search link like: mysearch.php?search=search+term&submit=1 Normal link are usually as follow: load 3 It's probably adding code to the function in the main page but i'...

Wordpress Navigation

I am working on a Wordpress Theme, I need to work on the navigation, I am having a little trouble creating it. The navigation I am looking for looks like this: I have gotten this far: if (is_front_page()) { wp_list_pages('title_li=&exclude=12&depth=1'); } else { // display the subpages of the current page ...

accordion menu error 1010

Hey guys, I'm trying to create an accordion menu off of an online tutorial. I followed every step (i think) on Original Tutorial but changed things according to my size, as well as make the instance names end with _mc or _txt accordingly. But for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. I'm getting the #1010 error and it doesn't re...

Rails category navigation with tags

Hi, rails newb here. I want to create a navigation system for my web application where there are several main categories for articles and several sub tags for each category. For example, in category "Writing" there might be subcategories like "Essays," "Poetry" and "Fiction." Each article would have a list of tags. If someone clicks t...

Silverlight 3 Custom Control Event-handling Navigation

I have a Silverlight 3 aplication, The solution (of 3 projects) looks Like this: ChartsCustomControl    PieChart.cs SLGrid.Web SLGrid    NavigationPage.xaml    Views       PieChartPage.xaml          PieChartPage.xaml.cs I'm using the navigation Frame control, and have a folder named Views for the different pages. PieChartPage.xaml.cs ...

combining flipsideview and navigationview

when i am trying to combine flipsideview and navigation view i am getting following error "request for member 'delegate' is something not in a structure or union" on the line controller.delegate = self; ...