
Parent Control containing child control which is of same type as parent control.

I need to create a form which needs to show a list of folders where each folder may further contain other folder and file. Like window folder view it can be nested to n-level. I can't use tree view control as some edting and formatting requirement can't be met. The datastructure i am using is not folder view but almost same as f...

Accessing Checkbox in child repeater of nested repeaters and performing task on button click

Hi anybody plz explain me about nested repeaters, i have successfully, done listing of records in nested repeaters, now I want to access or do Findcontrol of record Linkbutton and open related message in a new window, checkbox looped through all records - on checking the checkbox and cliking on submit button task will be performed and th...

One liner nested hash creation in ruby? (I come from perl)

I am a perl person and I have made hashes like this for awhile: my %date; #Assume the scalars are called with 'my' earlier $date{$month}{$day}{$hours}{$min}{$sec}++ Now I am learning ruby and I have so far found that using this tree is the way to do many keys and a value. Is there any way to use the simple format that I use with pe...

What should I know before converting content pages to nested master-content pages in .net?

Hi There, I have a main master page, say MasterPageMain, and a couple of folders with couple of pages in each folder which act as a child page to that master page - MasterPageMain. Now, I have about 10 pages in one of the folder which follows a certain pattern and they could really use a nested pages since any change on some parts need...

Add elements in a list of dictionaries

I have a very long list of dictionaries with string indices and integer values. Many of the keys are the same across the dictionaries, though not all. I want to generate one dictionary in which the keys are the union of the keys in the separate dictionaries and the values are the sum of all the values corresponding to that key in each of...

jQuery lavaLamp, misbehaving with child <ul>'s

Hey, I've been playing around with for a navigation menu on a new site I'm building and it works great with minimal fuss, I then started wondering if I could add some sub navigation options to the menu and set about building that in. The trouble I'm having is making the lavaLamp plugin ...

How to view an HABTM check box list inside a nested model

I'm running into a problem viewing a list of 'category' checkboxes when I try to nest them in a fields_for form. I have a 'product' model that 'has_many' 'photos' which 'has_and_belongs_to_many' 'categories'. I'm pretty sure all my associations in my models are correct, as is my joins table for the 'photos' and 'categories' relations...

Fail on trying to findViewById for nested TextView (within ListView)

Trying to have a ListView (scrollable list) of rows made of two TextViews. I have a list of items from a database that I want to populating into the LinearLayout->ListView->TextView but can't get to the id... Layout somewhat like this instructional link, but have backed away from RelativeLayout and using LinearLayout to get it workin...

why wasn't the idea of nested functions, implemented in older c++ standard?

was the idea of nested functions considered to be useless during the time of developing older c++ standard, because its usage is basically covered by another concept like object-oriented programming; or it wasn't implemented just as a matter of simplification? ...

Java nested wildcard generic won't compile

I have a problem with bounded nested wildcards in Java generics. Here's a common case: public void doSomething(Set<? extends Number> set) {} public void callDoSomething() { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); doSomething(set); } This is standard Java generics, works fine. However if the wildcard becomes nested, it ...

SQL: how to use column name from an outer clause in an inner clause?

How can I use the value from an outer clause inside an inner clause using nested SELECT statements? Eg: SELECT cost AS c, quantity, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM accounts WHERE cost = c) FROM accounts Can c be referenced in the inner SELECT clause as attempted above? ...

Parsing nested structures in PHP with preg_match

Hello I want to make something like a meta language which gets parsed and cached to be more performant. So I need to be able to parse the meta code into objects or arrays. Startidentifier: { Endidentifier: } You can navigate through objects with a dot(.) but you can also do arithmetic/logic/relational operations. Here is an example o...

MYSQL: Instead of using SELECT statements in a while loop - what are my options?

I have a table which contains a list of categories and and another table which contains a list of products in each category. e.g. CatID | Cat_Name ---------------- 1 | Books 2 | CDs and ProductID | Product_Name | CatID ------------------------------------ 1 |The Bible | 1 2 |The Koran | 1 ...

having trouble returning this type in A Asynchronous WCF Service Call From Silverlight

I have a WCF Service. It returns the below type. I get the data in the first level but not any of the data in the nested lists... What could be my problem? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace slCF2.Web { public class Customer { string _firstname; string...

Nested query in from clause

Hello, I wrote this LINQ code: from workTask in VwWorkTask.Where(e => e.TaskStateStr != "A" && e.TaskStateStr != "B") join workContext in TblWorkTOBProlongationWorkContexts on workTask.WorkContextId equals workContext.Id join client in VwClient on workContext.Client equals client....

Positiong nested movieclips based on stage

I have multiple nested movieclip in its own different movieclip, and i would like to arrange them accordingly. My idea was to use the localToGlobal function. I can get the position of the MC on stage, but how do I use the function and place the MC based on stage? cAPos = new Point(objectA.y); newcAPos = objectA.localToGlobal(cAPos); cB...

Setting property values declaritively for nested properties in web user control

Using ASP.NET 2.0 Say I have a user control that has a property which contains other properties. Is there a way to set these in a declarative fashion? For example, setting the MapOptions.Zoom property: <goog:RegionPicker runat="server" id="RegionPicker1" MapOptions.Zoom="15" ></goog:RegionPicker> I know I can expose it as a normal ...

Jquery - select immediate li text without selecting children ul's text

Hi, I'm trying to take a structure of nested html unordered lists as a database for some information a need to organize and analyze. I'm trying to filter, count and present the information using jQuery. I'm striving for the lists not to have any class or id attribute, so that they are very clean. Only the root would have a class or id li...

Updating user field with current_user when saving nested objects

I'm saving nested objects within the objects they belong to, but when i do that they do not use the controller im saving but the parents controller. class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :company belongs_to :user has_many :tasks accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :allow_destroy => true end in the views i have somet...

Nested map<K,V>'s instead of List< Object[] > as return values. Any problems?

The situation occurs when getting some data from the database to compose a report that is grouped by various fields. For example, grouped by month, then type and then actual vs prediction. The database query returns simply a List< Object[] >. But it is boring to directly render it as an HTML table. What I do is to group the data inside a...