
MVC Master page and RenderPartial

I'm trying to create nested master pages in MVC. In the main master page I have a partial view that is rendered using Html.RenderPartial. This works fine when using the main master page directly in my view. The problem occurs when I have a child master page of the main master page. When using the child master page the RenderPartial metho...

jquery reading nested json

I have the following json as seen below. I'm trying to read the values TOP1, TOP2. I'm a little unsure of how to do this. I'm using the following .. But that just gets me an object which has the nested objects for TOP1 and TOP2. How do I get the values TOP1 and TOP2 ?? $.getJSON('http://localhost/data/menufixed.json', function(dat...

Can we avoid npe while checking for null in nested java objects?

1) if(null != parentObj.childObj) 2) if(parentObj.childObj != null) Do you think that "1" will avoid a potential null pointer exception in the case where 'parentObj' is null, in contrast to "2"? ...

how can I drag nested UL's in jQuery's UI?

I have the following setup: <ul class='_lscolumn'> <li>column1 <ul class='_lswindow'> <li>window1 <ul class='_lslink'> <li>link1</li> <li>link2</li> </ul> </li> <li>window2</li> <li>window3 ...

Correctly instantiating a nested fields_for without showing older saved objects ?

I have a nested form that instantiates as this : - 2.times { } - form_for @organization do |f| = f.error_messages - f.fields_for :referrals do |f| Except, the nested forms are supposed to be always new and unique. Where as this form shows previously created objects as well. So I tried to write as so...

Can a model belong_to more than one model ?

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post belongs_to :user end So with the above association can I fetch both user and post details from a given comment object?. like and @comment.user.user_name. Also please note that I have used comment as a nested resource of post. resources ...

jQuery UI dragging nested sortables to sortable tab

I'm combing a lot of things jQuery's UI can do, up to a point where I got lost... I set up a sample at let me know if you have a problem getting to that. Anyway, I am able to order links and drag 'em to other windows, and I'm able to do the same with windows and columns. What I want is to be able to d...

Show/hide child elements within a nested list block

I'm modifying a tree view of some relationships we have, I've managed (with help) to get the checkbox ticking the children of itself but what I'm attempting to do now is by clicking the plus next to each parent display the relevant child levels. Likewise, if the minus is clicked, it should hide the child elements. The list can contain a...

div in front of another resets jQuery hover animation. how to prevent this?

hello. i have an animate effect applied to 4 divs in order to create a blinds effect: when you hover over the first box it grows , the other 3 shrink and when you "mouseout" all 4 return to 25% of the total height. i want to insert a nested div inside each box (in front, actually with absolute positioning) in order to present some text...

How To Use Reflection To Find UserControls On A Page In A Nested MasterPage

I have a CommonMaster page that then contains a ConfigurableReportsMaster page. I then have an AutitLog.aspx page. Now, on that .aspx page I have multiple UserControls. Some of these UserControls are inheriting from an ISQLFilter interface, but not all. While on the .aspx, in a RunReport event (that currently successfully fires) I ...

IBM Nested Relational Database White Paper

I'm reading up on recent advances in databases and came across many references to a White paper by IBM entitled "Nested Relational Database". However the links seem to be broken, and I have not been able to find a copy on IBM's website. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this paper? ...