
WPF - Accessing the BackStack property of Frame from inside the frame

I have a Page which is loaded inside a Frame element via it's Source property. I need to get access to the Frames .BackStack property from the source xaml's code-behind... Is that possible? so roughly the code is - <Frame x:Name="contentFrame" Source="ProjectsPage.xaml"/> in the ProjectsPage.xaml.cs i want to access properties on i...

JS/jQuery: How can I select the first LI item of an UL navigation when hovering over another (lower) LI element?

Hello again. I am trying to make a navigation that uses simple unordered lists to list all the links. Basic stuff. However the first LI element has a class name of "section-title". following this 'section-title' are the links to the other pages. Now i would like to change the background color of the li.section-title to black while hove...

Transitioning between subviews in a navigationController?

Hello, In my app I have a drill-down type interface as follows: My root view, which has a list of items and an "Add" button. Selecting an item pushes the "Detail" view on the navigationController. Selecting the "Add" button pushes an "Add" view. How would I transition between the Add view to the Detail view? I'm thinking of doing an u...

Back / Forward buttons and usability

The Back and Forward buttons in a browser or browser-like application navigate temporally (sequence in which user navigated pages), which may not necessarily reflect the logical order of the pages. Are there any studies that looked at how this impacts the user's mental model? Any thoughts on how to improve usability and reduce confusion?...

Navigating with arrow keys

What are some generally accepted practices for navigating between irregularly placed and sized elements in a canvas (such as controls on a form) using the arrow keys? For example, if the currently focused element is a tall element (A) whose height encompasses three shorter elements to the right of it (B, C and D): ####### ####### # ...

back commandbutton in jsf

how would one implement a back-button as a commandbutton that works universally? with back button i don't mean the browser-button, but rather a button that sits somewhere on the page. it is not always possible to use the Post-redirect-get pattern. its quite impractial to pass around the information on every single where the button shoul...

where to put page navigation links

I'm wondering what are the benefits of having your top row of 'important' links/buttons on a web page duplicated at the bottom. Traditionally the bottom of forms or pages has been for boring stuff like site maps and privacy information; but; in pages where you scroll down many pages (that wrote funny) it is a pain to have to return to t...

WPF: Is ListBox or Panel responsible for mouse wheel navigation?

I have a custom ListBox which uses a custom Panel as ItemsHost. I want to have control over mouse wheel input, so that turning the wheel changes the single selected item. I believe that the best method to do so is to handle the OnPreviewMouseWheel event (although this is only have what I want since it doesn't provide horizontal wheel da...

Can I use jQuery to create a function that on click goes to a URL then executes a jQuery function on it?

Hello. I am not entirely sure if this is possible or not but so far you guys here at SO were always able to help me out so here it goes: The following website: Has a navigation that works fine on the main page but (due to me making a mistake) does not work on the sub pages as it relies on images being loaded and ...

Listview navigation behaviour in an xbap versus a standalone app

Hello, I have an wpf application which contains a listview. When the application runs as a standalone I can navigate through the list with the arrow up and the arrow down keys on the keyboard. When the application is deployed as an XBAP and runs in a browser window I can do this too but when I for example reach the top element and press...

How does Facebook keep the header and footer fixed while loading a different page?

When browsing through Facebook pages the header and fixed footer section remain visible between page loads AND the URL in the address bar changes accordingly. At least, that's the illusion I get. How does Facebook achieve that technically speaking? ...

How to maintain state on a master page image menu when going to a different page?

I need to setup an image menu. The client wants a specific font and the tabs aren't really CSS-able. That said, I am wondering what the approach is to maintain state on selected menu items? For example: Lets say I have 5 tabs --HOME-- --YOUTH-- --ADOLESCENCE-- --ADULT-- When the user clicks on the 'YOUTH' menu item, they are ta...

sub nav not directing to page (jquery)

Hi, I have basic markup for a drop down nav, nested lists. The user will click on the top nav item, which will open up the sub nav, but my sub nav links aren't working. It is in a CMS so I must have the links for the placeholder pages there. Markup: <ul class="navtop"> <li><a href="">Who</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Sub Item 1</a>...

Converting SharePoint Quick Launch Navigation into Fly Out Button Navigation

I am in the process of branding my SharePoint Site and would like to take the existing Quick Launch navigation and display it as buttons that fly out. I believe the best way to do this is by using CSS and I have found some information on how to create dynamic vertical lists, however, not sure how to incorporate the existing quick launch...

How Do I Initialize a View When Using Navigation Controller

I have a table view that's showing a list of bank transactions. When I tap one, I'd like to show the editing dialog, initialized with the current data. I'm doing something like this currently to get the controller and to initialize the text fields on its view: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPa...

Nav table - need info from two different tables

Hello new to PHP and in a bit of a bind. I need to diplay a nav bar PID = "nid" nid is the page i am on so say i am on a page A and page A has 5 sub nav categories(child ID) then they will display on the left side. MY problem here is that the cid and its name are on two different tables..(tables are listed at bottom) Thanks $navQuery ...

How to launch a browser and later direct it to a page?

Hi, I need to launch a browser, do some work and then make the browser navigate to a URL (in that order). The first part is of course simple and I have a Process object. I am at a loss as to how to later direct it to the target page? How do I treat the Process as a browser and make it navigate to the desired page? Any help, pointers,...

Removing an Item from Magento's Admin Panel Navigation

Using the Magento Ecommerce system, is is possible to remove an item from the Admin Panel Navigation menu? More generally, is there a way to use the config override system to remove existing elements from a configuration? I know I can add to the navigation with an override that looks something like this ...

WPF - Swapping in and out xaml files to create different screen designs

I am creating an application that uses the MS Ribbon Control. The ribbon has a several tabs. The first tab is labeled "View", the next is labeled "Configure". Under View I show a view of our system, which is laid out in the Window1.xaml file. When I press the Configure tab, I would like the View to go away and be replaced by differ...

DOM Navigation with JQuery in ASP.Net

I've written the JQuery below, and have had to search for items in the DOM using multiple calls to .parent() because the ClientIDs rendered in ASP.Net are built up dynamically in the html. I'm aware that this will cause problems each time we change the markup code, and would like to see if anyone knows of a better way to do this in ASP....