
jquery accordion performance

Does anyone know how many elements a jQuery accordion can handle before performance becomes a problem? I have a nested accordion structure with ten items at the root level, and then a handful of nested items within each root item down to a nesting level of three or four. Performance is unusable. It isn't great even with two levels. A...

nested master page with more than one nesting pages

I dont know if I have the right title for this question but here goes - I have this specification. i have 1 master page that has a top navigation bar linked to some aspx pages. These aspx pages have the masterpagefile as the main master page. Now i need 2 forms in the main master page that are part a and part b. So Part a = firstname, ad...

Displaying partially hierarchical data with nested repeaters

I'm SO close, but so far. I've got two tables, one for publication details, the other for the categories adjacency list. I'm trying to display the full dataset with nested repeaters (unless there's a better way) and I'm building my DataSet as shown: string strSql = "SELECT category_id, parent_id, cat_name_en " + "FROM c...

nested div toggle problem

I have been struggling with this for days and I'm getting fed up :( I hope someone can figure this out? Ive got a set of divs (systems/blocks) each has a header h2 and a child div. Each child div (sub systems) each has a header h3 and a child div with some links. When I click on systemHeader I want to toggle only the subSystems div. Whe...

Input value undefined inside nested loop - jquery

Hi, I have been trying to solve this for a while. I am trying to get value of a form input which is inside a nested loop. But its coming undefined. Any idea why so? Thanks much for your help in advance. Here is the code for example. I am getting the value of $(#fund-no-"+f).attr('value') without any problem. Its $("#year-" + year_amt +...

I am trying to produce a 3 level deep nested list from a dreamweaver recordset

I have put a page up at that shows all the records produced by this recordset code: SELECT manufacturer.manDesc, models.modelDesc, engine.engineSize FROM manufacturer INNER JOIN models ON (manufacturer.manID = models.manID) INNER JOIN model_engine ON (models.modelID = model_engine.model...

How do you make a form out of a polymorophic table?

I am trying to create a comment that could comment on other comments but are all derived from a single post. What is especially troubling for me is trying to figure out how to make it so that this can all be achieved in the post show and not its edit or new. Is this archtecturally reasonable? That way I can access it via Post.comments,...

Zend DB Select nested Joins

I'm trying to realize the following query with zend db select: SELECT `uac`.`uid`, `u`.`uid`, `g`.`groupid`, `g`.`packageid` FROM `user_has_data` AS `uac` INNER JOIN `users` AS `u` ON u.uid = uac.uid LEFT JOIN (`user_in_group` AS `uig` INNER JOIN `groups` AS `ag` ON (ag.groupid = uig.groupid) AND (ag.packageid = 2) ) AS `g` ON u...

Trying to make comments of comments. How to arrange models?

My :post model is the parent model. Within a post are many comments. And comments have potential of having many more comments, and so forth. I thought I had had this right, but I were to type : Comment.last.comments I get : NoMethodError: undefined method `comments' for #<Comment:0x1053a1ff0> My Models : #comment.rb belongs_to ...

Having an issue with nested for loops in R...

Hello, I am currently using apTreeshape to simulate phylogenetic trees using the "Yule-Hardy" Method. What I want to do is randomly generate between 20 and 25 different numbers for three different groupings (small, medium and large trees) and then generate about 40 trees for every random number chosen from within the grouping. I know h...

Nested Dictionaries in Python, with implicit creation of non-existing intermediate containers?

I want to create a polymorphic structure that can be created on the fly with minimum typing effort and be very readable. For example: a.b = 1 a.c.d = 2 a.c.e = 3 a.f.g.a.b.c.d = cucu = bau I do not want to create an intermediate container such as: a.c = subobject() a.c.d = 2 a.c.e = 3 My question is similar to this one: http...

Navigating to a nested xib

I have a menu view (Menu.xib) that has several options. One of the options is 'Games' which when touched goes to a list of games (GamesList.xib). On this view there is an '+' button to add a new game (AddGame.xib). What I would like to do is from the menu, click Add Game option which will load GamesList and then AddGame. So when I have ...

.NET - Replacing nested using statements with single using statement

If you came across some C# code like this with nested using statements/resources: using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { using (var reader = new BinaryReader(responseStream)) { // do something with reader } ...

links in nested master page pointing to both master pages

i have 1 master page with a 2 page form in it. since i cannot accomodate both pages of form on this master page, i made a nested master page which shall load with page 2 of the form. Now the original master page has 5 different URL links in it. I want these links to be seen from both the master pages. So doesnt matter where the user is, ...

Calling parent method from within the parent class

Here's an excerpt from my code package dictionary; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.regex.*; public class IntelliCwDB extends CwDB { public IntelliCwDB(String filename) { super(filename); } @Override public void add(String word, String clue) { System.out.println...

jQuery toggling nested list behaviour

Hi, I have a number of nested lists and some jQuery that shows hides them when a parent header is clicked. IT works fine but the behaviour is slightly wrong. If a nested list is visible and the parent header is clicked i would like that nested list to be hidden. At the moment it does this but then shows the nested list directly after...

javascript functions not working when in put in different files.

I'm new to this whole thing, and am making a web app that relies heavily on dynamically loaded html pages into a div on the main page. The main page links to various js files including jquery and some of my own. As well as this, each of the loaded html files links to its own js file to control user interaction. And some of them also ...

Augmenting Bates' `find_commentable` method

I'm watching a Ryan Bates screencast on polymorphic relationships, and he uses this private method for finding all comments related to a nested model. So I could find all the comments of a given Post with this : def find_commentable params.each do |name, value| if name =~ /(.+)_id$/ return $1.classify.constantize.find(value...

comparing two lists, python

I should define a function overlapping() that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one member in common, False otherwise. For the sake of the exercise, I should write it using two nested for-loops. What am I doing wrong? def overlapping(a,b): for char in a: for char2 in b: return char in char2 ...

Style for nested gridview

Hi I have am using nested GridView to show Customers in the mainGrid View and CustomerDetails in the Inner GridView. for the outer GridView there is a CellPadding set of 4px. Now when i use nested gridview, I do not want the Pading to be apllied for the cell containing the InnerGridView. Please help me with this. I am stuck on this issue...